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The Rep System Ã?Ã?Ã? Arggh!

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I don't get the rep point feature. I spread them around all the time and the other day I went from 500 to 50 for a few days, and today have over 1000. How's that for confusing?

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Guest W***ledi*Time
I don't get the rep point feature... the other day I went from 500 to 50 for a few days, and today have over 1000. How's that for confusing?


Don't know for sure if this is what you're referring to, but there is an occasional glitch in the pop-up box messages that appear when you move your mouse over the "reputation" bar display for individual members - sometimes the pop-up message is not the correct one. This is a quirk of the messages themselves; your actual rep-points are unaffected.


I think that once a month mod runs a repair script that fixes errors that have accumulated since the last repair.


Note that you can always see your exact current rep-point total in the "Latest Reputation Received" section of your "User CP".

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Guest W***ledi*Time
so, how do you ad a comment at the bottom without necessarily giving rep points?


The smiley-face comments are only added to the bottom of someone else's post by using the "Reputation for this post" option. So the comment and the rep-points always go together.


You can avoid the rep-point thing by replying with a post of your own, of course.

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The smiley-face comments are only added by using the "Reputation for this post" option. So the comment and the rep-points always go together.


Blond moment! I was confusing the nominate post icon with the comment. Sorry bout that :icon_redface:

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please allow a little more flexibility to us.


I am not necessarily on all the time, so it makes it hard for me to spread it around..


Though it may be correct that unlimited rep points may not be the best idea but a little more flexibility is the perfect solution in my view. For example limiting it to 2 or 3 rep points per week instead of just one, may be. Also I suggest removing the negative rep points for reasons I discussed earlier. Negative reputation point is like negative growth (the term economics use to describe contraction or recession in the economy). If it is growth then negative is meaningless lol for the same reason if it is reputation point then negativity doesn't make sense (not to mention the obvious contrast to the no negativity policy of the board), but I am not one of the mods, just a member making what I regard as constructive suggestions lol.

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Guest W***ledi*Time

Earlier, toine provided a link to the explanatory thread that can be found in the "new-to-this?" section.

For those who missed the link, and for convenience of reference, the current restrictions are:


Firstly, you can only give out rep 10 times in any 24 hour period.


Secondly, once you have given rep to one particular person, you have to give rep nine more times to other people (either by the "Rep for this post" button, or via nomination) before you can give more to the first person again via the "Rep for this post" button. This particular restriction applies, no matter how long a time it's been since you last gave rep to the first person. (The intent of this rule is to cut back on abuse of the system by one member unfairly supporting only one or a few other members).


(This second restriction does not apply to nominating a post. The only restriction on nominating a post is the rep-giving limit of "10 times in any 24 hour period".)


When there's a post I really want to give rep to, and I happen to run up against this second restriction, I just do a work-around. I set-about giving rep to enough other deserving posters until I have reached the total of nine required. Then I give the rep I really wanted to give in the first place. The way I look at it, there's plenty of thoughtful and informative posts made on the board -- so it isn't that hard to find enough good posts by others to allow the conditions to be fulfilled.


Hope this makes sense ....

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I just want to add that Y'all rock and deserve a pat on the back, good times, good times.

back to rep points, I just checked and I have more but have no idea where they came from, It would be nice to have an easier way of finding out so I can thank all the awesome supporters you know what I'm saying? eh? Well Thanks guys, you made me feel special. please proceed with your on topic topic happy ness files, thanks!

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I just want to add that Y'all rock and deserve a pat on the back, good times, good times.

back to rep points, I just checked and I have more but have no idea where they came from, It would be nice to have an easier way of finding out so I can thank all the awesome supporters you know what I'm saying? eh? Well Thanks guys, you made me feel special. please proceed with your on topic topic happy ness files, thanks!


By clicking on the "user CP" button on the upper left hand of the page you will be able to see the last five people who gave you rep. and the posts for which they apply.

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By clicking on the "user CP" button on the upper left hand of the page you will be able to see the last five people who gave you rep. and the posts for which they apply.


Shuddup? No way? I am soo in the dark! Keep on rockin Steve curious and hope your new name finds you soon, like sexualengineer or steve-o-mighty-o haha, beaverstever umm no?

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Shuddup? No way? I am soo in the dark!


When you are in this area you will also be able to see the total number of rep. points that you have.

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When there's a post I really want to give rep to, and I happen to run up against this second restriction, I just do a work-around. I set-about giving rep to enough other deserving posters until I have reached the total of nine required. Then I give the rep I really wanted to give in the first place.

Hope this makes sense ....


Good to know WIT. I was under the impression that there is a time limit (for me works out about a week) until I am able to give another rep point to the same deserving member (this means I give 10 reps in about a week lol). Good suggestion thanks.

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I do understand the frustration - sometimes pearls of wisdom flow freely from a particular individual and it almost hurts when the system blocks you from recognizing that post. Sure, you MAY go back after you spread the love, but it's that feeling of instant gratification "you have nailed that response, I am so inspired" or something of that nature that you want to reward instantly. Posting something in a quote afterwards is like kissing your sister.


It's like getting a gold star on a test... you knew that you aced the thing, but when the teacher gave you a gold star or a smiley face stamp, you just felt so much better. When a person recognizes your post, it just strengthens your sense of belonging in the community, gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling and generally makes you smile... and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

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I do understand the frustration - sometimes pearls of wisdom flow freely from a particular individual and it almost hurts when the system blocks you from recognizing that post. Sure, you MAY go back after you spread the love, but it's that feeling of instant gratification "you have nailed that response, I am so inspired" or something of that nature that you want to reward instantly. Posting something in a quote afterwards is like kissing your sister.


