Guest E*******h S******s Report post Posted August 6, 2011 Yay! Someone with some reading comprehension. And the hole just gets deeper. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest **cely***r***ne Report post Posted August 6, 2011 Some people just dont have the common courtesy to apologize. It takes alot for some people to admit they were wrong. I am peeved at this... Here we are opening ourselves up to the men on here to provide you with a service you so thoroughly enjoy, Yes we enjoy it too, otherwise we wouldnt be doing it..(IMO) but seriously? Rude and immature comments will get you nowhere here with a respectable woman. Maybe reading the top of the website's page might help you...("if you have nothing nice to say, dont say it at all" hmm, I think this has been discussed before...) I was taught at a young age to keep my yap shut if I didnt have anything nice to say... Just a little pointer for you for next time! And honestly, in my opinion, if you werent that hard up...why are you on here asking for help in finding a lady that has the outfits you are looking for? I could go on...but I will refrain. wow. I am so bothered by this :( This is just the kind of "stuff" that turns me off from logging on here lately. Cleo you are amazingly beautiful, and you know it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrrnice2 157005 Report post Posted August 6, 2011 The more that I am on here, and especially as I write, I find myself having to think for a moment and pause before I click on that submit button. I have learned from personal experience that it is very very easy to write something and then find out that the reader has misinterpreted and sometimes "got" exactly the opposite message of what you intended to convey. In this case, I know that initially I "read" it as an insult, however as WIT has pointed out quite correctly I believe, those words are open to interpretation. Oh if we all only had the writing talent of a WIT or a Samantha Evans :) So Cleo, when I see you one day, there will be no need for any Latex and that is as clear as I can say it. I like you just as I see you. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevecurious 42059 Report post Posted August 6, 2011 And the hole just gets deeper. Maybe so but every time someone else adds a comment to this thread the hole definitely gets deeper! As others have said in other threads there is no point in piling on and adding to the fire. What is said is said and can not be taken back, by anyone. So perhaps we should just let this thread and the comments contained within die a quiet death. If things continue on the path they are on I am sure Mod will have to intervene and that doesn't do anyone any good! By the way I am not endorsing anyone's comments in this thread so don't assume I am in favor or not in favor of any of the comments/remarks, etc. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrrnice2 157005 Report post Posted August 6, 2011 As was writing this post I see several more have come in. Reading them, perhaps my original interpretation was correct, and I like what Elizabeth just wrote.. Intent. Politeness. Courtesy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MikeO 292 Report post Posted August 6, 2011 And honestly, in my opinion, if you werent that hard up...why are you on here asking for help in finding a lady that has the outfits you are looking for? Cleo you are amazingly beautiful, and you know it! Explaining ones self, and being 'rude' are two different things IMO. Here's rude... "That blah blah blah girl is a fat nasty whore, I wouldn't touch that bitch" - NOT DIRECTED AT ANYONE JUST AN EXAMPLE - OR What I did... Basically saying I'll def. keep her in mind, but its not what I'm looking for at this time. How people take it is up to them. As far as the 'hard up' part of the whole thing.... I'm not some 45 year old married guy with 3 kids and an ex wife just looking to stick anything that moves (again not directed at any specific person, just a generalization).... Which means if I wanted to simply 'get some' I would do just that. However I came on this site looking for something specific that is very tough/next to impossible to find at the bar/around town and I thought a thread with a specific title would allow me that 'search' type option... Thats it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest E*******h S******s Report post Posted August 6, 2011 Maybe so but every time someone else adds a comment to this thread the hole definitely gets deeper! As others have said in other threads there is no point in piling on and adding to the fire. What is said is said and can not be taken back, by anyone. So perhaps we should just let this thread and the comments contained within die a quiet death. If things continue on the path they are on I am sure Mod will have to intervene and that doesn't do anyone any good! By the way I am not endorsing anyone's comments in this thread so don't assume I am in favor or not in favor of any of the comments/remarks, etc. While I appreciate this viewpoint and don't necessarily disagree, the "generalizations" the OP is making are incredibly offensive towards a good number of people here. To paraphrase what mrrnice said (and thank you sir for your kind comments towards me) perhaps the OP should hesitate and reread what he has written before he hits "submit reply". