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Religious/Spiritual Views

What's your faith/religion/belief?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your faith/religion/belief?

    • Juedo-Christian (Catholic, Christian, Protestant, etc.)
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    • Jewish
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    • Stoic
    • Pagan (heathen, Wiccan, druid, etc.)
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I was raised a Roman Catholic. Went to Cathecism (Sunday school), had my First Communion and all that other stuff. I even went to an all-girls' Catholic school. But when I was 14 years old, I came to a revelation. Catholicism was bullshit. I disagreed with so many of the beliefs, I told my mom I wanted to go to a public school for high school because I was renouncing my faith as a Catholic. This of course broke my poor mother's heart.


However, I showed her over the years that although I didn't feel the need to attend mass or confession, I could still live my life and make both her and God proud of me. I personally do not believe in RELIGION. It's unnecessary and has been the cause of far too many wars. But I do believe in God, have a wonderful relationship with him, and consciously try everyday to become a better person. I do what I can to make a difference in other peoples' lives, I follow the Ten Commandments (ok, except maybe that adultery one, but whatever) and I give to charity. I believe in KARMA (what goes around, comes around) and God. And so far in my life, I've found if you give to God, God gives back.


Not in any way trying to be preachy or pious. Just letting you all know what works for me. :)


One of the questions I've had, and never had answered, is why do you need a religion and/or church to practice believing in God. Isn't that a personal matter between you and God

And like you Soleil, not being preachy, pious, and not being critical, nor mocking it is just for me one of those unanswered questions about religion I have.


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I too was raised as a Catholic but I don't believe in organized religion. I just try to be a good person and feel that it serves me well. I am a spiritual person but don't feel I need to go to a big building every Sunday to prove it.

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Too many people around the world are persecuted, tortured or killed in the name of one god or another. At the risk of offending those who believe, I am sorry, but religion is the opiate of the masses.

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I was brought up in the Church and still go to this day, whenever possible. Some people can confuse religion with culture as there are many different religions and ways of life.


So yes I am Lexy the church going, nerd, SP!! I haven't turned to dust for being an SP and a believer in a higher power. My intentions, true self and heart are known to the one I believe in.

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I know I may be reviving a dead thread here, but as someone new to the scene I found this thread very interesting. I am a catholic, and still go to church, but over the years I guess you could say I've begun to question the churches views on a number of things. Not just because of my heavy background in science, I believe in evolution personally, but because their stances at times seem to hurt and divide more people than bring them together. Too be honest I've always felt that it is not what you believe that is important but how you treat others. If you treat others with kindness and respect, that's all that really matters in my books.

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I take an Anti-religious Agnostic view when it comes to spirituality. I was baptized Christian at a a young age but I don't follow it. This is very strange for my family because they are very religious. They try to find every excuse to explain why (school, friends etc). But the truth is I've always questioned religion and I can't fake faith. I understand everyone has a belief system and I respect that but I don't use religion for mine.

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