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Ever wonder why people who post complaints about CERB and the policies of the board keep coming back, reiterating their gripes in threads....


Why do they come back? Because it's a good board. They get something from being here. If that weren't the case, why would they log in, read threads, disrupt and moan...


Far be it from me to say that these people are anything less than intelligent or reasonable... They just have different opinions.


My point is not to insult them at all - simply to point out that even despite their opinions, they're here... A lot.


Assuming they're sane, it's because they get value from logging in, reading, etc. So clearly, CERB is doing something right.



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CERB is dynamic.


It is understandable that as the players change, some of the older members and even some of the newer members will find that the content and conversation is not to their particular taste or sensibility.


This isn't new nor is it likely to change; all boards go through growing pains.


We go through phases of widespread jocularity, of community unity and of community compassion. We also go through phases of community discord, politicization and polarity. Some members, like an old guy at the bar or that old-timer at work, will spend their time pining for the good old times; others will go with the flow and adapt. There is absolutely nothing wrong with either stance.


We do need to find a middle ground. People need to be able to express themselves without fear of being ostracized for something that was acceptable yesterday, last week, last month or last year. We have all seen it - someone says something and within hours there are flames all around them. It has become the fashion of late to pile on people who disagree with our political mindset. It sucks.


CERB is a place where industry women, and men who are clients, can meet, liaise, chat and have a little naughty fun. It's important to get the issues that the industry faces out there so that everybody understands the pressures that providers are facing. It's also important to understand that CERB is about sexuality, sensuality and the packaging thereof - if you need a plain brown wrapper to separate yourself from that fact, maybe this isn't the right place for you.


So in answer to your question, no, I do not ever wonder why people come back and gripe.


They miss the days when CERB was fun for THEM. They miss the days when they could look at a CERB provider, see her beauty and make a comment without worrying about accusations that they were objectifying her. The CERB they knew was about connecting with a woman that tickled their fancy, and not so fancy parts. It was an escort recommendation board, first and foremost.


My legs are getting a little tired... I am getting off the soapbox now.

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Very well said, wise man.


Thank you sir. I didn't want to rock any boats, but I do understand some of the frustrations out there...

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I think Cowboy Kenny had this issue nailed quite a while ago in another thread when he commented that the "t"-board and this board all have their purposes and generally do a good job. The other is quite a bit edgier, but not very social and can be hurtful at times. Cerb is a much more social place and for most purposes my primary area to hang out as that's the kind of person I am. I really like the way cerb has developed although it might get a bit "politically correct" now and then.

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So when there is a gripe or a complaint why not see it as constructive criticism? Why not see it as trying to make cerb a better place?


Old Dog, I tried to give you rep points but I was told I have to spread it around first.

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So when there is a gripe or a complaint why not see it as constructive criticism? Why not see it as trying to make cerb a better place?


Old Dog, I tried to give you rep points but I was told I have to spread it around first.



I see some of the gripes and grumbles on other boards, and quite honestly the gripe and grumble is complaining about the main principle: if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.


Many of the grumbles have to do with trying to turn it into a review board, where they can gripe and grumble about bad encounters. For some reason, they seem to have never been able to have a good encounter, and are suspicious about all the recommendations. They learned what is a review from review boards that focus on everything bad, and cannot seem to comprehend that anyone could possibly have had a good even great time.


And yet it makes one wonder why pursue this activity at all if not to have good even great times? Don't recommendations of sps who are capable of providing that make more sense than a multitude of nasty belittling comments typical of a "review"?

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I agree that Cerb has (and continues to) evolved from its' earlier policies to be more accepting of an honest opinion or two. I haven't memorized the rules, but I still think the underlying SOP is to have respect for others.


Therein lies the challenge - you can render your opinion without disrespecting another. That was certainly (and continues to be) my challenge. There are forums out there where you are free to flame another with impunity. Not so here - I was challenged to unlearn the temptations of cyber anonymity and grow-up. I was challenged to take responsibility for my e-pinions.


That's why I continue to be a regular visitor.

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The point of my original post really had to do with all of the people who come here and moan that they can't post negative "reviews", or find them here.


I respect that people see value in those other boards - but the rules here are clear and nobody is forcing anyone to be here.


What I was musing about what the fact that these folks continue to log in to CERB and then moan. Why log in at all if its not what you're looking for? It's like going to a buffet restaurant and complaining to the management that you prefer table service. If a buffet isn't what you want, don't go to one.


In the end though, I was trying to make a positive point - that when all is said and done, CERB is clearly a useful resource and a fun place to be for many.

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