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MikeO 292 Report post Posted August 6, 2011 I know what I'm saying as I type it. Its straight forward and unfortunatly on the world wide web it can be interpreted 100 different ways. We've all figured out what was actually 'meant' from my posts and I've apologized to Cleo. It should be done with, several post ago infact, however people seem to jump into the mix to continue to stir the proverbial pot for some reason. To quote I song I enjoy, "But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good O lord please don't let me be misunderstood Misunderstood aint gotta be explained But you don't understand me so let me explain " Like they say silence is a statement that is open to gross misinterpretation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted August 6, 2011 For the record, whether or not anyone wants to admit it, women are WAY more sensitive then men. It's a fact and we will sulk whether you like it or not. If a woman feels she has been dissed, we expect an apology. Basic man/woman relationship 101. Suck it up and apologize so we can all return to the rose coloured glasses or be prepared to be attacked. Human nature often overcomes common sense....both ways I may ad. BTW, wording is just semantics, if a lady expresses that she was offended by a remark, an apology is the only civilized way to respond! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MikeO 292 Report post Posted August 6, 2011 Well since I did apologize we can all get back on track I believe. Thank you everyone for your thoughts (unrelated or not). On a side note we may have inadvertantly found a match... :bigclap: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted August 6, 2011 Happy to hear you apologized! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MikeO 292 Report post Posted August 6, 2011 Happy to hear you apologized! Almost two pages ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted August 6, 2011 Almost two pages ago. Ah jeeze soooooo sorry. didn`t see it but will take your word for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted August 6, 2011 As far as the 'hard up' part of the whole thing.... I'm not some 45 year old married guy with 3 kids and an ex wife just looking to stick anything that moves (again not directed at any specific person, just a generalization).... Which means if I wanted to simply 'get some' I would do just that. However I came on this site looking for something specific that is very tough/next to impossible to find at the bar/around town and I thought a thread with a specific title would allow me that 'search' type option... Thats it... I'm not 45, I'm 50, do you think I'm hard up, just wanting to get some...for that matter do you think of the guys here are hard up. Your comments are insulting, not just to me and other guys fitting your profile, by extension, insulting to any ladies we have seen. Most of us that see ladies are respectful and are gentlemanly about it to the ladies. You aren't better than the rest of the guys on this board, and the ladies, well frankly they aren't hard up enough to put up with a jerk like you It takes a lot to piss me off this much, congratulations, you pissed me off RG 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lexy Grace 103697 Report post Posted August 6, 2011 Well since I did apologize we can all get back on track I believe. Thank you everyone for your thoughts (unrelated or not). On a side note we may have inadvertantly found a match... :bigclap: You deserve a nice Gold Star!! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
castle 38816 Report post Posted August 7, 2011 This thread has bothered me on so many levels. As someone who has seen Cleo several times now I can safely say that any man with even an ounce of taste and intelligence should count himself lucky to spend even a brief amount of time with her. OP, I'm not implying you don't have an ounce of taste or intelligence, as you did say you had intended to see her. But even if your comments were not intended as a put down, and even if WIT's rationalizations for your comments are true....saying "I apologize you misunderstood my comments" is not a sincere apology in my books, you're basically saying "I'm sorry you're too dumb to understand proper "reading comprehension" ". .....Reading comprehension has nothing to do with it, if you did not mean it to sound how it did, then it's plain and simply a poor choice of words on your part. The mature thing to do once you saw your comments were being misconstrued as hurtful (if in fact they were misconstrued) would have been to at the very least edit your post and send Cleo a PM apologizing SINCERELY, instead