ulixestrojan 3757 Report post Posted September 13, 2011 In my experience, sometimes you really click with a service provider and sometimes you just don't. I have had some amazing moments that still leave me breathless when I think about them. Other experiences have me convinced I must be the worst lover ever. What are your experiences? What do you do when the experience just leaves you limp from start to finish? Do you go back over and over to those you click with? Are you fearful it may be a one time thing and don't want to jinx it? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Megan'sTouch 23875 Report post Posted September 13, 2011 Your question sounds like it's geared towards the gents, but I'd like to answer anyways. Chemistry is so important to me. It's the difference between thinking: "Oh my god, when is this going to be over?" and "Wow, I can't believe I'm getting paid for this! This is awesome!" Obviously I prefer the second. I'm able to judge somewhat from my screening if there will be chemistry between us, and if I get the feeling it may not be there, I generally turn down the appointment. But you can never really know and it does happen that gentlemen arrive with whom I have no chemistry. It's nobody's fault. I just do my best to provide the best possible service, and then I will not see him again, though that feeling is generally mutual. I also expect that many gentlemen read my posts and able able to judge if I'm someone they would like to spend time with. My thoughts. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrgreen760 37785 Report post Posted September 13, 2011 For me chemistry is all that matters. I want to see some one whose company I'd enjoy as much with our clothes on. I like to banter a bit and get a sense of whether we're sympatico about a bunch of stuff. I don't ask questions about menus or anything like that. I won't see some one just for the sake of seeing them. Peace MG 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeeRichards 177238 Report post Posted September 13, 2011 In my experience, sometimes you really click with a service provider and sometimes you just don't. I have had some amazing moments that still leave me breathless when I think about them. Other experiences have me convinced I must be the worst lover ever. What are your experiences? What do you do when the experience just leaves you limp from start to finish? Do you go back over and over to those you click with? Are you fearful it may be a one time thing and don't want to jinx it? For me chemistry is huge. It makes for a very very enjoyable encounter because both parties are into it and feel it and usually leaves them looking forward to seeing each other again in the future. As for a bad experience, don't beat yourself up over it. It happens to all of us. If you have an SP you click with great, but don't give up on going out and finding a new wonderful experience if that is what you want. Look around Cerb here. So many wonderful ladies, read their ads, and you can tell what they are looking for and IMO only ..... most of them are looking for exactly what you are. Chemistry and a relaxed, fun, fun, fun sexy time. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted September 13, 2011 Well I'm of the opinion that seeing a lady is more than just sex, so chemistry is definitely a large part of the encounter. Talking, communicating, hug,kiss, sense of humour etc etc etc,...everything that is done prior to clothes being removed is very important for a good encounter Menu is not first and foremost on my mind, nor do I even ask about it anymore, I prefer an encounter to unfold naturally But through posts/emails/pm's/the lady's website/profile gives me a good idea if we will click. And even if we don't see eye to eye on every single subject, it makes for interesting discussions Some ramblings RG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted September 13, 2011 Chemistry is paramount, then we usually go back as repeat customers :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalman 3861 Report post Posted September 13, 2011 I've been chatting about this recently with others and obviously chemistry is important, more important to me then whether I can get DFK vs. LK or COF vs. COB or maybe even BBBJ vs. CBJ. And although my preference is for spinner type girls, I have had many occasion with other types where the chemistry was so powerful that nothing else mattered. If there's no chemistry do I go back? Maybe, if I think I like the girl and might be able to find the chemistry. Am I afraid to go back and ruin good chemistry? Hell no....if it's there, it's there! I'll pursue it indefinitely until it fails. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrrnice2 157005 Report post Posted September 13, 2011 It is ALL about chemistry. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalman 3861 Report post Posted September 13, 2011 This "chemistry" is like some kind of majical mystical ingredient we can't put our finger on....but I think there are some ways to increase the possibility of good chemistry. 1. know what type of women you like and see that type ie. BBW or Tall or Asian or whatever. 2. ALWAYS be clean, well groomed and polite 3. Do your homework! ->Don't ask for things she is not into! 4. be relaxed, well rested, don't show up hungry or PMS'd for that matter 5. Let chemistry develop on its own...you can't force it! imho ymmv 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Winnipegcub 21293 Report post Posted September 14, 2011 Chemistry is Everything! But for me it happens in two stages. 