Andee of Burlington 30 Report post Posted November 10, 2024 Reputable providers who are verifiable require deposits because without them, they could end up sitting in a hotel room, like the lady who only got a few bookings. But due to the number of clients who don’t want to pay deposits or a travelling ladies rates because after all hotels are expensive, that is why ladies who I know who used to travel to Kingston, don’t anymore because it’s just not financially feasible. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OnlyAl 12 Report post Posted November 11, 2024 On 11/10/2024 at 7:13 AM, Andee of Burlington said: Reputable providers who are verifiable require deposits because without them, they could end up sitting in a hotel room, like the lady who only got a few bookings. But due to the number of clients who don’t want to pay deposits or a travelling ladies rates because after all hotels are expensive, that is why ladies who I know who used to travel to Kingston, don’t anymore because it’s just not financially feasible. There may well be a business opportunity for a service that holds a deposit in escrow for an escort. Keeps it confidential and allows for the security of not releasing it till you are together. Gives the escort the confidence/surety and gives the client safety. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingston8inch 106 Report post Posted November 20, 2024 Deposits are not required nor should they be acceptable. Its pretty straightforward you are an SP, I am a client, you provide a service I pay upfront for the service, it used to be a thing to only give half upfront! If an SP takes a booking and its a no show that happens once, they block the number. I refuse to see the financial damage a no show inflicts upon an SP, did you turn a load of bookings away from it? Doesn’t sound like that is the case… Now if I requested an out of town SP to travel here and don’t show thats a completely different story. I can see if your a part time SP and your two days of working is suddenly filled with no shows, but still shouldn’t be a ongoing problem, once you weed the no shows out…you will be left with paying clients. phone calls and short notice bookings could solve most of the arguments and issues as this is historically how the business operates. I feel for some of the SP’s out there, those who stick to acceptable prices and bookings, provide excellent service, go the extra mile and do it full time. They have to watch the Trolls, drug addicts, and part time drama queens charge unbelievable rates, for abysmal service, disgusting hygiene and bold face lies, with some having the audacity to demand deposits, which btw completely leaves the clients identity exposed, thats a massive red flag for 90%. sorry kitty, it aint our fault, set the time if they don’t show take the next appointment, if there isn’t another appointment, it isn’t the client’s fault… I am not going to say you have an enviable job, but it is lucrative and the oldest profession known to man, you could try exchanging places with a SP from a poorer country and see what they go through! bottom line, prices are way too high, thats why you can’t book or have no shows, full stop 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KittyCaterina 73 Report post Posted November 21, 2024 (edited) Saying that I could exchange places with a sexworker from a poorer country to see what they go through is ridiculous and a poor attempt at shutting me down. There will always be someone worse off and it does not invalidate a person's struggles. I could say similar to the clients who complain including you. We are in Canada and are discussing issues we face HERE. If my prices are too high, why would someone book me to begin with only to cancel? To teach me a lesson? Just don't fucking book me then. When I tour, say Mississauga for 2 and 1/2 days, my expenses can reach over $1500. A few one hour cancelations or 2 hour, 3 hour, even overnight cancelations can be detrimental to my profit ESPECIALLY without deposits. Yes, I can move onto the next client but that time slot is now gone. You can refuse to acknowledge this and be purposefully ignorant, but it doesn't change the truth. During my last Ottawa trip, my duo partner had an overnight booking cancel just 30 minutes prior to the booked time. It was awful. You say to just block or blacklist a no show right? Let me guess though since you mention anonymity... you disagree with SWs requiring real numbers and not text apps? So please tell me how we block a text app when the person can just create another? Unless we don't accept text apps, we have no recourse to block bad clients or no shows. When I work in Kingston, I take one client per day, so YES, a no show is a terrible thing. I spend at least two hours preparing, showering, doing my hair and makeup for my clients and for what when a no show happens? It is wasted time and income. And YES, I am constantly having to turn away bookings for my already booked client whether you want to believe it or not. I DO have acceptable rates and provide excellent services with going the extra mile, so whatever you are implying is BS. I'm sure the "part-time drama queen" was directed at me. How many hours per day I do this makes me no less of a sexworker that others are. Clients who react the way you did when sexworkers join in