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highlights of the day

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Finally got some personal affairs in order and some closure. Whata relief! Now its time to move forward with some travel in the next few weeks.

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I am an amateur artist... for fun, I've been trying to paint a portrait of a woman I used to know, almost entirely from memory (I have a photo of her, but the resolution is terrible)... I've been working on it for the past 3 weeks the pictures been close, but something was always slightly off.... this afternoon I realized I made her head slightly too large for her body... have corrected that... and cut back on her hair in the painting (I trimmed her hair, lol). and finally, it looks close enough.

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Waking up this morning, looking over and seeing a pretty and very sexy young French gal laying beside me :) I smiled and realized life was very good at that very moment !

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I just had conversations with 4 people that I haven't spoke to in years.... it was an amazing trip down memory lane....


I am also happy that Lee Richards found someone else to sleep with. I was rather concerned that he wanted to spend another night spooning, not that there is anything wrong with that.

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My champion standard poodle was bred in January and went back to our fantastic breeder yesterday morning to settle in and get ready to whelp. She must really like it there because, early this morning, she gave birth to nine puppies! I feel like a proud grandmother!


Photos soon.

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Guest S**a*Q

Waking up and realizing I spent a small fortune in the lap dance room last night... Mmm sexy ladies. (I should've got myself an escort though, lol!!!)

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Had the most amazing night with some of the most amazing people I know... it's a rare night when stories include tales of monkey ear rape.... true story.

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A cumulative highlight !


Thank you Ottawa for an amazing couple days spent in your city. You are very gracious hosts and to all of the gals and fellas that I had the pleasure to meet....you are all amazing, fun and down to earth folks and I hope to see everyone again in the not too distant future :)


Take care and hopefully next time I spend time with you here.....It will be wearing shorts and sandals :)

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Highlight for me came early today.


My daughter turned to her mother over a bowl of Rice Krispies and said, "Mommy now that I'm 4, does that mean that I can sleep with my red thingys out like you do".


I almost died laughing!

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Waking up and realizing I spent a small fortune in the lap dance room last night... Mmm sexy ladies. (I should've got myself an escort though, lol!!!)


Maybe next time Sara you should take a couple of responsible friends with you that would make sure you will leave with them and not leave you behind !! ;) hehe

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Maybe next time Sara you should take a couple of responsible friends with you that would make sure you will leave with them and not leave you behind !! ;) hehe


I volunteered dammit!

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Long ass day means my highlight is now it is bedtime, for tomorrow..........I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go.

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Missing the 24 car pileup by 5 minutes. I am glad I wasn't involved but feel bad for those who were! I hope that they are all ok!

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Well this may not start off sounding like a highlight of the day but bear with me

Thurs morning tire looking a little low again so went to the gas station before work to top it up with air. I know a trip to the garage in order though second time this tire went a little low in a few weeks

Yesterday got up to go to work tire completely flat :-(

Called CAA got it reinflated and drove to the garage

Tire checked...thought maybe a nail in the tire and it could be patched

Turned out the steel belt in the tire coming apart and a couple shards of steel went through the rubber....tire unrepairable

But the garage carries a stock of used tires and they had one that would fit the truck. Not only was it installed they rotated my tires

The highlight. Well it turns out a steel belt coming apart is dangerous and I likely wouldn't have noticed a problem untill too late except for the shards of steel causing a leak

And second I thought major $$$ for the repair...only $53 for the tire and labour


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I have had one of the best weeks I have had in ages, and it has everything to do with the company I keep... thanks to all that have made it as much fun as it has been!!!

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Learning that iCloud has everything I ever purchased from iTunes--even stuff I thought was long lost--available to download to my phone. Yay!

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After a few weeks of searching, i finally found a set of spring-inspired cookie cutters. They just jumped out of nowhere in the least likely place i'd look for cooking supplies: Loblaws

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Spending some amazing time with my sweet angel, then watching GSP won his match on UFC 158 at night.

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Spending a bit of time talking to Sahara Knite - she's the East Indian erotic actress who played the exotic beauty in Littlefinger's brothel in Game of Thrones. Such a sweety... but said that her role in the show is over.

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