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Profile Visitor's on your profile....

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  Gabriella L said:
There has been many glitches on cerb lately (reputations points icon, nomination icon and now the profile visitors

which I also don't have anymore). I'm positive MOD will fix it as soon as he can.


Have an awesome long weekend everyone!



p.s what is wrong with the reputations points icon & nomination icons? pm me please

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  mod said:
p.s what is wrong with the reputations points icon & nomination icons? pm me please


This might be referring to a couple of people whose Nominate Post button disappeared for a couple days but has been returned.


This thread: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=63331

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  mod said:
also... some of the sp's post on every persons wall who visits them and this is also getting complaints.


interesting. I always thought that was a cute gesture :confused0024:

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  tepic said:
interesting. I always thought that was a cute gesture :confused0024:

If you look at some of the messages, SOME are pure sollicittion :icon_confused:

I can understand why some gentlemen are not too happy about it.

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I really enjoyed this feature :) It was nice because we could acknowledge those friends who dropped by our profile and now we cannot :( The counter was great too because we could see how many visitors to our page we have had :) Hopefully something can be figgered out in a timely fashion because I know there is numerous members that appreciated these 2 features!

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I like the feature too, but I agree with winnipegcub - Safety before convenience always!


If it's being used to harass SPs, I'm totally cool with not having it for a while, until it's made opt-out-able/friends-only, or otherwise tightened up to prevent this kind of misuse.


We'll just have to be patient. Rushing where safety and security is concerned is always bad.

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Like fellow CERBites, I find this particular feature useful to alert me to visitors to my profile page. I fully uderstand MOD's reasoning for disabling the feature, on an interim basis, until such time as an appropriate working mechanism can be put in place.


Without putting too much pressure on the MODs, as their tasks are currently onersous enough, perhaps it can be a misuse and lose situation. In other words, if the feature is present and there are well-founded complaints about a particular community member improperly using it, then their account can be disabled for that feature while allowing others to continue with their proper use.


Just a thought.

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While it was fun to see who has visited my profile, first and foremost is the ladies' safety and security. If disabling this feature helps with ladies' safety and security, I'd gladly lose the feature.

If the feature can remain while protecting the ladies, great.

If not, well losing it is a small price to pay to protect the ladies from stalkers

CERB should be a welcome and safe place for everyone involved in this lifestyle

Some quick thoughts


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To be Honest I thought it was the polite thing to do- to acknowledge and thank the people that have viewed your profile and to be flirtatious enough that they feel invited to visit again and again ;) I am disappointed it is gone. Same with the counter, as that added to the excitement of this site! It also helps determine if the thousands of dollars spent in advertising on here actually works......

I really enjoyed the last 10 visitors option and the counter was a bonus...... my fingers are crossed that it will all return as I miss being able to notice a potential new friend, and to thank them for their interest and their time -etc. xoxoxo

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Emily I think what the person who referred to some posts at members profile as solicitation meant the ones who only post a 'come see me soon' or something similar. I don't think any gent would be bothered by a 'thanks for visiting my profile' especially if as you said is a way to show appreciation for the interest in you or/and your profile, is not something I often do but don't see anything wrong with that.

  Erotic Emily said:
To be Honest I thought it was the polite thing to do- to acknowledge and thank the people that have viewed your profile and to be flirtatious enough that they feel invited to visit again and again ;) I am disappointed it is gone. Same with the counter, as that added to the excitement of this site! It also helps determine if the thousands of dollars spent in advertising on here actually works......

I really enjoyed the last 10 visitors option and the counter was a bonus...... my fingers are crossed that it will all return as I miss being able to notice a potential new friend, and to thank them for their interest and their time -etc. xoxoxo

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  Isabella Gia said:
Emily I think what the person who referred to some posts at members profile as solicitation meant the ones who only post a 'come see me soon' or something similar. I don't think any gent would be bothered by a 'thanks for visiting my profile' especially if as you said is a way to show appreciation for the interest in you or/and your profile, is not something I often do but don't see anything wrong with that.


Posted via Mobile Device

We have to remember that there could be hundreds of different reasons why one chooses to visit another's profile.

I also find that there is a fine line between showing appreciation towards someone who visited "your" profile and direct sollicitation.


Let's not cross that line...

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In the case of aggressive soliciting on the guest books, is there an option to report that? I do show appreciation for viewing my profile ie: caught you peeking....or thanks for checking my profile. But not to every individual that happens to check me out. I think it distasteful, and looks desperate to come right out and solicit on a guest book. They will seek you if interested, no need to put someone on the spot like that.