conversations regarding this line of work are red flags. It is your fault and it is why Kingston lacks new talent. If Kingston was a hotbed of great clients, you guys wouldn't be wondering why this and why that. The person who liked your post is a complete timewaster who has texted me multiple times to book (and I reply, we speak and try to figure out a date and time) only to text me a day later and brag about how he ended up seeing another lady and how great it was, so he can't afford to see me anymore. I began to wonder if he was even a real client. (And the beautiful ladies in question have higher rates than me) Edited November 21, 2024 by KittyCaterina 1 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingston8inch 106 Report post Posted November 21, 2024 You lack perspective, context and apparently logic. It was not directed at you but when the shoe fits… or in your case if the world revolves around you. Perspective is what you gain when you look back at the history of a topic, also found in poorer countries, where rape, pimps, and diseases are rampant, all of which you are insulated from and have the means to mitigate. Your hardships constitute make up, shower and “preparing”, your counterparts that are likely within a few blocks of your residence have been trafficked, smuggled and sometimes forced into the industry, they may or may not have the freedom to decline a client or service, a no show is goddam relief to them. Context is found when you meet good SPs, that have worked and toured successfully because they earned a stellar reputation for the services they provide and the manner they conduct themselves, not because they show up and expect Toronto rates from a prison/university/military town.🤪 then go on a public forum to absolutely shit on the people that pay them. They will have done the trip a few times before it becomes financially successful, and in business, which is what an SP is in, that is called an investment! They will also do “market research and analysis” to determine the client base they cater to exists and also the rate in which the market will accept. You can indeed use the abundant resources in our country and incredible advances in technology to better vet your precious single client that you draw your relied upon income from, and avoid the overwhelming disappointment of a no show, and subsequent fruitless attempts at a cancellation fee. I am sorry what university gave you a degree in sucking dick? Are you a lawyer now? Should I prepare my retainer oh sorry deposit before I show up? Doctors charge a cancellation fee, you get it in your head it’s something I deserve. I have zero problem phoning to confirm an appointment, better yet you could ask for a picture of the client with a proof of date, ie newspaper, I mean your so low volume, having the confirmation is worth the $280 hr your asking, I mean you have no trouble finding clients! Right? How about all those clients you turn away because you’re booked, something along the lines of, “if I have a cancellation would you like to make the appointment earlier?” Thats doctor like! Again you are in a BUSINESS you invest in the opportunity to service men for a fee, that requires you to know the market and adjust your rates or location accordingly. $1500 for a trip, 2-1/2 days, I won’t comment on your expenses, but you obviously did a poor job of marketing, research and confirmation, and a piss poor job of budgeting, or as it may be self control. Finally we reach logic. Logic tells us that, no matter how much you mitigate your risks, no matter how much you do to secure appointments with deposits, all the market research, and all the detailed budgeting is for not when we as clients decide it just is not worth jumping through those goddam hoops when a new girl shows up and sporadically they do, they absolutely decimate your demands with a friendly and concise attitude and response that commands respect and showing up is never in question. I cannot help you further, you are welcome for my two cents, make it a deposit for possible future appointments. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KittyCaterina 73 Report post Posted November 21, 2024 (edited) You have no idea what I have been through regarding sexwork. Some in Ottawa may remember the young teenager on the newspaper's front page who was forced into prostitution at 15 and almost stabbed to death by a John... I think you are intelligent enough to understand what I'm getting at. You never know what someone has experienced. So do not assume I haven't had hardships and that it can't happen to a white girl in Canada. I stopped sexwork for a long time and came back once I was stable, healthy and educated. Who knows, in 5 years I could end up being your pet's veterinarian and requiring a cancelation fee from you. Maybe then you will think I deserve it because I'm no longer below your standards of a human being. So as kindly as I can say this, fuck you. Fuck you for the condescending spiel regarding my only hardships being make-up and a shower. You aren't a sexworker so quit yapping like you know what we endure. __________________ Just going to put this here re: expenses for a Mississauga trip. Hotel: During the summer any decent hotel that tolerates sexworkers is about $200+ per night So 3 nights is 600+ plus taxes and fees, an average of $800 and