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highlights of the day

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Guest c**io**m7

Currently sitting in a nice hot bubble bath...soothes the soul and the aching muscles from scraping the ice from the driveway yesterday afternoon.

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Yesterdays' rain and mild temperatures, took the bulk of the ice off the sidewalks...was able to have a walk this morning, still a few slippery spots but not nearly as bad as it was

Hope the mild temperatures remain


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Guest c**io**m7

Finally starting to let various members of both families know that we are going our separate ways. Most had already figured it out but, feels damn good to give confirmation.

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Twitter conversations


It range from giant squid in Japan, how do we survive in Canada when it's -40C (talking with an Aussie SP), stupid one line messages, to the jobnotablowjobs hashtag that is going around today

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Guest c**io**m7

Just came out of a meeting with a written job offer. Now I have to decide if I want to accept it or not.

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Guest c**io**m7
Thinking I only had smooth PB to spread on my English muffin, then opening the cupboard to discover crunchy PB. YUM!


Now THAT is definitely an amazing highlight! I hate running out of crunchy.

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No traffic on the drive to work! I had time for a leisurely breakfast at my favourite local diner. It's the little things.

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I was on the road doing some errands.. usual BAU sort of stuff...

Sitting in line at a red light.. and B A M... I get rear-ended..


I get out of the truck and l find a young student girl with this bewildered look on her face.. to say the least...

What happened ??? I saiz..???

"I hit the gas instead of the breaks..!!"


I take the time to look at the truck, and apart from a few additional scratches on the bumper.. it looks pretty much straight...

Her little Toyota took the majority of the brunt...


It was obvious she really felt bad and you can see she is just thinking of the aftermath of the whole ordeal... cost /insurance etc... money she probably cant afford to part with for something like this.


" try and be a little more careful.. and drive safely...

have good afternoon, and take care..."



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Guest c**io**m7

The last 3 hours. Wow!! What a night. It feels good to give yourself to those in need.

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I ate a piece of bacon today. I didn't go into death spasms. My gallbladder did not attempt to kill me. I haven't had bacon in 3 months. It was a mouthgasm. Oh yeah... I swallowed.


May your ad read...."I swallowed...oh yeah"


May your gallbladder "rest in peace" soon !!!


May a lady say .... "I want Old Dog's dog wrapped in bacon" ? Probably not ever most likely or said no one evar past present or in the future either. But Gall bladder be gone. :)


Good luck big guy !!!! I believe the hog industry has faltered lately and needs you back !! Oink.

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Guest c**io**m7
Waking up to this scene in St Thomas USVI.


Ahhh...yes, beautiful St. Thomas. It is one of my all-time favorite cruise ports. Enjoy!!

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Discovering that something I have been working on for some time has come together in a most satisfying way.

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Guest c**io**m7

Just got off the phone with the fellow I met last night and he is excited about tonight's "anonymous" meeting. He told me he had one of the best sleeps in a long time last night.

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Guest c**io**m7

Enjoying 4oz of Martinique Rhum Agricole with 2 ice cubes and juice of half a lime

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Guest c**io**m7

Having a day of father/daughter time shopping for a new laptop for her. It was a priceless day.

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Guest P*rry

I started mindful meditation recently. Today I mediated for thirty minutes. It was the longest 'stretch' to date. I felt very calm at the end.

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I started mindful meditation recently. Today I mediated for thirty minutes. It was the longest 'stretch' to date. I felt very calm at the end.


That is awesome and good for you. :icon_smile: If we could do this every day we would not need anything else. Congratulations!

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