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You probably wonder what this thread is all about. I was looking at the 2011 Valued member/SP award thread and then I was reminded of very valuable past members who used to be great contributors to cerb in the past years and now for their own reasons they are inactive or not so much active on cerb. And these are the ones (and many more but space for my post is limited and I leave some to others:


Seymour. A true gentleman with many thousands of very valuable posts especially the jokes who brought smiles to our faces. His passionate recommendations and his unconditional sincere support for his cerb friends. In my mind he is and will be a valuable cerb member. I hope he becomes active again but of course entirely his decision.


Kih - Also a true gentleman and with many valuable recommendations and very friendly personality who posted many valuable posts during his stay on cerb. I hope he becomes active again but entirely his personal decision of course.


Monk - He posted many friendly valuable posts and gathered such a popularity during his short stay on cerb. I hope he comes back, regardless my best wishes to him.


I couldn't nominate them for the 2011 cerb valued members award (since they have not been active in 2011) but in my mind they are and will always be valued members. Do you know someone of similar great past standing?.

Edited by S*****t Ad*****r
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Guest W***ledi*Time

The following three past gentlemen members each enriched my personal Cerb experience immeasurably.

(The specific circumstances of their leave-taking could be said to be unfortunate, each in its own way, but that doesn't diminish their contributions to Cerb while they were with us. Each was a "must read" poster.)


Cumquat. An endlessly fertile source of ideas and web-gleanings. An intelligent, straight thinker. The wizard extraordinaire of Cerb polls.


Inaluki. Well spoken. Thoughtful viewpoints. And a writer of literary masterpieces rather than mere recos.


buggernot. A man with a viewpoint and not afraid to state it bluntly. His viewpoints were always thought provoking. Also a deliciously twisted sense of humour.

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Cumquat. An endlessly fertile source of ideas and web-gleanings. An intelligent, straight thinker. The wizard extraordinaire of Cerb polls.


True, how could I forget Cumquat. Thanks for remembering him WIT.


I should have posted this thread in the general discussion area though as there are some non-Ottawa valuable but inactive members too. My bad.....

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drreamer 8


dreamer 8 was a big contributor on the board. i event seen him on the board in a long while.

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With all these great contributors that left their creativity and kindness here on CERB, maybe we should create a kind of "Hall of Fame" for those who have retired or slowed down.


To recognize the good is a one of the great values of CERB, isn't ?

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I remembered two more contributing gents in the past and they are:


Igotaboner and T'Storm


Hope they will be back, regardless my best wishes to them.


T'Storm lives!!!!!!!!!!!! He just has another name!!!! (in fact he is online today!)

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Guest W***ledi*Time
... Igotaboner and T'Storm....


They continue to walk (and post) among us under "nefarious" aliases, ha ha!

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T'Storm lives!!!!!!!!!!!! He just has another name!!!! (in fact he is online today!)


Hoops, sorry Old Dog. My apology to both of them as I wasn't aware.


They continue to walk (and post) among us under "nefarious" aliases, ha ha!


So Igotaboner is among us too? Good to hear they are both still with us.

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Guest W***ledi*Time
... So Igotaboner is among us too?


Actively posting today!

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Guest *ig*a**

Btw don't forget cato many contributions and founding member of rhag.

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Who can forget Cato of course but please remember Bigdawg that this is a remembrance thread that is for us now active (Cato included) to remember those cerbites who were major contributors to cerb in the past and we enjoyed reading their valuable posts and for the reasons of their own they are inactive as we speak. This is an opportunity to acknowledge their contributions and remind everyone of their valuable contributions and thank them sincerely even though they may not be aware of our posts.

Edited by S*****t Ad*****r

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Guest *ig*a**

True. The one i miss is dreamer8 i always looked forward to reading his reviews and he always had a knack for finding hidden gems.

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He may have made a couple of mistakes and that is why he is no longer on cerb and We didn't see eye to eye on many subjects but we always respected each other's views but the fact remains that he was a valuable cerb contributor with his many posts including recommendations spanning over several years. He was YoungStud aka YS and wherever he is, I would like to extend my best wishes to him.

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I remembered two more contributing gents in the past and they are:


Igotaboner and T'Storm


Hope they will be back, regardless my best wishes to them.

T'storm was quite a character, nice guy I have met him and he is a ladies man. He loves women and women love him. lol

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T'storm was quite a character, nice guy I have met him and he is a ladies man. He loves women and women love him. lol


True Notch... T'Storm was quite a guy... but he only wished he could be half the man you are.

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T'storm was quite a character, nice guy I have met him and he is a ladies man. He loves women and women love him. lol


NJ, it is very good of you that you remember T'storm...Now, are you that convinced the ladies love him, lol?


To T'storm!

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NJ, it is very good of you that you remember T'storm...Now, are you that convinced the ladies love him, lol?


To T'storm!

Ladies from all across North America told me so, so it must be true.


Additional Comments:

True Notch... T'Storm was quite a guy... but he only wished he could be half the man you are.

He said that to everyone but I told him that old fable "The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence". The poor guy wanted to go and cut their grass to help out, that's how he rolled.

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