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I owe an apology to everyone whom,replied,to the thread "website or not"

I stated some of my personal information/opinions which I should not have!

I sincerely apologies for my non factual statements.. I unfortunately stated thing that happened to myself,and the thread turned into a heated debate,other then a simple discussion.I really truly am sorry and will not post anything on cerb that may cause commotion/ disputes again.

Really, I am apologizing as much as this maybe an ego blahh,it's necessary..

Hopefully you all can see I am not trying to hurt anyone feeling,nor cause problems.


Amelia Rodriguez

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Hi Everyone,

I wish we can all get along, we are all here for the same reason and have that in common. We all have different opinions and think different things, but that's what makes us all so special and brings us together here. I hope we can all understand that we are all different..Let's all be equals and be nice, keep the peace and all that sweet moosh stuff.

I like everyone's opinions and thoughts, even if they are so far out from mine, pretty interesting stuff I tell ya!

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As Amelia, it it is also necessary for my apology . I was repeating information that was perhaps not exactly true, however I do think I have stated, as well as other's have, that in calls are not legal. That being said,I was fallowing a wikipedia quote about case law....which is a bit different.


'Prostitution' is not defined in Canadian statute law, but is based on case law which deems that 3 elements are necessary to establish that prostitution is taking place - (i) provision of sexual services, (ii) the indiscriminate nature of the act (soliciting rather than choosing clients), and (iii) the necessity for some form of payment. [2]


If anyone is confused by my statements then I sincerely apologies.For it does clearly state that prostitution is legal. I did not mean in any way to cause this to be such a disturbance to everyone, just trying to understand. As we all have read in our research, that even in court this can be confusing let alone for the general public to understand. For there is the catch 22 clause in court:(

Again I hope we all can go on to our daily lives, put this behind us, live and let live, sorry:(

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It's nice to see calm heads prevail.


As Julia said we are all equals with common interests and goals. Some laws that make this all so difficult ARE there and the fact that they are so damn stupid is something that we all should be aware of and striving to change in one little way at a time.


Again, this community has its role and it is because of the openness and exchange of information and opinions of everyone. We just have to think sometimes before we push that submit button.

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Whew! Sunshine and happiness....let us let bygones be bygones! Sometimes we feel very close to a subject and tend to get very emotional about it. My wish, as the self proclaimed "Fairy God Mother of Joy" is that we all find it in our hearts to first forgive those who "piss us off" and to second, "realize that as intelligent human beings, we can debate without being hurtful!!!?

KKK meg being too nice again...oh well, my point of view; hmm part of the democracy we all share?

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This is the third time I have attempted to form a response to this thread, so here is hoping the third time is indeed a charm.


So, where to begin? I guess the most logical, since this is a thread of apology, is to begin there. It takes a big person to admit their own fault and for that I applaud you. Mistakes happen and words/phrases get spoken that can lead to more harsh words, the snowball effect if you will. Yes the thread in question was heated and from that we all should learn and move on!


Everyone here has to remember that unlike in the "real world" every word we speak, or type I suppose, can be read and or quoted over and over in their entirety by the next person. To avoid confusion or conflict discretion should be used when quoting and discussing the relevant topic. If the thread is getting a little dicey take a step back and take a breather. We may be madder than hell at the previous posters comments, and that is fine, but we mustn't let our anger get the better of us. If someone has annoyed us keep the rebuttal stern but respectful. If I post a comment I must keep in mind that my words are now public (Cerb) record and can be quoted as such. If my statement is incorrect I must be aware that my words can and will be corrected. That said when I have my statements corrected this too must be done in a respectful manner. As of late I find myself steering well clear of any heated or controversial thread as I just don't enjoy them. I do not enjoy the drama, conflict or issues that tend to come out in these types of threads. Words can be more painful than that of the cruelest torture and we must all be aware that there is an individual attached to that avatar. I may disagree with the person or their comments, and that is my right, but I must disagree with them respectfully! There is a fine line between debate and argument and on this board one rules and the other is not tolerated, please do not make the wrong decision on which is which!


We all have a role to play and rules to play by on this board and I am fully aware that if I don't like those rules, well I know damn well where the door is! If respect can not be maintained during our very adult oriented discussions here then there is indeed a problem.


Please, keep in mind that I am not attempting to single out any party or parties involved. Think of this a blanket statement or rant if you want on the state of Cerb affairs!


I implore everyone who reads this to please play nice and be the kind of friends we all need to be in this community.


There you have my thoughts on the subject, agree or disagree with me that is fine but one thing you can not argue with is without respect we will suddenly find ourselves in a very style CL world! When that happens Stevecurious will be closing his account!


Thanks for listening...

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Go away for several hours and one misses a great deal. What happened, PM if necessary.

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Guest W***ledi*Time

... I'll respond here too.


First of all, as far as I am concerned, no one need ever apologize for making a factual error in good faith. We're all here to learn from each other, after all. So that's my personal take on that small part of it. I hardly imagine that anyone in the thread was offended about that aspect, anyway - although, as always, I stand to be corrected.


Second of all, and more to the point. Just in case an apology is being offered for anything beyond the simple factual error itself, then I freely accept whatever portion of the apology (if any) that might have been intended for me.


Cheers, Wrinkled

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Best to let sleeping dogs lie...


I believe this is a feel good story to read with a good lesson we can all learn from - as information is knowledge and knowledge is power :wink: I know I am better off for having read it.


Gave me the warm-n-fuzzies seeing the community grow :grin:


CERB Rocks! Party-on Wayne!! Party-on Garth!!

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We all make mistakes. Sometimes we loudly make mistakes. I don't think any one of us who participates on a regular basis has a perfectly clean record when it comes to controversy - whatever gets stated may be misinterpreted OR be in diametric opposition to our own belief structure, moral code or personal credo.


That being said, it takes a big person to step up and realize that they have offended someone and back down. That is what being part of a community is all about, bending slightly for the greater good.


Will these situations happen again?

Hell yes.

Can we still function after?

Hell Yes.


Thanks Amelia. Thanks Sophia. Good night John Boy. Good night Mary Ellen.

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Thanks Amelia. Thanks Sophia. Good night John Boy. Good night Mary Ellen.


And if I don't see ya, good afternoon good evening and goodnight.

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