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I was having a conversation with one of the more generous persons I have ever met. Even when some have taken advantage of her she has forgotten about it no hard feelings.


I suddenly brought up about this kid I recently met (she knows him too) who is having a hard time and apparently his parents do not care very much. So I asked if there was something we could do and she responded with a 'why would I care?' Ok not the words she used but the message sent.


It made me sad that someone that caring would give such a cold answer and I remembered how she always said 'family comes first' but what about others who may need us more?


I consider myself lucky to have found a balance and care for both, perhaps because my family does not really need financial help. But then financial is not the only kind of support one needs.


Thoughts? I believe the key is giving others what they are in need for according to our possibilities of course either if is providing food, clothing, spare change hugs, comfort, etc.


Thanks to those who read this and may post, I feel better already finding my own answers lol but look forward to other opinions :)

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Guest tr*****e

Well, from my admittedly limited experience, it would seem that while we sometimes have to make an unpalatable choice, this lady has made an optional choice. There are situations that require one of the two, sometimes a combination of both. However, what she said does seem a little harsh, not knowing why she said it.

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Guest W***ledi*Time

Of course we need to choose. There are an infinite number of needs and shortcomings in this world. Each of us, on the other hand, is merely human, merely finite. To do everything we possibly can while staring into the infinite abyss ... is to choose.

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I guess I did not use the right title for the thread, my point was I don't get why sometimes we decide to choose on circumstances where we could have/do a bit of both. I know is because we all have different priorities and ways to see things but still from my point of view when it comes to compassion one shouldn't have to choose.

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Additional Comments:

I guess I did not use the right title for the thread, my point was I don't get why sometimes we decide to choose on circumstances where we could have/do a bit of both. I know is because we all have different priorities and ways to see things but still from my point of view when it comes to compassion one shouldn't have to choose.

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In the end the difference could be the choice of those we know and those we don't. You know this boy, you know his name and his face, maybe even his dreams and his ambitions and his fears. He is a genuine human being to you. There are tens of millions of people around the world who also need help, whether they be stricken by drought or disease or poverty or war. But as callous as it sounds, they are simply a number to most of us because we could never comprehend 100 million names and faces. We can give money to the United Way and the Red Cross every month, but we never see the faces of those that recieve the help that money provides. But when we help an individual, when we see the smile that lights there face of the laugh that interupts the sadness or hear a sincere thank-you, it means more to us. In the end, the choice is do we help those whose pain we can see as well as those whose suffering we can't.

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In the end the difference could be the choice of those we know and those we don't. You know this boy, you know his name and his face, maybe even his dreams and his ambitions and his fears. He is a genuine human being to you. There are tens of millions of people around the world who also need help, whether they be stricken by drought or disease or poverty or war. But as callous as it sounds, they are simply a number to most of us because we could never comprehend 100 million names and faces. We can give money to the United Way and the Red Cross every month, but we never see the faces of those that recieve the help that money provides. But when we help an individual, when we see the smile that lights there face of the laugh that interupts the sadness or hear a sincere thank-you, it means more to us. In the end, the choice is do we help those whose pain we can see as well as those whose suffering we can't.


Couldn't have said it any better. When you see someone you know in need, you try to do what you can to help, and do so in for lack of a better word, a personal way. When it is a person, or peoples, that you don't know, you are less likely to help, or the help you provide may be of less effort (ie, donating to United Way, donations to food banks etc)

Some quick thoughts


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Just met someone who made me understand the person I talk about better. She may have not made a choice but not have more to give in that area, at least not currently which makes sense after all those who took advantage of her over and over, it could also be that at the moment of our conversation she did not feel like giving. Is all more clear now. The person that made me see it this way may not likely read this but in case ... THANK YOU :icon_wink:

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