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Wow, i think it is no different then the hobbiest looking repeatedly at our profiles, clearly they are interested in some way.....as it is a site for service providers and men looking for those services.....so why are we hiding? we all know why everyone is on here. we all share that much in common, thats how we have contact with each other, which eventually turns into friendship (cerbship). I dont think its distasteful to reply with a flirty message. I think its fun, light hearted, and exciting. pushing someone and soliciting is begging them to come see you and giving your location and rates and so on on their guestbook-which is not allowed. however saying a playful message like "come play soon" or "hope to meet you soon" etc should be considered just as light as saying see ya later or talk soon etc. ohhhh cerb what is going on?! SMILE! ;) Xoxoxo

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  sophia varoushka said:
In the case of aggressive soliciting on the guest books, is there an option to report that?


There is that option on the bottom right hand corner (it says "Report") of the message left on profiles, right by "View Conversation".


Would be good for abuse of any kind.

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I think what is being suggested by Emily is that us as Paid Advertisers it is a great tool to utilize. Yes it would be completely inappropriate to SPAM members guestbooks. Because us agencies as well as MA working for an agency have to pay to be here we are forced to work hard and utilize all resources. If a member takes an interest in viewing our profile shows they are curious and/or interested in us so is it inappropriate to acknowlege there interest? I say NO. It is completely acceptable imho :) I think that having an option to turn this option on/off is a great idea as well so for those who do not enjoy this feature can turn it off :)

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BAH!!!! This feature was something I loved!!! There is nothing better then putting a smile on your face when you go onto your profile and seeing all the wonderful gents that took the time to view you...now I can't and I am sad ;( Popping guestbooks for me was all the fun lol I think this feature was an excellent way for us to socialize amongst cerb...This is to bad that this feature has been taken from us, as most of us girls and gents utilize this to our advantage :) I will keep my fingers crossed that the mod will click enable back onto this feature :)




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I will add my voice to the chorus that this is a useful and agreeable feature that helps promote socializing amongst CERB members...



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  Erotic Emily said:
Wow, i think it is no different then the hobbiest looking repeatedly at our profiles, clearly they are interested in some way.....as it is a site for service providers and men looking for those services.....so why are we hiding? we all know why everyone is on here. we all share that much in common, thats how we have contact with each other, which eventually turns into friendship (cerbship). I dont think its distasteful to reply with a flirty message. I think its fun, light hearted, and exciting. pushing someone and soliciting is begging them to come see you and giving your location and rates and so on on their guestbook-which is not allowed. however saying a playful message like "come play soon" or "hope to meet you soon" etc should be considered just as light as saying see ya later or talk soon etc. ohhhh cerb what is going on?! SMILE! ;) Xoxoxo


I respectfully disagree, Emily. When I see "Come and see me soon" to me it comes across as soliciting. So if I think that way, so will others and that is what the guys don't like. It also makes the Poster seem a little pushy or desperate.


Just my two cents.

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if it's for the safety of the ladies, i can live without this feature. the ladies safety is and always is the number one priority here on cerb.

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  AngelaofOttawa said:
I respectfully disagree, Emily. When I see "Come and see me soon" to me it comes across as soliciting. So if I think that way, so will others and that is what the guys don't like. It also makes the Poster seem a little pushy or desperate.


Just my two cents.


I totally agree with you Angela about the soliciting part and seeming pushy and desperate but a simple hello and thank you for visiting should be fine and it's just a polite thing to do IMO. You can always delete it or in some cases the messages have to be approved by the person.

I truly loved and missed this function and never use it to say "Come and see me soon".

It's seems to me that this function is wanted back, it's a nice ice breaker to say hello.


I too tried to give you rep points but couldn't so I nominated your post!!

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  AngelaofOttawa said:
I respectfully disagree, Emily. When I see "Come and see me soon" to me it comes across as soliciting. So if I think that way, so will others and that is what the guys don't like. It also makes the Poster seem a little pushy or desperate.


Just my two cents.

I wanted to give you rep points, Angela but I already spread too much love around in the last 24 hours ;)

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  shymale said:
if it's for the safety of the ladies, i can live without this feature. the ladies safety is and always is the number one priority here on cerb.


As for the ladies safety, well now we don't know who is visiting our profile and checking up on us and that person could have been a bad date, stalker, time-waster, has multiple accounts or emails that they harass us from or someone who is unsafe or lied about being a CERB member because of these reasons.

So now unless we have have seen this person we have to do so many more things like checking certain areas thoroughly. Much more extensive screening will take place. IMO it is a hassle and takes lots of time when you need to check certain places thoroughly.

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