of going on and on trying to defend a clear case of foot-in-mouth and putting down people's "reading comprehension". I can't understand why it is so hard for some people to simply admit and apologize properly when they've so clearly stuck their foot in their mouth. I should know, my foot spends at least 50% of it's time in my mouth and I'm constantly apologizing for it :p And you're "generalizations" about the other men on here are simply offensive....I'm not married, not divorced, not 45, don't have kids. I'm in my early thirties, single, and fairly attractive and even I found your "generalizations" offensive. We're not here because we're "hard up" or desperate. We're in this hobby because we choose to be. Right now I'm enjoying being single and don't want to have to deal with all the drama that comes along with the dating scene, but still like, and want, sex. Everyone has their reasons for being here, and I think desperation is right at the bottom of the list of those reasons. 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted August 8, 2011 Well, much as I'd like to see this thread given the last rites and a decent burial in an unmarked grave, there's a couple of things that need to be said. First, and far and away the most important: Cleo, I'd like to apologize to you for recommending that MikeO go and see you. This was clearly a quite spectacular misjudgment on my part; it's now obvious that there's no way he deserves to get to meet you. Secondly, MikeO: Your post to which I replied was... ambiguous. Not bad, not good, just open to (mis)interpretation, as others have noted. It could simply have been a post made by a nice guy that was just badly or carelessly phrased; after all, this is the Internet and there's no way to pick up on tone of voice or facial expression here. So, you *could* have replied and said, "Hey, that's not what I meant!!!". But... you didn't. You doubled down, and insulted Cleo *again*. You may rest assured that I don't think this is cool. Nor, I suspect, do most of the people in this forum. We are not here to make public pronouncements about which ladies do or do not meet the requirements of our particular peccadilloes, especially those whom we haven't actually met. We are most certainly not here to insult those who don't quite do so, or to condemn them as unworthy of our time or money or attention. Neither are we here to insult the other guys who may choose to see SPs, or to make assumptions about their personal circumstances, or to make judgments based on those personal circumstances, whether they be assumed or real. Finally, for everyone else and for the record: I've had no contact at all with MikeO via PMs, so there's nothing to report there. Whatever concerns he may have with me or my posts have, thus far, been raised only in this thread. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MikeO 292 Report post Posted August 8, 2011 I love it!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malika Fantasy 144625 Report post Posted August 8, 2011 I love it!! WOW you are going down dude. I would suggest you to leave Cerb Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MikeO 292 Report post Posted August 8, 2011 On my way out the door as we speak.... Apperently everyone here is too uptight to have a decent conversation... All things considered its actually quite funny to me.. Considering the nature of the place. I've actually had a few Pm's from other members last couple days about places that aren't full of whiners like cerb and been recommended to join them instead because of the general attitude here.... which is exactly why I will no longer be posting on here... :biggrin: And I thank those who PM'ed me better suggestions to join... At least cerb got me that much... So thanks for that. Enjoy ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
castle 38816 Report post Posted August 8, 2011 Well....good riddance to bad rubsih. Time for mod to close this thread so we can put this douche behind us. Posted via Mobile Device Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest E*******h S******s Report post Posted August 8, 2011 On my way out the door as we speak.... Apperently everyone here is too uptight to have a decent conversation... All things considered its actually quite funny to me.. Considering the nature of the place. I've actually had a few Pm's from other members last couple days about places that aren't full of whiners like cerb and been recommended to join them instead because of the general attitude here.... which is exactly why I will no longer be posting on here... :biggrin: And I thank those who PM'ed me better suggestions to join... At least cerb got me that much... So thanks for that. Enjoy ! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!:biggrin: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest S***dst*** Report post Posted August 8, 2011 The arrogance in this thread is incredible. I know better understand/comprehend the whole "younger guys are icky" taste left in the mouth of some SP's (No pun intended! It's a figure of speech :S) I did not wish to contribute to this thread, I actually tried to avoid it like a plague (I hope there is an antidote now!) Several things bothered me here: Yes the "antagonistic post" was open for interpretation BUT was EASILY led to the thought of being directed at Cleo due to the vagueness and order of posts. Admittedly I did read it as a direct correlation/attack on Cleo being "not worth seeing" which should have been the end of the thread, if not a reason to get it deleted. (I am not a moderator, however it would seem like the more appropriate coarse of action) To the OP, straight forward attitude and arrogance are bordered by a fine line. Using statements such as the one "Roamingguy" quoted is arrogance. Combined with most other responses you've given (for example telling meg you already appologized, then repeating it with "two pages ago" after saying she missed it) It seems clear as day you intended to jab at Cleo, then tried to rebutte/deflect the negative flow coming your way. Like minds think the same, so you will likely enjoy the other boards more, as they are filled with arrogant individuals who think they are owed everything for "gracing these ladies with their money and presence" I don't visit these ladies because I'm "hard up" or "unattractive" and you are even older than I am. I visit them because they are more beautiful inside and more confident in themselves than the average woman. The rapport I've forged with some of the ladies in this business is it's own kind of bond and it's not something you can buy with money. It's a nice bonus they are also incredibly sexy and gorgeous outside aswell :P Although I don't think you can be beautiful inside and not be seen as beautiful outside. Angel Starr my darling, I will cry if you leave Cerb :( That's not to say I don't appreciate everyone else in this thread/on the board I just haven't met you all :P (plus shes one of the special ladies I was talking about above :P) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
castle 38816 Report post Posted August 8, 2011 The arrogance in this thread is incredible. I know better understand/comprehend the whole "younger guys are icky" taste left in the mouth of some SP's (No pun intended! It's a figure of speech :S) I did not wish to contribute to this thread, I actually tried to avoid it like a plague (I hope there is an antidote now!) Several things bothered me here: Yes the "antagonistic post" was open for interpretation BUT was EASILY led to the thought of being directed at Cleo due to the vagueness and order of posts. Admittedly I did read it as a direct correlation/attack on Cleo being "not worth seeing" which should have been the end of the thread, if not a reason to get it deleted. (I am not a moderator, however it would seem like the more appropriate coarse of action) To the OP, straight forward attitude and arrogance are bordered by a fine line. Using statements such as the one "Roamingguy" quoted is arrogance. Combined with most other responses you've given (for example telling meg you already appologized, then repeating it with "two pages ago" after saying she missed it) It seems clear as day you intended to jab at Cleo, then tried to rebutte/deflect the negative flow coming your way. Like minds think the same, so you will likely enjoy the other boards more, as they are filled with arrogant individuals who think they are owed everything for "gracing these ladies with their money and presence" I don't visit these ladies because I'm "hard up" or "unattractive" and you are even older than I am. I visit them because they are more beautiful inside and more confident in themselves than the average woman. The rapport I've forged with some of the ladies in this business is it's own kind of bond and it's not something you can buy with money. It's a nice bonus they are also incredibly sexy and gorgeous outside aswell :P Although I don't think you can be beautiful inside and not be seen as beautiful outside. Angel Starr my darling, I will cry if you leave Cerb :( That's not to say I don't appreciate everyone else in this thread/on the board I just haven't met you all :P (plus shes one of the special ladies I was talking about above :P) Very well said. Couldn't have said it better myself. And yes I agree...Angel Starr or any other lady considering leaving cerb......PLEASE....PLEASE don't let a douchebag like this get to you. Don't let a few bad apples ruin it for you. You would all be sorely missed. Posted via Mobile Device Additional Comments: P.s.....Cleo Catra is DA Bomb!! :p Posted via Mobile Device Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted August 8, 2011 I would prefer that people just REPORT members like this then edging them on in public. He did not ask to close his account so I did this for him but please in the future keep in mind guys like this just do this to get a RISE out of all of you. It's best to report him and move on... let me deal with them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites