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highlights of the day

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1:21 and just in from the barn where I delivered a set of twins. They're fine, but I am exhausted. 'Nite, Cerbites.

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Guest webothscore

Today a waitress gave me a shot on the house. I was with a group of people at lunch and she said nobody had me her laugh until that point of the day. Yaaaay.

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Took advantage of this cool grey day to read a book... and throw some vinyl on the turntable. Dammit, there is NOTHING like listening to old tunes with a few hisses and pops - it sounds silly, but it's the imperfection that makes it perfect.

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Met a new Cerb gent! Wonderful time!


I just inadvertently stumbled upon what is going to be my upcoming birthday present in September! A Persian Teacup kitten! I can't wait!



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We got a new super at my apartment. The bathroom tap that was supposed to be replaced but the useless hump of a super never did replace it is now going to be replaced.

Funny thing the tap was ordered and has been sitting in a box just waiting to be installed


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Guest D***el B***e

I had a fantastic day ... I went out today, after work, well ahead of my future plans, but purchased a few items for my next hot date with my favorite MA. I hope she will enjoy my small token of appreciation ... I loooove scratching my head and coming up with unique and mystical ways to surprise her ...

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Took my dog for a walk today. She is a big dog, with short legs, she insist that she is not a miniature. So, she was trying to keep up with me, and along comes one of my cats, just keeping up with me. Made my dog take some extra steps to keep up. Normally my dog lags behind, but the cat made her really march to keep up. Working off those pounds gained during the winter.


Saved a kitty today. Truly an ugly cat, but the vet ended up giving him a clean bill of health thanks to a special someone who helped with his vet bills. Spayed a female cat and neutered 2 boys and found a home for one boy who would otherwise live his life as a stray cat.


9 million cats will not know the life of being unwanted today. That is a special feeling.

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I went to Angie's tonight with some guy friends.

lol; I must say, I turn into a Dirty Ol' man when I go to strip clubs!!!


I had the BEST lap-dance of my life (after being turned down by other girls) by this beautiful lil scotian girl named Diamond.


unfortunately I (as a woman) find ladies uninterested to entertain me, but this girl gave it her all with a nice and sweet attitude. its hard to find in a strip club as a woman and I couldn't help but give her the upmost thanks for her amazing work

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I went for a walk last night and discovered parts of my neighbourhood that I never knew existed! More exploration is absolutely necessary.

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Being able to cut the lawn in a bikini!

Did you ever live in Kanata? When I first moved here there was a woman who used to cut her lawn in a bikini....drove the wives crazy...LOL!!


I tried it in a speedo...it drove the ladies crazy...but not in a good way...lol.

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Thought I'd erred on my tax return. Turned out I wasn't too far off so today got a cheque for over 3 thousand dollars from Revenue Canada.


Guess I can go out and treat myself.

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Had my professional carpet cleaner guy come in. Lost work time this afternoon but well worth it to have it done today. Carpets are sparkling clean!


A good role play scenario.... I could be a professional carpet cleaner and you wouldn't lose work time :) I shall have a shirt with a fake name on it like "Bud" or "Cheech" !!


You have shag carpet, short and trimmed carpet or hardwood Nicki ? Wait wait wait if you have hardwood you wouldn't need a carpet cleaner then would ya ?? Sorry my bad ;)

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Making a few new cerb friends today. That's always fun, and I look forward to knowing them better.

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so I was relaxing after work outside by the river when I noticed a family of geese. so I got some bread and managed to feed them and the little one were so cute. I was surprised I managed to get so close.

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The sun has come back to Vancouver . . . but we're trying not to make a big fuss about it. The sun is very shy and when overwhelmed with praise it tends to run away and hide.

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spending the first weekend in a long time without any real work obligations.

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Intended to spend last evening just lounging until the nap demon hit.... so I obliged the nap demon. The nap was a glorious refreshing 15 hours of much needed sleep..... oh I love when that happens.

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After many long weeks grounded Cub gets another trip. Just a 1 nighter to Cal but happens that I can meet up with someone I haven't seen for some time. Luv renewing acquaintances.

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