that is on the low end Train: $120+ each way, so 240 Uber to the train and back home: 20 each way Uber to Mississauga: 35+ each way, so 70 Food expenses are higher, cannot carry a bunch of homemade food on the train with their new luggage restrictions, so let's add 100 Am I close to 1500 yet? I'm not even done. So as unbelievable as it is to you, high expenses are now the reality of touring. ______________ PS. Where did I ever say I requested deposits while working from home here in Kingston? I don't. Only when touring. So much of your babble and many of your remarks regarding my Kingston work don't even fit my narrative. Maybe read or do your research before posting thinking you know everything about something you have zero personal experience in (being a sexworker.) And as I'm sure you would never book me anyways, I would never give consent to seeing you. You are anti-deposit but recommend we ask for a photo of our clients?! If a client doesn't trust us with a deposit, do you actually think they would trust us with a photo? C'mon On one hand you say we are in a BUSINESS yada yada, and before that you put sexworkers down and claim we don't deserve deposits or cancelation fees by comparing us with lawyers and doctors. You are doing a bunch of flip-flopping. Edited November 21, 2024 by KittyCaterina 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monstermash 583 Report post Posted November 22, 2024 I drive to Toronto often and you are free to jump in gratis. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rubs 1382 Report post Posted November 23, 2024 Catrina thank for your input in this conversation, your fire and passion on this topic is only eclipsed by the service you provide. From my perspective I am very considerate about a providers time and understand the frustration of cancelations affecting there income. I Don't book unless I know for sure I don't need to explain my where abouts. And those are generally small windows. And have collapsed on occasion. There have also been times when a provider keeps pushing back the appointment even 15 min is to much for me. I'm not sure how things are for other clients. It's why if I'm traveling to Toronto or particularly Ottawa I'll go to a reputable massage location. They usually have someone available for walking. Again I have much respect to the legit providers who chose to this industry. Wish there wasn't so much forced women in to this industry. It's hard for Canadians to believe, especially with all the assisn locations, the amount of Canadian women forced and trafficked is staggering. The value of the women's body is lower now then it was 1800 years ago. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingston8inch 106 Report post Posted November 23, 2024 Visit Shyanne, solidified my previous points on deposits, pricing and profitability, not to mention etiquette…. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KittyCaterina 73 Report post Posted November 24, 2024 (edited) 13 hours ago, kingston8inch said: Visit Shyanne, solidified my previous points on deposits, pricing and profitability, not to mention etiquette…. You couldn't even write a review without making it about attempting to prove your point and taking shots at other escorts. Your review was less about the lovely sexworker you spent time with and more about how the opinion of one sexworker has supposedly validated your condescending beliefs. Edited November 24, 2024 by KittyCaterina 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingston8inch 106 Report post Posted November 24, 2024 Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality. But, there is, unseen by most, an Underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit, a Dark side. The Dark Side is always there, waiting for us to enter, waiting to enter us. Your hate has made you powerful. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering Yes, give into the hate, ignore the people reaching out to help you on this post, it will make you stronger. Imagine the guy you put down for thanking my post even offered free transportation! No Kitty its 15 years of meeting SPs, and the conversations with them, I have met more SPs then you, you have met more clients then I have, we both have views from either sides of the table. I see a trend towards malfeasance (deposits/fakeads) and a noticeable increase in drug use/partying/etc these were not advertised (or made up a very small percentage) a decade ago. That is not to say it didn’t exist but it has become prevalent, this is also a good indicator that the clientele has shifted, for “partying” to be acceptable the clients must want it, the quality of both client and provider has shifted. I agree completely that the number of request you have to field is huge compared to the number that actually show up, and thats not completely fair to your profession. On the other hand the number of fake ads and unscrupulous providers (fly by night) has increased as well, exasperating the problem of increased no shows on your end, the trust is not strong, when we as clients have to pay for what you don’t see, just as we don’t see your no shows. I don’t have all the answers for you, but yes you can get people to call you, and yes you can request a picture of someones hand or some biometric that if they don’t show goes into the archives and you can use to compare against future requests, technology is very strong to check these for you, if you can get a job at a Touch of class might be the solution you need. Shyanne got her own post for my detailed review, see past your anger and you will be free! The struggle you communicated is not going to improve unless you change up your approach. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KittyCaterina 73 Report post Posted November 25, 2024 (edited) Where did I ever say I was having issues here in Kingston? I have been here long enough and screen based on attitude and true phone number which has helped me reduce no shows to almost zero. I stated I used to have some no shows but that I don't eff around anymore. The struggle I communicated was regarding ladies who tour, which I rarely do because I have no need to, and the general issues SPs face. My Kingston client base is great. I did not ask for your advice. I don't need it. The thread was regarding an assumed conspiracy and providers were asked WHY SPs don't tour here often. So I answered and gave the same response that two other providers did in this thread. You guys wonder why providers stay quiet even when asked for their opinion and experience... It is because of clients like you who think they know better and try to shut us down. Just because I see a bunch of clients, does NOT mean I fully understand the emotions they go through when being scammed or robbed. So don't assume that just because you are a hobbiest that it means you understand what sexworkers experience when they have no shows or last minute cancelations, or worse. You are so full of yourself and have such an ego that you think I can learn from you, a client and that with my over 15 years experience I haven't been perfecting my business. I am doing quite well here and when I go to Mississauga I am FULLY booked. Even with the high expenses, I still come home with a nice chunk of profit. But... I only take a work trip twice per year. Those who tour more often have to sometimes take a financial hit due to cancelations. As I mentioned before, my duo partner had an overnight booking cancel just 30 minutes before and he was sufficiently screened. You say you don't have the answers for me? I didn't fucking ask you for answers did I? Mr. I Think I Know it All about what it is to work in a profession that I've never been employed in... I will repeat, nowhere did I say I was personally having issues with a bunch of no shows or give an invitation for advice from a client of all people. I was speaking in a general sense and using examples for what a nuisance a no show can be for the majority of sexworkers. Again, the subject of the thread was a client wondering why not many escorts come to Kingston anymore. As I am already based here and don't take deposits from home (said in my first post), my response did not include myself as an example. You can see from the client responses and likes supporting me along with my over 50 great reviews, I am doing a good job all on my own without needing your "expertise" and I deserve the stellar reputation I've earned. As for the member offering me a ride to Toronto that you have brought up like he is some Saint... If I can't rely on his hollow booking "attempts" WHY would I trust the offer for a ride to Toronto. If you think I'm going to prebook 2 1/2 days of clients only to have my ride there canceled last minute, you are crazy. Pretty funny that you are here thinking I need advice from you on screening and marketing, yet you think I should take the offer for and rely on a free ride to Toronto from a person who has only wasted my time and been extremely flakey? Yeah, great idea genius. Perfect example of unsolicited help offered that is a terrible idea to take. Edited November 25, 2024 by KittyCaterina 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Josephine Grey 2 Report post Posted November 25, 2024 (edited) As a white sp that toured in Kingston and other cities, I feel like times have just changed. The pandemic hit and the economy got wonky shortly after. Recently it got better, but it's not worth the risk to tour anymore if you are well established home because you never know how it will be. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's really bad. Why bother? It's not only Kingston. It's everywhere. I will agree with Kitty that requiring a deposit is more difficult in small town. I however had more successful trips when I was charging more than I am now. Do as you wish with this info. Edited November 25, 2024 by Josephine Grey 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OnlyAl 12 Report post Posted November 25, 2024 An interesting debate. There are many layers and dimensions to this conversation. They tend to cross over and mix. Can an SP set their price and policies? Of course they can. In the end this is still a business. Set the price high for a wonderful service or product and you can establish a premium market offering. Driving a high margin, low volume approach can work very well. At the other end, you can go for low price and low service. Also can work. Very different approaches, very different experiences. Both can work. Setting policies like minimum times (eg no less than 2 hrs), requiring a deposit, requiring ID or a reference, etc are all choices an SP makes. If fits their comfort zone and is part of the experience they want to create. Again, restrictive and high stiipulation approaches can work well or no restrictions or stipulations can also work. This should be a free choice market. No lady should be trafficked and not allowed to work within the boundaries they are comfortable and safe with. Sadly, it isnt always. At the same time, customers have a choice, like any business. If the offering isnt what you want, if there is misrepresentation, if the price is too high or the restrictions/stipulations aren’t acceptable, you choose not to do business. Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is value of service. Both sides need to respect the other - don’t misrepresent, don’t book and not show/cancel, don’t disrespect. This board and others of full of great reviews where all that applied. And full of bad reviews where it didn’t. As.a business, the market eventually settles it out. One can argue what comes first - the chicken or the egg. Has the market gotten tougher because of the customers or the providers? This thread is that argument. Ive never seen Josephine or Kitty Caterina. Both seem like reliable providers. If their looks, personality and “terms and conditions” work for a given client, he/she should go see them. If they don’t, then don’t. I haven’t seen them, but I have no reason to disrespect them. Don’t have to agree with them or any other poster. In the end, the debate is good. Let’s keep it healthy 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dacron 283 Report post Posted November 25, 2024 (edited) On 11/24/2024 at 9:14 AM, kingston8inch said: Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality. But, there is, unseen by most, an Underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit, a Dark side. The Dark Side is always there, waiting for us to enter, waiting to enter us. Your hate has made you powerful. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering Yes, give into the hate, ignore the people reaching out to help you on this post, it will make you stronger. Imagine the guy you put down for thanking my post even offered free transportation! No Kitty its 15 years of meeting SPs, and the conversations with them, I have met more SPs then you, you have met more clients then I have, we both have views from either sides of the table. I see a trend towards malfeasance (deposits/fakeads) and a noticeable increase in drug use/partying/etc these were not advertised (or made up a very small percentage) a decade ago. That is not to say it didn’t exist but it has become prevalent, this is also a good indicator that the clientele has shifted, for “partying” to be acceptable the clients must want it, the quality of both client and provider has shifted. I agree completely that the number of request you have to field is huge compared to the number that actually show up, and thats not completely fair to your profession. On the other hand the number of fake ads and unscrupulous providers (fly by night) has increased as well, exasperating the problem of increased no shows on your end, the trust is not strong, when we as clients have to pay for what you don’t see, just as we don’t see your no shows. I don’t have all the answers for you, but yes you can get people to call you, and yes you can request a picture of someones hand or some biometric that if they don’t show goes into the archives and you can use to compare against future requests, technology is very strong to check these for you, if you can get a job at a Touch of class might be the solution you need. Shyanne got her own post for my detailed review, see past your anger and you will be free! The struggle you communicated is not going to improve unless you change up your approach. Wow, I can tell just by your handle that you are a man of deep thought and intelligence, not to be trifled with. I wanted to chose a similar handle but alas I came up short. Obviously women need a man like you to tell them how to run their lives, their businesses and bodies. Perhaps we could create a governing body to regulate the industry headed by you and run by like minded men? Edited November 25, 2024 by Dacron spelling 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KittyCaterina 73 Report post Posted November 25, 2024 27 minutes ago, kingston8inch said: No I don’t care how they choose to do things, what they wear how they live. Abortion rights should be a womens only vote. When your job is catering to men, sexually, I can offer a few suggestions yes, forgive me for providing an opinion, and pointing out the changes we are all exposed to. The governing body exists already it is called the republican party. Kingston1inch rolls off the tongue mate. I could give a fuck if you want to ask for deposits and take drugs as payment, just don’t blame your clients for being a failure. Why are you associating deposits with taking drugs as payment now? Nobody here said that they ask for deposits and take drugs as payment. I personally am drug free including marijuana. You keep going way off into left field and taking underhanded shots at providers who have a policy that you dislike. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rubs 1382 Report post Posted December 21, 2024 Since this thread started I've seen an increase the nuof ads saying cash only. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites