AndyofHalifax 15339 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 I believe in boobies, Harvey's hamburgers, and small block Chevy V8 engines. I believe in gin in the summer and scotch in the winter. I believe in free universal health care, the infield shift and the continuous regeneration of an Irish liver. I believe in doing what's right, not what's easy. I believe Bob Dylan, Jack White and Mick Jagger are the musical equivalent of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The Beatles were apostles and the Eagles; Judas. I believe that the "state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation," and that what happens between two or more consenting adults should not bother anyone else. Nor is it anyone's business what you smoke, snort or swallow in the privacy of your own home as long as you are being responsible. Roasted veal stock is a miracle liquid. The only sound I respond to more than a cork popping is a aroused moan escaping from a set of lascivious lips. If you have to wake up before 5, you might as well just stay up. I believe in apologizing when you're wrong. I believe that a lady comes first, whether through a doorway or in the bedroom. I believe in long wet sloppy blowjobs, morning-after sex and heads banging off headboards. There's nothing sexier than a woman telling you she'll "think of you" next time she masturbates. And little less sexy than a man saying that to a woman. If you are a Yankees fan we probably can't be friends. It's easier to be friendly than spiteful although grudges are easy to keep and hard to reverse. I believe in occasionally pushing past your limits to see what you can really do, that organization is the enemy of creativity and that "somewhere along the line we seem to have confused comfort with happiness." Wrinkle-free shirts are a godsend and french cuffs are a cheap way to experience luxury. I believe in aisle seats and no checked luggage. Skinny jeans for guys, cell phones in pockets and laptops are going to have dramatic effects on sperm counts. "I believe in nothing, Lebowski!" We all pay for sex at some point; some of us just don't recognize the exchange. Never self identify as a Deadhead, Phishhead or a Parrothead. Nothing is as bad as it seems, until it happens to you. It's not a good album if it's not better in the car, although everything's better on vinyl. NEVER COOK BACON NAKED. I believe in blues based rock and the Bo Diddley Beat. I believe in the Best Bums thread, the Redhead Appreciation Group and the "Variation on the favourite song threads" thread. I believe in the oxford comma, two spaces after a period, and the futura font. I believe in breakfast beers, brunch caesars and two cocktail lunches. If you agree with everything in this post, you're a liar. If you believe in 80% you're probably nuts. But that's ok, because I believe in respectful debate. Finally, I believe that CERB is the best board of it's kind, and I believe that time and patience will heal all wounds. 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qwertyaccount 15793 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 I believe I'll have a beer and look at some boobies. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bcguy42 38594 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 "I believe in God and Senator Dodd and keepin' ole' Castro down" A line from "Draft Dodger Rag" by Phil Ochs from the mid-60s. There is a clip of The Smothers Brothers singing it here (if you watch the whole six minutes, you'll get a snippet of the society that affected my formative years). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
O'Cahla 4352 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 I believe in a higher power. That being said, we have no more understanding of that power than an ant has of the destiny of the universe. No religion or philosophy could possibly have it right, and any man who claims to understand God and what He wants of us, is either a liar or a fool..........or both. So let's all just lead the best life we can, get along together, and enjoy the journey Additional Comments: On that not I formed the Church of the Holey Sock. We're reverse druids, in that the druids worshiped trees and sacrificed virgins, where as we sacrifice trees and...........well you get the idea Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ottawaadventurer 5114 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 Time heals all wounds... But life is short. A dilemma. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 I believe Lemmy of Motorhead is the God of Heavy Metal, followed by Rob Halford of Judas Priest, followed by numerous imitators. I believe Alice Cooper will still be performing 20 years from now. I believe Led Zeppelin is the greatest rock band of all time! I believe in Santa Clause. I believe that rock and roll will never die. I believe that most people are good, not evil. I believe that babies giggling is the most precious thing in the world. I believe that a good old sloppy blow job with come on face is the best treat a girl could ask for! I believe I'll raid Old Dog's fridge because it's always stocked with a good assortment of different beverages. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kubrickfan 12836 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 I believe Lemmy of Motorhead is the God of Heavy Metal, followed by Rob Halford of Judas Priest, followed by numerous imitators. I believe Alice Cooper will still be performing 20 years from now. I believe Led Zeppelin is the greatest rock band of all time! I believe in Santa Clause. I believe that rock and roll will never die. I believe that most people are good, not evil. I believe that babies giggling is the most precious thing in the world. I believe that a good old sloppy blow job with come on face is the best treat a girl could ask for! I believe I'll raid Old Dog's fridge because it's always stocked with a good assortment of different beverages. Not a big heavy metal fan, but I like this list! As to babies gigling, I'll never forget that first ever goofy looking smile I got from my six week old daughter. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Areez 11906 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 I believe in a better day is always to come! and The following song sums it up for me: Savage Garden - Affirmation Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ottawaadventurer 5114 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 I believe in me. And you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Birdboy 10482 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 (edited) I believe I've written about this before. ;) ......................................................................................... Pooner Diaries: Belief (originally posted 9-21-2008 ) There are certain things I believe in. I believe in things of beauty. I believe in the sun setting through cirrus clouds at the end of a long day, casting long shadows amongst flashes of red, orange, and pink. I believe in the fine blonde hairs on the small of my lady's back as she stretches, naked, in the afternoon sun. I enjoy the alien beauty of a perfect white orchid, perched on its long and spindly stem. I believe in the real and enduring. I believe in the camaraderie of my good friends, any of whom would give me the shirt off of their backs. I believe in the sweat on my brow after a hard day working outside, the good ache in my shoulders and back after finishing a job. I savor seeing the fruits of my labour stretch out before me, the concrete and steel coming together to form structures that will endure if not the ages, at least the test of time. I believe in the simple. I believe in plain, forthright speaking. In saying what I mean, meaning what I say and expecting the same from others. Well written and clear instructions. My old Triumph motorcycle. The one which I can and have fixed with a screwdriver, an adjustable wrench and a prayer to the gods of Lucas. The coolness and clean satisfying taste of a cold beer after a long hot hard day. But most of all, I believe in the few things that are all three. I believe in my much beloved old bike, a thing of beauty in chrome and black. I believe in my pretty girlfriend, her faith and affection as solid and enduring as any brick or stone. She has an inner beauty to match her outer beauty. She's smart, she's funny. She's a woman of plain speaking, of simple tastes. Of simple cotton clothes, of her brilliant easy smile and large grey eyes. The light makeup, the sensible shoes she wears as she climbs on the back of my bike for a ride through the countryside and a hearty picnic. I believe in the way we think as one, the way we complete each other's sentences. These are the values that I hold dear. The values which I hold self-evident. These are the compass directions with which I steer through life. And knowing that, is why my hobby puzzles me. For you see, this hobby seems to carry few of these values. I've seen incredible outer beauty and grace. But so many times it's been only skin deep, a thin veneer over inner unsightliness and turmoil. I remember that pretty face that was forever on the edge of breaking into a contemptuous sneer. Another face, large liquid brown eyes with long lashes, thinly covering the deep vacuousness of the space behind them. Still another, full lips with a pleasant smile, distracting me from the words spoken from a dark heart. This hobby is a fantasy. A full-on, technicolor fantasy. As luscious, appealing, and as satisfying as the plastic sushi in the window of my favorite restaurant. I've played the GFE game again and again. It is a fiction spun from her imagination and my wishful thinking, as temporary and transitory as the flash of pleasure at the end of our time. I've somehow grown used to the idea of shallow companionship by the hour, meant to be used up and forgotten. I remember the narrow and constrained 'friendships' that I have so often developed, and only realized in those one hour chunks of time. On the face of it, it seems so simple. Just a simple exchange of cash for services. But there is a proscribed etiquette, a secrecy born of the need for discretion. The off-bounds topics of conversation, often