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This question is addressed primarily to the ladies of CERB, but everyone's input is appreciated. What is the primary motivation for SPs and MPAs travelling for business? This question came to my mind because some of the SPs and MPAs I have selected to see seem to leave town quite often for other cities in Canada and the US. When you are trying to book a local provider who travels a lot it is a bit of a nuisance because they are not available half of the time.


I am therefore curious as to why some SPs travel for business and others do not. How do SPs feel about travelling? What is the main reason providers travel for business? Is it because the local market is too small, or because you prefer variety to seeing the same regular customers all the time? Is it because you are adventurous by nature or perhaps you want to learn about more about the business?


When I asked this question to SPs and hobbyists on Twitter, I received the Kevin O'Leary response - It's all about the MONEY.


I'm curious about how the ladies of CERB feel. Do you travel for business? Why or Why not?

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Well I don't have an answer specifically to your question. But from a guys, well this guy's perspective, the ladies that do travel allow guys to have encounters with ladies that they otherwise wouldn't be able to meet. For me, I have to travel anywhere from 2 1/2 hours up to 3 1/2-4 hours to get to a city to see a lady, so when there are ladies who travel, I really appreciate the time and effort that is required by them so we can see them

The only glitch for me, is co-ordinating my schedule with the lady's touring schedule (the proverbial ships passing in the night LOL), so I find myself on an almost daily basis checking lady's websites for their calendar to find out their tour schedule so I can arrange an encounter.

Some morning ramblings while the first pot is still brewing


Edited by r__m__g_uy

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The money is not a surety. Traveling is risky with an initial overlay for flights, hotels and meals.


Part of it is likely no different from why I enjoy traveling for business: get to see a new place, experience a different culture (even if its just another part of vast Canada) on the company dime.

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I've travelled twice and both times were just to try something new. I did massage in Kingston and I danced at Centerfolds in Thunder Bay. I have a steady client base in Ottawa and massage business here is fabulous, so money is not reason to travel for me.

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When you travel, you hope to make a profit over and above your expenses. Which can be very high. However, it's often a crapshoot, as clients often tend to book once you've arrived. So pre-bookings aren't always in abundance, or can always be counted on. So, you get there, announce your arrival and wait for the calls and emails. Unless you're a seasoned, well-known, well-reviewed traveling SP, it can be difficult to leave a new place without much money in your pocket. It happens. But now knowing what traveling SPs must go through...booking flights, making the flight, finding and booking a suitable hotel room, advertising, packing, living out of a suitcase, eating take-out all the time, loneliness, cancellations and no-shows; they all deserve our respect for what they go through to see you.

Myself, I usually only travel to Ottawa, mostly because of Cerb. I've met wonderful people each time I've gone and it's definitely what keeps me coming back, at least once a year! However, I have decided this year to live and work in Saskatoon for the month September. I could spend the month traveling the country, but the way I am, I'd rather dig my heels and get comfortable in one place for a while. I must be getting old. :(

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Guest C*****tte

The reason for most is financial.


I used to travel once a month for a week's time. I did this in 2008 and 2009 because my Montreal clientele while loyal was/is small. Most local clients choose a different type of provider than myself. As visiting businessmen were not coming to Montreal due to the times (was early recession) I found business in other cities.


Now I stick close to home and only visit Ottawa. I rarely announce my visits though as I am there only for a couple of days and see regulars.


It is nice to have spent the time to develop these connections and feel more solid and established in a business that is in such flux.

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I choose not to travel for work. I'm quite happy and do quite well in Ottawa, so don't have the financial draw to travel, and also, I'd prefer to keep the people who know 'Cleo' in one spot. Now I'm aware that not all of my clients are from Ottawa, and being on these boards draws an audience outside of just Ottawa, but still, the chances of me running into a client in the supermarket or bar (which has happened here in Ottawa), in another city is not very likely.


However, I almost went to Halifax recently (until the trip fell through on me, waaaaaaaaah!), and had a very friendly and welcoming response from both SPs and hobbiests, so if I do make it out there I will choose to work for a few days out of my trip. In that case, money does come into effect because it would be nice to be able to offset the cost of my trip. But also it would be because I've spoken with so many people from there on this board I'd want to put some faces to the names. Other than that though I have no real intention of working anywhere but Ottawa - so keep treating me well Ottawa, hahaha!

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Many ladies have the opportunity to tap into a small market or even more metropolitan cities which is why some travel. Ottawa used to be a small market in this business and many ladies would visit here but things have since changed. Some another ladies like to go on what I call work binges and they will tour another city and go into work mode for a few days or a week, go home and then take that time off. Sometimes this can be a good thing and it's a good way to make a lot of money in a short period of time.


Another reason ladies travel could be due to the fact that men want variety. They want that "new girl" so an SP could be viewed as a "new commodity" which could work to their advantage financially when initially visiting and even on subsequent trips you build up a clientele. When I first went to Toronto it took me about 3 months to establish myself there and I did extremely well. So well that I eventually rented a condo there and one here. I ended up living there at one point and then travelled back and forth between here and Ottawa. This lasted for 3 years and then I had enough. I have also worked in Vancouver several times along with U.S. cities such as Philadephia, Boston, Chicago, and Washington D.C.


Change can be a good thing and sometimes staying local can become too routine or slow at times so it's a nice change once in a while but there is no way I would do what I just mentioned above these days. The business has changed, my priorities and obligations have changed but it wouldn't stop me from visitng another city here and there. I was fortunate enough to be in the business when it was really profitable and I was young. Living out of a suitcase sounds like it could be exciting but when I left the business for a few years, I did not want to check into another hotel, go to another restaurant or fly on a plane for a long time. I was happy to be at home. It's called travel burnout which happens to a lot of people in many different jobs and careers. It can be a hard life to travel for business all the time and I commend other SPs who do it because I have been through all that. It was fun while it lasted and I've met some great people and had some great experiences.

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Its all business and balance. I've been so impressed by the business sense of many of the ladies in this industry. Not that I should have doubted I was just ignorant. I see many of them strategically select cities they will visit and I see them adjust their plans based on client demand. I too am a frequent traveller and am grateful that in some cities our paths have crossed. I think other ladies either establish a local client base or may have family obligations that keep them at home. For those travelling lots...glad to share a glass of wine in the hotel lounge and then a nice cozy evening to make lonely nights disappear. Cub.

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