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The Value of CERB Threads

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Last night I had dinner with a couple of wonderful ladies, both of whom are CERB providers and each of whom I absolutely adore.


Conversation varied, but one thing came up that was rather intriguing. All of us began to wonder about the value of the threads we have here and more specifically, how much weight do the carry in influencing your decision to book with a particular provider?


In my own case, I would say that I rarely look at the ads created by "lurking" providers; I truly believe that this forum gives providers an opportunity to enhance visibility and put more than a face to a name - it establishes a personality.


So... here are the questions:


Clients: Do the threads influence your decision to book with a particular provider or do you just skip to the recos and ads? Does "visibility" in the threads help you in any way?


Providers: Do the threads help you in establishing a clientele or assist in any other way, positively or negatively?


This is not scientific, nor has a poll been created - it's just a general interest thing.

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To summarize it briefly, What some may post in other threads could influence me a lot as whom not to see (giving me an indication of personality important to me), however, the recommendations and advertisements assist me to decide whom to see (giving me an indication of age, looks, services).

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Clients: Do the threads influence your decision to book with a particular provider or do you just skip to the recos and ads? Does "visibility" in the threads help you in any way?



Yes and no I suppose would be the most accurate response for me. Yes I do consider recommendations to be an important tool at my disposal in regards to meeting a lady for the first time but I do understand just what they are. That is to say they are positive opinions posted by other individuals, I mean just because they may post that they enjoy wearing wool doesn't necessarily mean I am going to shear a sheep. So yes recommendations are important but they must be given their appropriate weight as opinions.


As far as public contributions go, again yes I enjoy a more active posting lady as it allows me a glimpse into her thought process, opinions and beliefs plus it sometimes allows for some pre - date flirting. I must also point out that sometimes when we hold back just a bit that can be just as, if not more inviting than laying it all on the table. Mysticism and the idea of "always leave 'em wanting more" is a time tested practice.


So all that being said YES recos. and post count, etc. help me decide but NO I do not rely exclusively on one or the other.


Does this make sense to anyone other than me???

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I agree that I tend to pay less attention to ladies that only post ads as opposed to ones that contribute on a regular basis. Although I will also view the recommendations when making a decision, I learn more about a lady through her posts on the board.


And at the end of the day, between posts and pm's it deepens that connection that makes an experience a true "girlfriend experience" in that you know more about a ladies personality than simply how she performs in the bedroom.


As for visibility helping, I can't really comment as I haven't been very visible until recently. I suppose that it could help the lady in knowing whether you are someone with whom she would like to spend time.


I suspect that for the unseen masses of CERB though who do not post in the threads, the ads and the recommendations are far and away the most important aspect of this board and in making their decisions.

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Clients: Do the threads influence your decision to book with a particular provider or do you just skip to the recos and ads? Does "visibility" in the threads help you in any way?


The ads/profile/website influences me the most. The threads and post influence me as well, quite a bit actually. I do not read recos, that is just me, I like to make the adventure my own.

Edited by Z***ou**U

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The value of the threads here for me personally is huge. I know that I read a lot of the postings on a variety of topics, from the frivolous to to the serious.


I will not say that I do not look at ads or recommendations, because I do, but what will take me to them are the forum contributions. As with many of the guys here who have expressed this on many occassions, to meet with an SP is a privelege, and for me a part of that privilege is her willingness to converse and let me see at least a part of the real person.


For a supposedly well educated man, I have learned a lot of things about a lot of topics from the ladies (and gents) who contribute.


I really do get the feel or sense that many of the ladies here are a part of a larger mutual support group and that many of the men are right there with them. Seeing what the women post demonstrates the personal characteristics that I value and seek and I would hate to be in a position of having to make a decision based on a shout box comment or an ad.


To extend the discussion just a bit further to encompass the title of the thread, I have read and been a part of discussions that have educated me, made me laugh, made me cry, made me think, made me question some basic beliefs, made me aware of the silly stereotypes that I had/have, and the forums DO play an important role for me in many many ways.


How else would I have have known that a guy like Old Dog can make such bad jokes and puns and then be the same person to write with such wisdom and compassion and clearly make his point of view understood. Are there TWO Old Dogs?


Yes ladies, for at least this one member, the forum contributions that you make are important. I love reading them, and please don't go away from this aspect of CERB.

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Guest E*******h S******s
I suppose that it could help the lady in knowing whether you are someone with whom she would like to spend time.


This is absolutely correct, no supposition about it!:icon_wink:

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Guest s******ecan****
To summarize it briefly, What some may post in other threads could influence me a lot as whom not to see (giving me an indication of personality important to me), however, the recommendations and advertisements assist me to decide whom to see (giving me an indication of age, looks, services).



Agree 100%

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Lol I have been thinking about starting a thread like this for a while. Posts definitely influence my decisions regarding which clients I see. If someone says something super offensive or ridiculous I have a hard time seeing myself getting along with that particular person and therefore I wont see them. Luckily, there are very few people that I feel this way about.





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Altho the majority of my client base are not board posters, many have done a history of my posts and contact me because of it. I feel CERB threads have contributed positively to my business and serve as a general source of personal amusement on a daily basis. I also use a posters history to determine if they are someone I would enjoy spending time with. Useful all the way arround.


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Posts (and not just posting advertisements) provide a good insight into a person's personality/intelligence and sense of humour.

After reading a lady's writings, that first and foremost makes me think "I want to meet her"

And as a sidebar, I don't have to agree with everything the lady says or not, but a lady who posts, and participates on this board, well she is contributing to this community, and that makes her someone I'd likely want to meet

A quick rambling


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When I finally found CERB back in 06, suddenly my eyes became open to a much larger world. I lurked for a while then I became much more comfortable with the community and I started to participate in the discussions. It has been a life lesson that has taught me many a things. It has allowed me a great number of experiences that I shall always cherish. Many firsts so to say. I have found so much value in the threads over the years, mind expanding to say the least.

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Sure, I can be sexually attracted to a stranger pretty much immediately.


However, I find that i'm even more attracted to a woman after i've had a chance to get to know her a little and find that she has traits that excite me or I admire.


Cerb threads have been a wonderful method of exposing me to beautiful, funny, intelligent and passionate women (not just sex wise, but passionate about their beliefs, morals, personal interests, etc).

Women whom I otherwise would not have had the pleasure of interacting with.


So yeah, I would say the threads are the main factor that influences my attraction to different ladies around here :)

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I read the threads mostly to see how the youngins look at and think about stuff. Not a lot of local gals participate on here. Have only met two on here that I ended up seeing. If there is some one who interests me then I like to send a pm and how they respond will determine if I have continued interest.




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Clients: Do the threads influence your decision to book with a particular provider or do you just skip to the recos and ads? Does "visibility" in the threads help you in any way?


Yes. It's not the be-all and end-all, but I'm more likely to want to meet someone who contributes here, someone who I feel I have some kind of connection with even if we've never met. Pretty much all the ladies who I haven't met yet but would like to are ones who post at least semi-regularly, beyond ads.

Edited by Phaedrus
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I am definitely more interested in seeing a provider who posts actively and seems to be nice/fun/funny/smart/etc. but I still look at the other factors like location, availability, looks, options, etc. I have been with a provider with whom I disagree with on some opinions, but I respect her opinions & her reasoning and I was more attracted by her candid discussion than turned off by our personality dissonance.

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