It's like getting a gold star on a test... you knew that you aced the thing, but when the teacher gave you a gold star or a smiley face stamp, you just felt so much better. When a person recognizes your post, it just strengthens your sense of belonging in the community, gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling and generally makes you smile... and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!



This is super true, especially the part about the gold star or smiley face stamp, my fav is the smelly stickers, but no matter how much I scratch, the screen just doesn't do them justice but I imagine they would smell like a touch of sun and that smell is super yumm lemonny! I tried giving you a smiley face too but said I need to spread the love around. How does it know I have a crush on you? Wow! rep points are Magical!

Oh and today Old Dog, you have done such a good job "putting teacher glasses on" you deserve a :bigclap:too

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This is super true, especially the part about the gold star or smiley face stamp, my fav is the smelly stickers, but no matter how much I scratch, the screen just doesn't do them justice but I imagine they would smell like a touch of sun and that smell is super yumm lemonny! I tried giving you a smiley face too but said I need to spread the love around. How does it know I have a crush on you? Wow! rep points are Magical!

Oh and today Old Dog, you have done such a good job "putting teacher glasses on" you deserve a :bigclap:too


I tried to rep you tooo!!!! But you do have me blushing!!!

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This is super true, especially the part about the gold star or smiley face stamp, my fav is the smelly stickers, but no matter how much I scratch, the screen just doesn't do them justice but I imagine they would smell like a touch of sun and that smell is super yumm lemonny! I tried giving you a smiley face too but said I need to spread the love around. How does it know I have a crush on you? Wow! rep points are Magical!

Oh and today Old Dog, you have done such a good job "putting teacher glasses on" you deserve a :bigclap:too


I tried to rep you tooo!!!! But you do have me blushing!!!


Blushing or gushing :jackoff: :icon_wink:

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Blushing or gushing :jackoff: :icon_wink:


Well at first it was blushing.....

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As others have stated rep. points are just a fun way to say "well done" or as Old Dog put it a gold star. Sometimes you just don't feel the need/urge to respond to a post but the idea moves you enough to comment, in this case adding rep. is ideal. See this brand new thread as an example of my point of view.

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By clicking on the "user CP" button on the upper left hand of the page you will be able to see the last five people who gave you rep. and the posts for which they apply.



Does anyone know a way to see older ones, beyond the last 5? I may sound braggy, but there are times when 5 give me points for one or two posts, and if there were more I don't know how to know about them. I say "braggy" but it really is only because I don't check there every day or anything, just now and then. I see the past 5 but if all the dates are new since the last time I looked I worry I might not have noticed someone's comment.


I always appreciate all nice comments of course, so not seeing them is a shame.

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Does anyone know a way to see older ones, beyond the last 5? I may sound braggy, but there are times when 5 give me points for one or two posts, and if there were more I don't know how to know about them.


You may easily get reputation points from more than 5 people. If you go to any post which has received reputation points, you can see everyone who rep'd you, any comments they made, and everyone who nominated your post.

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If your curious about your rep points, and where you got them, pull up your profile, click on statistics, then click on find all posts by....

It'll list all posts you wrote, the most recent first. Click on each post, see if it got a nomination or rep points


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Hate to sound negative but does anyone else notice the amount of negative rep. flying around lately? I remember a time when the frowny face of negative rep. was like a WMD. Now, they fly around like mosquitoes in the night for some reason. Possibly a reflection of some of the more negative or heated threads that we have been seeing of late?


Your thoughts, please.

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Hate to sound negative but does anyone else notice the amount of negative rep. flying around lately? I remember a time when the frowny face of negative rep. was like a WMD. Now, they fly around like mosquitoes in the night for some reason. Possibly a reflection of some of the more negative or heated threads that we have been seeing of late?


Your thoughts, please.


I think that most here are trying hard to be cautious, thoughtful and to avoid knee-jerk reactions we'll regret later. My sense is that most people are concerned about the level of acrimony we've seen on the board lately and are trying to tone things down out of care for the community.


Unfortunately, saying nothing and doing nothing doesn't have the desired effect in all situations, though such silence is my preferred response. I will use negative rep sparingly; it communicates without feeding trolls or re-churning discussions that are best left alone. It's not a wonderful option, but at the moment, it seems to be the best available.

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Hate to sound negative but does anyone else notice the amount of negative rep. flying around lately? I remember a time when the frowny face of negative rep. was like a WMD. Now, they fly around like mosquitoes in the night for some reason. Possibly a reflection of some of the more negative or heated threads that we have been seeing of late?


Your thoughts, please.


I've noticed this too and I do think it is a reflection of the board's mood of late.


Most frowns seem to be in response to bad behavior, which is okay in my opinion. However, a few were used to convey disagreement with a poster's stated opinion. In my opinion, this is not proper use. If you don't agree with someone's viewpoint or argument, then you should post a proper response of your own. This will allow for a possible rebuttal and (hopefully) a healthy discourse.

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I've noticed this too and I do think it is a reflection of the board's mood of late.


Most frowns seem to be in response to bad behavior, which is okay in my opinion. However, a few were used to convey disagreement with a poster's stated opinion. In my opinion, this is not proper use. If you don't agree with someone's viewpoint or argument, then you should post a proper response of your own. This will allow for a possible rebuttal and (hopefully) a healthy discourse.


I could not agree more! The use of negative rep. in my opinion should only be used for bad behavior not when disagreeing with someones post. That said if the poster stated something racist, etc. then by all means use negative rep. but for everyday run of the mill difference of opinion replying to the post would be more appropriate.


I am starting to think that some members here don't know how to use the "I approve" button when doling out rep. points.


My thoughts...and observations.

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