making anything but light conversation difficult. So simple.. yet so complicated. My hobby is a rickety construct in the shadows, a straw house of twigs and branches. A movie set, beautiful on the side you can see, rough and temporary on the side you don't. Insubstantial to a man used to rock, stone, and steel. Waiting for a strong breeze of reality to topple it to the ground. Wondering if it will knock over that which is dear to me. Still, I know why I do this. I know that it fills a need. A need that I'm not having satisfied elsewhere. And I mostly choose not to think about the contradictions between this hobby and the rest of my life. But this is what I choose to do, of my own free will. And I do believe that some day, perhaps soon, I will stop. I will move on from this life. At least that is what I choose to believe. Edited September 11, 2011 by Birdboy 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Winnipegcub 21293 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 I believe in the sleek walk of a woman. I believe in single malt scotch and a good cigar. I believe in Alberta beef cooked just right over a slow grill. I believe in the power of the subtle including a look and light touch. I believe in life on other planets. I believe a woman's best quality is her confidence. I believe in thankyou. I believe in orgasms that make you grab onto whatever you can. I believe in growing my list of what I believe in vs losing faith. Cub Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old Dog 179138 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 I believe: 1. Chinese people can fly. Every time I see a movie like Crouching Tiger, Hero, House of Flying Daggers, they all fly. Ergo, Chinese people have the capacity for zero gravity transportation. 2. Samuel L. Jackson is cast in every movie. If he can't make it, he sends Morgan Freeman. 3. The older I get, the more often I pee like a girl. 4. That if parts of the week had smells associated with them, Monday mornings would smell like poop. Friday afternoon after 3, would smell like perfume on boobies. 5. Cancer can be beaten. Sagittarius on the other hand, is frickin' immortal. 6. My nipples make me laugh. Just sayin'. 7. Beer makes people more attractive. 8. People named Barry, Carey, Gary, Gerry, Harry, Jerry, Kerry, Larry, Mary, Perry, and Terry should hang out together more often. It would make it more fun for the rest of us calling them from a distance and seeing all of their heads turn simultaneously. 9. You never EVER digest corn, peanuts or diced carrots. 10. Women make me smile. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shymale 10234 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 i believe in living everyday has it's your last i believe rock will never die i believe in my senators even do there rebuilding i believe there's nothing more important than family and friends i believe in treathing others like you would like to be treathed i believe in the cerb community and all it's beautiful ladies i believe that canada is the greatest country to live in i believe that music is one of the most important in my life Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malika Fantasy 144625 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 I believe in the Theory of Chaos and the flying meat ball I believe in love (sadly) I believe that my eyebrows are doing a conspiracy against me I believe that the world is indeed, not that bad. I believe in being cynical and sarcastic I believe in therianthropy I believe that people couldn't survive without music I believe that everyone is someone else reason to masturbate I believe in freedom I believe in passion I believe that we need to follow our dreams, no matter what it cost I believe that friends are our true family, because we choose them. I believe that I am good at giving deepthroat:D I believe that I like the fact that I am starting to not give a fuck of what others people think of me I believe that life, can be sometime, kinda nice I believe that my hitachi is my best friend to give me orgasms I believe that we have the choice of choosing between the dark and light path. and that choosen the dark path doesn't make you a bad person Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old Dog 179138 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 I believe in the Theory of Chaos and the flying meat ball I believe in love (sadly) I believe that my eyebrows are doing a conspiracy against me I believe that the world is indeed, not that bad. I believe in being cynical and sarcastic I believe in therianthropy I believe that people couldn't survive without music I believe that everyone is someone else reason to masturbate I believe in freedom I believe in passion I believe that we need to follow our dreams, no matter what it cost I believe that friends are our true family, because we choose them. I believe that I am good at giving deepthroat:D I believe that I like the fact that I am starting to not give a fuck of what others people think of me I believe that life, can be sometime, kinda nice I believe that my hitachi is my best friend to give me orgasms I believe that we have the choice of choosing between the dark and light path. and that choosen the dark path doesn't make you a bad person Pinky??? No boobies??