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EMMA BARROWS ☀️ AUG 12th-27th

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Helllllllooo beautiful humans!

Most of you know that I’ve had to step back since the end of February due to multiple deaths and medical issues in my family. I’m happy to say that I’m finally ready to come back! Grief is a funny, non-linear thing, but I’m very fortunate to have a wonderful support system and I’m feeling a little bit lighter these days.

That being said, I will be making a very very slow comeback. I’ll only be available a couple days a week for the next couple of months and taking a very limited number of clients so pre-booking will be paramount!


I also have a brand new phone number so if you are a previously screened client, please email me, DM me here or on Twitter and I’ll give you my new number.
💥 IMPORTANT: The person who has my old number has been asking people to send them money. This is NOT me! 


 As always, I am LGBTQIA2S+ friendly and cater to all genders, orientations, races, ages (18+), and abilities. You are safe with me!


Currently booking for:


Monday 12th  11:30am-8pm

Wednesday 14th  1pm-8pm

Monday 19th  1pm-8pm

Wednesday 21st  2pm-3pm

Monday 26th  5pm-9pm

Tuesday 27th  1:30pm-8pm


Limited availability as I only take a couple bookings a day, pre-bookings highly recommended!! Screening for new clients is required. DM, text, or email to book [email protected]


Duos and fetish sessions available, please inquire!

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