1. With certain ladies I've built up a chemistry simply by their ads and the way they present themselves in posts. I've gotten pretty good at identifying the kind of lady I might like relative to the kind of man I am. A chemistry quickly gets formed between us and this process is so exciting. As others have said it is often this initial chemistry that draws me in vs looks, menu, etc... If we click and seem to 'like' each other than the other parts will often take of themselves. 2. With a very few I've gained a very deep connection. This is absolutely based on chemistry from our initial interactions added to the time we spend together. I highly value this and cherish that it is rare. I can like alot of people and get along with most but I think most of us only deeply connect with a select few. Again when this happens - its all because of chemistry. Very Fortunate Cub Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted September 14, 2011 Seems to me, we have some gents that here that past their chemistry course! I do like biology too, past that course too :) its all about the human anatomy, structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, YA BABY! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
waterat 20911 Report post Posted September 14, 2011 Aaaah Pete, I think that is passed not past ......though maybe you meant you passed on that course and it is now in the past!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted September 14, 2011 Lol you are correct waterat, my bad and stand corrected, it should of read passed ;) yes it was way in the past, too :) Aaaah Pete, I think that is passed not past ......though maybe you meant you passed on that course and it is now in the past!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted September 14, 2011 Ah, but chemistry also has the bad habit of being a fleeting thing. Good thing class is always in and pheromones are abundant! I feel like a kid in a candy store :) so many choices and so little time! Let's just say I love September and I love the fall :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xracer86 122 Report post Posted September 14, 2011 Very true Meg a little " class" has to come before chemistry! Sent from my LG-E720b using Tapatalk Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Code Blue 3585 Report post Posted September 14, 2011 While a humble newb, I would suggest that repeat visits would depend on more than just a pretty face or hot body. How does "the chemistry" appear? Can it be manufactured by things like venue or is it pre-ordained from the moment of first contact? They say it takes only 7 seconds to make a lasting first impression! Not much time for manoeuvre! CB Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ulixestrojan 3757 Report post Posted September 14, 2011 I really like this advice capitalman What I interpret from your response is that you can increase your chances of clicking by doing some homework and being prepared (reminds of the boy scouts) Here are some challenges that make the hobby interesting: 1) I don't always know if I will like what I am trying - if it is new. I guess this is part of the experiment. Sometime I go back to "give the benefit of the doubt'. Mostly first impressions are right. 2) Clean is always good. Dirty is not about not bathing (unless that's your thing, then rock on PigPen) 3) How do you find out: if the place is a dump, you will be mugged coming out of the elevator, a boyfriend in next room with a bat, or the cat is going to sit on your head during the whole shebang? 4) rested is good - I admit I work too much and just want an escape - perhaps this is why I often prefer a massage (I get to relax and don't have to perform - life is stressful enough) 5) I agree with letting chemistry develop. I think I have seen several hundred providers over the hobbying period - I think I have had that real "click" with perhaps 4-5. But when it happens - YOW! Good advice man. Keep it up! This "chemistry" is like some kind of majical mystical ingredient we can't put our finger on....but I think there are some ways to increase the possibility of good chemistry. 1. know what type of women you like and see that type ie. BBW or Tall or Asian or whatever. 2. ALWAYS be clean, well groomed and polite 3. Do your homework! ->Don't ask for things she is not into! 4. be relaxed, well rested, don't show up hungry or PMS'd for that matter 5. Let chemistry develop on its own...you can't force it! imho ymmv Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted September 15, 2011 What are your experiences? What do you do when the experience just leaves you limp from start to finish? Do you go back over and over to those you click with? As pretty much everyone else has said, the chemistry is critical. It's absolutely the most important single thing as far as I'm concerned. I also think it's a good thing to make an initial meeting with someone is long enough for both parties to relax and find out whether or not the chemistry's there. True, you don't want to be trapped in a very long appointment if it isn't, but I don't think that a very short meeting gives either side a reasonable chance of working this out, especially if you also wish to engage in activities which may make it hard to concentrate on the conversation in that short time. There's been one or two ladies I've met who I didn't really click with all that well. In those cases the experience hasn't been bad, and certainly not to the point where I was just getting through the encounter and getting out ASAP... it just hasn't been all that good either. There's nothing to say that those ladies aren't the perfect person for someone else - just not for me, 'cos the magic isn't there. Having said that, I haven't had that happen too often. This is probably because I have a strong bias towards seeing ladies who have at least some kind of presence here (over and above just posting their daily ad), so I usually have some sort of a clue what makes them tick before I get in touch at all, and once I do they hopefully also have some idea what I'm like, and can make their own informed decision about whether we'll get on or not. As far as I'm concerned, the list of ladies I've met and would like to see again is *much* longer than the list of ladies I probably won't go back to. The people I go back to are the ones who I like (which is not the same as merely thinking they're hot); the ones who I'd want to spend time hanging out with no matter what we were (or weren't) getting up to. Alas, there is also the competing lure of the new and unknown, which means I don't get to arrange second (and third, and fourth, and whateverth) meetings as often as I'd like... And when the stars align and you meet someone who you really connect with... oh, it's wonderful :) Are you fearful it may be a one time thing and don't want to jinx it? Absolutely not. If we like each other today, we'll probably like each other tomorrow too :) And if I think the chemistry's there, I'm totally coming back to see you again! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whatsup 11893 Report post Posted September 16, 2011 I do not go into an encounter expecting chemistry, but I think that I am an easy going gentleman, always clean and kind and respectful. I think that having these traits is real beneficial to forming a special bond with the ladies. I have been given personal phone numbers of agency ladies on numerous occasions and they have become very personable with me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ottawaadventurer 5114 Report post Posted September 16, 2011 I find it pretty easy to see if chemistry will emerge by chatting, pm-ing, emailing and reading posts and websites. The physical element of chemistry is hard to anticipate (will she find me attractive) but that is only one element of chemistry. And while men seem to be more visual by nature, I have found that women here have the ability to create chemistry based on other factors. Let's face it, not all of us (perhaps most of us) are not drop-dead gorgeous. Hats off to the women here who find ways of seeing past that and finding the beauty in all of us. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
castle 38816 Report post Posted September 18, 2011 I have very particular tastes and preferences when it comes to what's going on beneath (or on top of) the sheets, so yes the "menu" does play a big part in what makes me want to see someone....however it's not the only factor. There definitely has to be chemistry. As mrgreen760 stated I have to get a feeling that I would have as much fun with this person with our clothes on as I would with our clothes off. To me there can't be one without the other. If the menu is there but the chemistry is not, then i won't be seeing that person. My financial situation is such as which I cannot throw my money around willy nilly so I tend to be very picky of who I choose to spend it with. I probably don't see SP's nearly as often as many on here. Or have as many recommendations under my belt but that's ok with me. I've always been a quality over quantity kind of person anyway. So yes, chemistry plays a big part. I have fond memories of instances where I felt the chemistry was genuinely there and the sparks were flying. And it's with those ladies who I've repeated and plan to again :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SteevesTheKing 100 Report post Posted September 18, 2011 Chemistry between working ladies and the gentlemen who meet them....simple. Be polite, friendly, and decent. Always let the lady be in control, no matter what your fantasy. Be patient, and enjoy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kubrickfan 12836 Report post Posted September 21, 2011 Its always beenficial to exchange some e-mails in advance of a visit to develop that chemistry, and if they participate here on cerb and seem to be responsive to your posts, all the better. Its a bit tougher with an agency obviously on a first visit, but if you know the person who runs the agency/answers the phone and they know you a bit, that can help in matching you up with the right person. For me, the best example of that is Tracey at 613girls (formerly Ottawa Play Girls) although I haven't worked with her in quite a while. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ulixestrojan 3757 Report post Posted September 21, 2011 Great responses. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. What I hear is that chemistry is not the right word - alchemy is probably better. There is a little bit of magic. I was at a fetish munch this evening and the connection was certain people was electric - we all know why we are here, we are exploring our kinks and then we find matches that allow us to take us to places we do not usually venture. Thanks again. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
northpaw 100 Report post Posted September 25, 2011 Chemistry is king. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites