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Would you or wouldn't you? Game

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Depends who is at the bottom to greet me


Would you ever tell someone outside this community that you are seeing SP's/or are a SP



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Sure, I'd wear any jersey (for a price) to any arena...hell I don't follow sports anyways, what do I care


Now, for a million, no five million dollars, would you show up at a Stanley Cup game before face off, carrying ice fishing gear, go out on the ice, and start drilling a hole with the ice auger, and when security grabs you, play dumb, saying you were going ice fishing



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Five million? Hell yes. For five million I would drill RG at center ice!!!


Would you give up a pair of tickets to your favourite band of all time for one night of passion with your favourite provider of all time?

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Guest f***2f***
Five million? Hell yes. For five million I would drill RG at center ice!!!


Would you give up a pair of tickets to your favourite band of all time for one night of passion with your favourite provider of all time?


Yes in a heartbeat.....


Would you watch your ATF get drilled by another guy but you are not allowed to do anything else but watch?

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Would you ever broadcast your session with an SP/hobbyist on the chat room?

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No, what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors, and doesn't go on chat if I'm understanding broadcasting on chat right


Would you allow yourself to have your encounter videotaped, with prior approval and consent of course, and broadcast on the internet



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Guest f***2f***
No, what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors, and doesn't go on chat if I'm understanding broadcasting on chat right


Would you allow yourself to have your encounter videotaped, with prior approval and consent of course, and broadcast on the internet




No I wouldn't


Would you eat worms on a dare?

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Would you eat worms on a dare?


Live and wriggly, or dead? Either way, yes.


If you met Stephen Harper, and he asked you what you thought of him, would you give him an honest answer?

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Yes, I have. Respectfully.


Would you stay off CERB for the next month?


Hell no! I've tried that before and failed miserably. I quit the hobby for several months but just couldn't quit cerb. I was still here lurking.


In relation to Phaedrus' question.....would you UNrespectfully tell Stephen Harper what you really think of him?

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Hell no! I've tried that before and failed miserably. I quit the hobby for several months but just couldn't quit cerb. I was still here lurking.


In relation to Phaedrus' question.....would you UNrespectfully tell Stephen Harper what you really think of him?

Posted via Mobile Device


No I would not do it in an unrespectful manner, but it would be very clear as to what I think of his character and manipulative tendancies and and and....


Would you switch jobs with Stephen Harper for one week, with all the associated responsibilities included?

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No I would not do it in an unrespectful manner, but it would be very clear as to what I think of his character and manipulative tendancies and and and....


Would you switch jobs with Stephen Harper for one week, with all the associated responsibilities included?


Nope. I would rather sit in the bleachers and snipe than be the man in the cross hairs. That is an absolutely thankless job with probably 75% of the constituency constantly bitching about what you do.


Would you run as a candidate for election as a member of parliament for your area?

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Old Dog bet me to it so change of answer


No I wouldn't. Not a good enough liar Old Dog


Would you go on the show "Supersize Me" for big bucks. McDonalds 3 square meals every day for 30 days ?? (taking a guess at the days there)

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Guest f***2f***
Yup I would. and I would take the taxpayers jet and go to Thailand for a week in the winter for a so called "business trip"


Would you go on the show "Supersize Me" for big bucks. McDonalds 3 square meals every day for 30 days ?? (taking a guess at the days there)


No I hate MacDonalds


If you had a really hot woman friend who asked you if your would fuck her shy and not so good looking friend as a favour would you do it?

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I would. As long as I was attracted to her personality, its whats on the inside that counts!


Would you do it at the beach under a blanket? There are people just up a bit, if they looked over they would more than likely know what you were doing.

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Guest **cely***r***ne

Yes. Most definitely! I would love to get caught its the little voyeurism in me!


Would you ever have sex on a stage like live porn, with people watching?

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Guest f***2f***
Yes I would if she is good looking.


Would you stand in line all night long to buy tickets for a concert?




Would you sleep with your landlord or land lady in lieu of a rent payment?

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One of my landladies is perhaps the hottest Chinese woman I have ever seen. The answer is Hellzzzz ya.


Would you sleep with the boss for an opportunity at a much better job?

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Hell I'd sleep with my boss just to sleep with her...she's hot


Would you give up things important to you (along the lines of King Edward abdicating the throne for Wallis Simpson) to marry the one you love (that could mean giving up seeing SP's, your job, house, investments etc)



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I wouldn't (no marriage for me)


Would you stay in bed for a whole week and just have sex with your partner?


June 20th through 28th 2001, Bolton, Lancashire, England. Been there done that. Got up for showers, restroom breaks and food.


Would you wear a kilt in public?

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