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malika Fantasy 144625 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 Pinky??? No boobies??? I think I don't even need to point it out. I believe that boobies will make everyone happy, even gay person. I believe that all boobies should pass in my hands and that I won,t share them I believe that the small of the back of a woman is extremely erotic I believe that tattoos are the greatest form of art 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qwertyaccount 15793 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 I believe I'll have scotch instead of beer today and then go looking at lots of boobie pictures trying to see fripples. I believe I'll contact Microsoft and let them know that their spell check doesn't know about important words like "boobie" and "fripple". I believe that all boobies should pass in my hands and that I will gladly share them, especially with Malika. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevecurious 42059 Report post Posted September 12, 2011 I believe Homer Simpson is my hero. I believe everyone deserves a second chance. I believe some people get too many second chances. I believe you will eventually get what you give. I believe life is too short and regret lasts too long. I believe in love at first sight. I believe mothers in law were sent to us by the Devil!!!! I believe in standing up for yourself. I believe heartache is something that never heals. AND I believe that every year is THE YEAR...GO SOX!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reuben Sandwich 13841 Report post Posted September 12, 2011 I believe when life gives you lemons, buy some Corona. I believe if Robert Burns was still alive he would be 252 years auld. I believe I finally know what ditty wah ditty means. I believe in peanut butter and honey on toast. Anytime. I believe in soapy showers with lovely ladies. Anytime. I believe there is a song lyric to answer anything in life. I believe I think I'll get what I think I want. I belive Guiness is good and in a Mars bar a day, at work, rest or play. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VedaSloan 119179 Report post Posted September 12, 2011 I believe in the healing power of ice cream! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old Dog 179138 Report post Posted September 12, 2011 I believe in the healing power of ice cream! Mmmmmm Hagen Dasz cookie dough.... or the caramel explosion.... mmmmmmmm Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted September 12, 2011 Mmmmmm Hagen Dasz cookie dough.... or the caramel explosion.... mmmmmmmm Is there ever a moment in your day that you don't think of something related to food? Or Zombies? Or boobies? Or..... I believe you need to make a batch of cabbage rolls and chili really soon. I miss your cooking. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old Dog 179138 Report post Posted September 12, 2011 Is there ever a moment in your day that you don't think of something related to food? Or Zombies? Or boobies? Or..... I believe you need to make a batch of cabbage rolls and chili really soon. I miss your cooking. Ahhhh it is becoming fall.... big batches of both shall be in the works very very soon. As for the rest??? I think of ... ummmm.... bums too. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reddog2402 2226 Report post Posted September 12, 2011 I believe there is nothing more peaceful than a quiet lake, a canoe, a fishing rod and a six-pack; I believe in speaking the truth, even if your voice shakes; I believe in the softness of a woman's skin, the warmth of her heart, and all the delicate curves and nibbly bits and tender spots that beg to be explored; I believe in the satisfaction of a hard day's work, and a cold beer when it's over; I believe in fairy tales - not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten (apologies to G. K. Chesterton); I believe anything worth having is worth working for. Too often we confuse "need" for "want", forgetting the satisfaction that comes from earning something that seemed out of reach; I believe we never truly grow up; we only learn how to behave in public; I believe that when you have to make a hard decision, flip a coin. Not to avoid deciding for yourself, but because when that coin is in the air, you suddenly know what you're hoping for; I believe in comfortable silences; I believe in integrity - doing the right thing when no one is watching. It's easy to do the right thing when there's an audience; I believe I almost, but not quite, managed to get this out without sounding like a fortune cookie! And gin in the summer and scotch in the winter - love that one! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Surf_Nazis_Must_Die 8958 Report post Posted September 12, 2011 I believe it's time to get off my butt and go to work! Also believe tonight is probably going to suck :( Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites