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I am very curious about something and hope that the gents can help me out here...

I often receive messages from cerb members via my gmail account, and sometimes they choose to withhold the fact that they are members here. One way or another, I usually eventually find out. This, of course, is up to each individual, but it does leave me wondering "Why"? For instance, if one books with me via cerb there is a small discount. Why not go for the better rate? I understand anonymity but being anonymous from your anonymous cerb "handle"? I just don't understand....Insight my handsome wise ones?

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I for one am not afraid to use or mention my handle.....but I can see that some refrain from using it to make sure they get an encounter that is not based on a better review potential....or even the opposite....black listed for not posting a review or posting one that is too explicit


That is my take on it

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"Insight my handsome wise ones?"

I don't claim to be either handsome or wise but here is my thought on using my CERB handle.


When contacting a lady from CERB I may use her email address as I sometimes find it a better forum to write in and sometimes the lady prefers emails over PMs. However I always provide my CERB handle just to let them know I am a member of CERB. Not for a discount but in case they want to find out a bit more about me for their own comfort.

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When I email a lady I let her know I'm on CERB and my handle, and in cases where verification is required (some ladies have this requirement) I'll pm them from CERB to let them know it was me emailing them

Why anonymity over an anonymous handle, I really can't fathom.

And any discounts don't factor in, I don't go looking for them, and as a gentleman who tips and provides a gift, at the end of the day, I give a bit more than just the donation...but that's me


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Hi flowering Dorinda,

Whenever I send an e-mail to a lady who is a CERB member, I will always include my CERB handle. It is similar to what WildTiger has stated. By identifying myself as a fellow member of the CERB community, the lady can verify my information on my profile page and can also check any details written about me in the reserved SP section.


My self identifying as a fellow CERBite is not to seek any discounts - I have never sought, nor received any - but simply to reassure the lady that I am indeed who I say I am.


Similar to other fellow CERBites, I jump between using the PM contact methodology and the e-mail channel. It always depends on the ladies' preference. What they request, I co-operate with and respect.

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Thank you for your contributions thus far fellas, this is good reading for me. :icon_smile:

One thing that I like about CERB is the fact that we can leave a bit of a personal imprint with our posts. I like to read these beforehand to get to know my upcoming date a bit more, his likes, dislikes, style, personality, etc. Thanks! And thank you to WIT for sharing that thread - more good reading. :icon_wink:

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Thank you for your contributions thus far fellas, this is good reading for me. :icon_smile:

One thing that I like about CERB is the fact that we can leave a bit of a personal imprint with our posts. I like to read these beforehand to get to know my upcoming date a bit more, his likes, dislikes, style, personality, etc. Thanks! And thank you to WIT for sharing that thread - more good reading. :icon_wink:


You are not the only one that does this Dorinda, unless what other ladies have told me is WAY off base. A wise approach indeed!


Now in response to your original question. Why do they do it...well I don't know because as you said you most certainly will find out. However I wonder if they wish to keep their Cerb identity secret for some reason. For either positive or negative reasons I am unclear.


When I contact a lady from Cerb I provide my Cerb name but it is a moot point as my Cerb name contained in my email address. Either way why hide it as I too fail to see the reasoning???

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Thank you for your contributions thus far fellas, this is good reading for me. :icon_smile:

One thing that I like about CERB is the fact that we can leave a bit of a personal imprint with our posts. I like to read these beforehand to get to know my upcoming date a bit more, his likes, dislikes, style, personality, etc. Thanks! And thank you to WIT for sharing that thread - more good reading. :icon_wink:



yes....kleenex....lingerie....kleenex.....and then some lingerie for the lady...and more kleenex.....

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I like to read these beforehand to get to know my upcoming date a bit more, his likes, dislikes, style, personality, etc. Thanks! And thank you to WIT for sharing that thread - more good reading. :icon_wink:


I find it interesting that you said that Dorinda. Part of what interests and attracts me in meeting a lady is her personality, and that comes through in her posts. You can get an idea of the lady's personality in her writings.

I'm pretty good at telling whether I'll click with a lady by her writings, be they posts, pm's or emails. CERB is good at giving everyone a glean into other's personalities, by letting us post our thoughts


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Hi Dorinda. I am not sure why that would happen at all, to keep their cerb name private. I am sure that I must be missing something or some "good" reason, but interestingly enough at a cerb social I would introduce myself to many of the men by my cerb name as well as my real name, and most often I did not get the cerb name back in response. I found it curious.


For me, all of my contacts with women have been because of cerb, and if I use a contact form initially I always provide my cerb name.


As you have mentioned, as have others, I would expect and I hope that the lady would have a look back at some of my posts on cerb and then use them to get a sense of who I am.


PS. Give Gabriella a kiss for me. :)

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Why do it? 'Cause some guys don't want the lady to have a pre-conceived idea about who he is before he shows up. For example, one might assume I'm a certain type of person because of my CERB personality or whatever. If I email you for an appointment and don't tell you my cerb handle, you can't research me and draw conclusions.....I have the opportunity to enter our encounter with a clean slate and then you can draw your own conclusions.


That's what I think. NOW, do I do it? No....I'm proud of who I am in person and on CERB and have nothing to hide.

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Why do it? 'Cause some guys don't want the lady to have a pre-conceived idea about who he is before he shows up. For example, one might assume I'm a certain type of person because of my CERB personality or whatever. If I email you for an appointment and don't tell you my cerb handle, you can't research me and draw conclusions.....I have the opportunity to enter our encounter with a clean slate and then you can draw your own conclusions.


That's what I think. NOW, do I do it? No....I'm proud of who I am in person and on CERB and have nothing to hide.


I agree. This was going to be my response too. Anonymous or not, our cerb trail is revealing and does create a perception of who we are or who we might be. Some men may want, as capitalman put it, to begin with a clean slate. Some men may just prefer to remain an enigma. I'm not one of them, but I think some may prefer it that way.


Of course, the reverse may also be true. Some men may be attempting to protect their cerb identity from the reality of their actual being. Perhaps they're concerned (or know) they won't live up to the expectations or charm projected by their on-line persona. Fear that reality will undermine perception. Cerb is a unique entity, where flights of fancy can become reality (or not). For some, that could be a scary thing.

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