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highlights of the day

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In less then 24 hours I am in Toronto:D


I have the most badass boots ever.


this is all.


Perhaps Torontonians (that a word??) should be put on a weekend RED or BAD ALERT !! Malika is on her way :boobies:

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Perhaps Torontonians (that a word??) should be put on a weekend RED or BAD ALERT !! Malika is on her way :boobies:


LOL. I am bringing my awesome boots to Toronto:D


and errrr...they arlready know I am bad:D

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Guest L**gh M****e

I am grateful today because a long time gf of mine of over 30years has contacted me today..the first time in 13 years and had asked me for my advice, support and help with her 17 year old daughter who had to be admitted to the hospital recently. Even though we get older and we go our separate ways in life, I am grateful that I am thought of. So sweet that we have such great people in our lives.

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Grateful for the pm's and posts on my page from my cerb friends. Thanks to you all.

And best wishes for 2012.

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My highlight is a bit cumulative, but I have had a great week and a half with the kids home for Christmas. They have now left and the house feels rather empty again, but tonight I am going over to my brothers for NY Eve, they have lobster and seafood in, and of course there is the hot tub outside on their deck.


The whole holiday has been a highlight.

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Waking up knowing that this weekend will be NOTHING but pure relaxation....

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Receiving an unexpected text last night from a wonderful person that I hadn't been in touch with for awhile and had a very nice conversation with her. Made me smile because I had missed her and still has me smiling today :)

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Received great messages today from some of my very best friends on cerb. Really great messages.


Surrounded by beauty on cerb.


What could be better than that?


Dude, you've been with multiple women already today? You're my hero.

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I wish I had been with multiple women today but alas no... I'm working on next week, though :)

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Ending 2011 safe, secure, relatively healthy and knowing that 2012 will continue to bring more of the same.... oh.... and knowing that this year child support gets cut in half!!!!!

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Sitting back, relaxing after cooking and eating a New Year's Eve steak dinner.

And looking forward to 2012, starting with my first encounter next Saturday with a special lady


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Surviving 2 hours of shoe shopping with the family then topping it off with a big feed of sushi.

Just heading out to walk the dog through a nice snowy field and, like Old Dog, have a cigar to smoke out the old year.

All the best to everyone.




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Happy to have everyday life back to normal :) Tree and xmas lights are down .... leftovers are all gone, my veins aren't pulsating anymore from trying to get all that gravy through my system and I don't have to wear my loose waisted fat pants at meal time anymore ;)

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5 pairs of reading glasses purchased today at The Dollar Store for $7.20 including taxes. Thanks Old Dog ( even though you led me to believe they were $1 .... they were $1.24 a piece :icon_rolleyes: )



Also I just saw an ad for Penelope. Welcome back !!!

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Guest **cely***r***ne

Knowing I have amazing friends who have broad shoulders, huge hearts and big ears! I love you!



Also I just saw an ad for Penelope. Welcome back !!!


Thank you Lee! I am so happy to be back! The past year has been rough, but I know in my heart of hearts that this year is going to be fricken EPIC!


Additional Comments:

Ok...so more than one highlight today!!

I cannot believe this!

I havent had internet for like a month...


I called the internet company (BELL) and guess what!! OMG I'm so excited!


I have internet coming to me in 3 days! I have a FREE HD Samsung TV coming to me in 4-6 weeks (today was the last day for the offer!) and a home phone number! No more relying on minutes people! Wooo!


YES! Already this year is proving itself to be AWESOME! oh, did I mention it would be EPIC? Yes yes I did :D

Edited by **cely***r***ne

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Surviving 2 hours of shoe shopping with the family then topping it off with a big feed of sushi.

Just heading out to walk the dog through a nice snowy field and, like Old Dog, have a cigar to smoke out the old year.

All the best to everyone.





For a minute there, I thought I read that you're taking Old Dog for a walk while you both smoke cigars....



My highlight was being able to wake up whatever time I wanted to, today!!!!.

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Well highlights of the day

Yes, first day back to work, and first day of work this year, but after last week which was hectic, today was relatively quiet, got caught up on stuff

It's a short work week, only three days to go

Got a email from a wonderful lady this morning, starting plans for a upcoming and repeat encounter

People wondering why I'm smiling so much, it's because on Saturday I have a encounter with another wonderful lady, really looking forward to seeing her again

Life is good


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