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highlights of the day

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Went out to the country with some friends for pre-Canada-day festivities last night. We had a barbecue, played board games, and snuggled. Then we went out into the field to light fireworks. After the fireworks were gone, we lit some signal flares too for good measure, and called it a national distress signal. ("Help! Help! Our country is sinking!")


There's something very satisfying about reinterpreting nationalist traditions like that.


Oh but did I ever get eaten alive by mosquitoes! *itch itch*

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Serving up a big Canada Day Breakfast for friends and family, Seeng Jully Black sing Oh Canada on telly and then the jets continue their fly past from Parliament Hill over our house. Always stirring.

Re-reading a good book and then dozing off in the shade.

Snapping the cap off a Lug O Tread beer.

Still more adventure to come.

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Well I don't know where to start with this day - it was a great day from start to finish, and it's only 5:30, so lots to do yet.


I finished tilling my garden and weeding and it looks incredible. Potential for a bumper crop this year.


Then looked at my email mid-morning and got the notification that I have been looking for the the PEI Air Show tickets are on sale. The Snowbirds and the Blue Angels will both be here.The tickets are ordered so how about front row center, and all of my kids will be here for it. Three days of camping at a provincial park in the area are also reserved!


Finally I spent the afternoon trying to salvage and restore my raspberry patch that fell by the wayside two years ago. I have a ways to go yet with them but progress is obvious.


Oh hey, did I say it was yet another glorious weather day here in the Island?


I have special friends in Halifax and Ottawa who enjoy my blueberries and I am pleased to say that the bushes are looking as if there will lots of picking in August.


I also heard from a couple of friends.


What a day!

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Today was a hot humid day but there is nothing like a dip in the lake down the street from where I live. One of the advantages of living in North Eastern Ontario where we have an abundance of lakes in our back yards! Who needs a pool!

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I'm a bit of a chameleon and have friends with many different backgrounds including executives, hippies, jocks, docs, cops, teachers and sons of anarchy types. I seem to be able to slip in and out of each group with no effort or hassle. Sometimes a few eyebrows are raised when I show up but that cools out real quickly. Canada Day was spent with the Sons of Anarchy types which was a blast. Boats, babes, bongs and beer and me jokingly referred to as their lawyer... :)




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Coffee with a good friend on her splendid balcony We have created and outdoor space that we call the "think tank" We have a lot of fun out there, with some serious monents that can be life altering and changing.


I feel extremely fortunate to know her and I always leave with a life lesson that enriches me a as a person.


Thanks my dear GF. Love you.

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Chatting with Gabby in the room last night. A very funny lady!

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I am on staycation. I can hear the garbled sounds of Bluesfest from my window. I don't really need much in this world. Today it's deli meats and public pools. Who knows about tomorrow. Life is grand.


Ambition - 4


Satisfaction - 6


And the winner is Satisfaction with six points, after an exciting comeback in the second half!


Now please excuse me, I must return to the pressing issue of nothing.

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A few days late with this one but had a wonderful social visit with Katherine on her latest trip to Charlottetown. It was a great afternoon of catching up and enjoying each others company...something that I have sorely missed these past few months.

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Turning a bad situation into a good one:)


Taking advantage of my few sick days off and steam cleaning my carpeted staircase:) OMG...looks so good now:) I been putting it off too long, and could not do it if I had clients coming in. So now nice and clean fresh:)


Finally feeling better too! ahhhh, nice to eat again!

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Connecting with a passerby for a brief moment, just a glance, a touch of spirit. In that second to see and feel smiles erupt on our faces. Like children on a playground who can no longer hold their enthusiasm in. There is something timeless about this and very human. That's what happened today :)


To see discussion threads like this really is fantastic! I have been a member of the Cerb community for only a few days but I'm really getting the feeling that this is something special.


Super glad to be part of the township. See you all on Main Street fellow citizens.

Take care,


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Lobster season has come and gone (and I made good use of it ), but today another season starts. I am having my first fresh peas right from my garden, along with new PEI potatoes. I shall compliment those with some fresh fish. Anyone care to join me for dinner? :)

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Having coffee and muffin delivered to my door from Timmies from a good friend and having an awesome conversation.

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FINALLY getting my AC set up! It ain't pretty (yay duct tape lol) but at least it's working! Now I can, in good conscience, have me some sexy company ;)

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Guest ****someS**l

Biked to Britannia Beach and went for a nice swim. Biked home for a cold shower and an even colder beer (Moosehead). Simple things in life!

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Fresh corn on the cob ... Picked this morning. Good to be home but looking forward to getting back to the Rock as soon as possible. Internet will be hooked up tomorrow. Yay!!!!

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-- Sunshine and temperatures in the mid to high twenties.


-- On vacation for the week.


-- Bushes trimmed and pruned.


-- Faucet in kitchen replaced.


-- Wifey gone for the night!!!


-- Sitting in front of a bonfire, laptop in hand watching the MLB All Star Game!


-- Adult beverages...dangerously low.


-- Oh and Aubreys most recent pics.!!!

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