IvyBlyss 713 Report post Posted August 11, 2011 Hi All, I have a lot of Tattoos and I want to get more, do you guys have an opinions on tattoos? I know that if they are badly done they can be kind of crappy, I spend money on mine because I want them to be special. Maybe some of you can share some opinions or experiences about them? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capital Hunter 18263 Report post Posted August 11, 2011 You may find this old thread useful: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=12450&highlight=tattoos Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted August 11, 2011 My opinion, for what it is worth. I'm 50 years old, and raised back in the day when the only people that had tattoos were in the military, sailors (merchant marine) or criminals. And all men, women didn't have tattoos. Not a judgement, just back then, that's the way it was What a delight, when I began seeing escorts, is to find out how sexy tattoos can be on a woman. I would say if the tattoo means something to you and you are comfortable with having one, it is good. If you aren't comfortable with one, then don't get one But whether good or bad, it's entirely up to the wearer My 2 cents RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kate von Katz 49953 Report post Posted August 11, 2011 I agree with RG, I don't think it's as much the fact that someone has tattoos so much as what tattoos and where they are placed. Tattoos can be like earrings or lipstick - adornments for your body. Personally: each and every tattoo has a specific meaning and was placed where it was for a reason. It is always a good idea to give yourself plenty of time to chew it over before getting it inked. I have a rule with myself that I adhere to: if after 1 full year, I still want the same tattoo in the same place, then I get it. But if someone has a problem with your tattoos it's either because they are offensive (highly unlikely) or its reflective of their own issues that they're just conveniently projecting onto your tattoos. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baileydog 9367 Report post Posted August 11, 2011 tattoos can be very sexy (I can think of one lady who has very, very nice tattoos) both my adult children have tattoos ... H has hers on her lower back ... M has his on the fronts of his shoulders and, I plan to give myself a tattoo as a retirement gift (not that far off in the future) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted August 11, 2011 I prefer to call it body art, as apposed to a tattoo. I really like what some people (male or female) decide to design on their body, it is a form of art. And I agree there should be a specific meaning at the very least, it may show your personality. I'm over 50 and did get my first one, it has meaning behind it, and it is in a hidden spot. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
datyaddict 2174 Report post Posted August 12, 2011 Since they're probably going to be mandatory anyway, I'm getting one just above my junk saying: "The following pants contain materials that may be considered offensive to some. Adults only. Aim away from face." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted August 12, 2011 one word: sexy 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malika Fantasy 144625 Report post Posted August 12, 2011 I personally have 5 tattoos and 10 piercings. and I do plan on having more tattoos in the near future. For me tattoos on other women: the more, the better:D First off, if you do question yourself about having a tattoo, don't get it, because if you do regret it, you will curse yourself to have it. You need to be sure to want one. In term of being an SP, some men don'T want to see SP with tattoos nor piercing, they don't see you. But others are really turn on by body modification and have no problems with them at all. Some people don't care. Also if a gentlemen really want to see you, he will see you tattoos or not... In term of having them...check out their portfolio, look for reviews online, ask your friends. My second tattoo was my angel on my shoulder that will soon be cover by a full back tattoo...when I first got it I though it was super awesome...and now I look at it compare to my flowers on my tight that was done by a really good artist, and it's crappy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Royalfun 55449 Report post Posted August 12, 2011 A nice tattoo that underline a curve and mixes with the personality can be a real turn on for me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VedaSloan 119179 Report post Posted August 12, 2011 You'll get guys who say they're sexy and you'll get guys who say they're a turn-off. Just advertise that you have them and then you'll attract the guys who find them sexy! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old Dog 179138 Report post Posted August 12, 2011 Tattoos, Body Art, piercings... as long as YOU feel sexy in your own skin, that's all that really counts. Let's face it, to most men, a woman is the most fantastic development in the history of... well.... history. Adorned, unadorned, fully clothed, partially clothed or fully exposed... she's just magic. There's an old saying "To thine own self, be true." If your "self" loves your "self" then it really doesn't matter what others think of your modifications - your personality and the fact that you love who you are will shine through all else. That's what I love about women I love... they are their true selves. They are real. They believe in their own inner beauty... and that too will shine through. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jazzitup 5652 Report post Posted August 12, 2011 If the tatoo is a high quality job then it becomes body art. A badly done one is not attractive. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bcguy42 38594 Report post Posted August 12, 2011 My opinion on body art has undergone a serious transformation thanks to a couple of CERBs finest (you know who you are!) and I now find it very erotic.Body art can also be informative. I intend to get marked this fall to advise EMTs and ER personnel NOT to give me an MRI. I have metal clips in my brain and an MRI would, at best, blind me, at worst, kill me. In the event that I am not able to speak for myself, I plan to get a NO MRI tat. I just need to talk to my doc about the best place to get it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cleo Catra 178383 Report post Posted August 12, 2011 You'll get guys who say they're sexy and you'll get guys who say they're a turn-off. Just advertise that you have them and then you'll attract the guys who find them sexy! Exactly! I have way more tattoos than most people out there, and I still do very well in this biz. I know there are men who don't find them attractive and won't see me because of them - but there are also men who will only see blondes, or only see taller girls, etc. Do what you want and be comfortable and confident. That's always sexy. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Winnipegcub 21293 Report post Posted August 12, 2011 I will be honest that it wasn't something I naturally found attractive on a woman. In the past couple of years meeting a few ladies who have them I certainly have become more informed and learned to be not so judgemental. Now I do find some body art can be very attractive on both men and women. I'm still not an 'outright' fan so that means having 50plus % covered I still don't find attractive. I do really love natural skin! So for me now the best is a nice combination. Places of natural skin complimented by a few tasteful pieces that are done well and mean something to the lady. I also must say it is a little like lingerie. Sometimes a woman will be dressed in a way that you just get a glimpse. And then you wonder what is under those clothes. Finding a nice piece of body art can be very erotic. IMHO. Cub Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old Dog 179138 Report post Posted August 12, 2011 Exactly! I have way more tattoos than most people out there, and I still do very well in this biz. I know there are men who don't find them attractive and won't see me because of them - but there are also men who will only see blondes, or only see taller girls, etc. Do what you want and be comfortable and confident. That's always sexy. ... Egggggzackly!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Surf_Nazis_Must_Die 8958 Report post Posted August 12, 2011 My go to reaction for women with tattoos? HOORAY!!! :biggrin: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IvyBlyss 713 Report post Posted August 12, 2011 Thanks for the input all, and @ secret admirer I did do a search but that thread must have been at least 12 or 14 pages back lol thanks for pulling it up. For me as @ Pistolpete said it's body art, I love them and want to get more no doubt about it, I was just more curious what you peeps had to say. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lexy Grace 103697 Report post Posted August 13, 2011 I don't have any now but I do want to get some that mean something to me and that are about me but I get many emails asking do you have tattoos and book if I don't. It's my body and if you don't like what I may do to it as an art form so be it. I plan to get some in the this or next year!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalman 3861 Report post Posted August 18, 2011 It's amazing how mainstream tattoos have become in the last decade or so and how it's more acceptable to have them on your hands, wrists, neck, etc. It's not uncommon to see someone with full sleeves walking out of an office building whereas a generation ago you'd only see them walk out of a biker clubhouse! Being in my 40's, I still find them to be a little bit "taboo" and a sign of a rebellious or non-conformist person....so the more on a girl the better! Hand done crappy ones (scratching they used to call it) doesn't bother me either.....it shows me where you've been in life. My own tattoos are a roadmap of my life and I could tell you where I was mentally and spritually when I got each one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maverick 2873 Report post Posted August 18, 2011 I don't think I would ever get one, but I find them sexy on a woman, especially if it means something special to her. Having something meaningful enough to you to put on your body permanantly (kinda) is a great sign of confidence and personality. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Areez 11906 Report post Posted August 18, 2011 i personally loved tattoo.. each of them represent something to the bearer. Be it a rebelious moment. A change in life.. or an artistic side of their personality. it always brings a good topic of conversation for me with other that have an excellent tattoo... you know who you are here :)! and i do believe that we live in a modern century.. where old misconception should be thrown out of the window and new things accepted with open mind. kudo's to everyone out there that dont judge other based on the exterior looks but by what the person is really is!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214275 Report post Posted August 18, 2011 The first tattoo on a woman I fell in love with was what is called a tramp stamp, it sits on her lower back like this. And I could not stop staring at it. Now I look forward to see more tats but there is a limit to how much. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrrnice2 157005 Report post Posted August 18, 2011 Tattoos and my opinion of them has changed somewhat of late. Not that I ever was opposed to them, but my preference for women would have been for those small, dainty, intimate tattoos. I still love those. I have however met a couple of awesome ladies with multiple tattoos and have come to enjoy them as well as an art form or as something that they use to express themselves. When the tattoos have a personal or special meaning I find that aspect fascinating, and yes, I will ask about them specifically. Through personal experience I have also come to appreciate just how tough some of these ladies are, or conversely, how much of a wimp I am. Yes, I have a tattoo. It is small and I will never win a game of who has the most tattoos with most of the women here. So why do I have just one? Because, it hurt like hell and I shall be more than happy to keep it to a singleton.:) No tattoos? That's pretty hot too. :) Hi All,I have a lot of Tattoos and I want to get more, do you guys have an opinions on tattoos? I know that if they are badly done they can be kind of crappy, I spend money on mine because I want them to be special. Maybe some of you can share some opinions or experiences about them? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites