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Castle's pre-emptive 1000 posts congrats!

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Congrats Castle.... now you can move from the one by the shore to the big one behind!!!



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Great job Castle on your upcoming 1000th post! Keep up the great work and look forward to the next 1000 posts! :D

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Guest W***ledi*Time

Congratulations Castle! I always enjoy your posts!


Your crown:



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1000 posts ago, a very timid uncertain Castle probably asked something very stupid like "where can I get a bj?" I'm glad to say I've since graduated from asking such questions..... Now instead I ask "Where can I get a GOOD bj?" hehe...or on days where I'm feeling particularly generous "Hey, I know where y'all can get a good bj!"


All kidding aside I find it hard to believe I only joined CERB in 2006. I can't remember (or try not to remember) what this hobby was like for me before joining up here. This board opened my eyes to a whole other world of SP/Client harmony.


I used to only come to cerb for the 411 on SP's. But in the past 6 months or so I've stopped focusing so much on the "Escort" part of this site and really embraced the very real community which I never really realized was here. And I'm so VERY happy I did! not only have my eyes been opened sexually but the numerous topics discussed here have also opened them to so much more. I now come here daily for news, jokes, interesting topics...for just about anything really....and yes, I still come here for the countless sexy ladies too ;)


I want to thank each and every one of you for helping to make CERB part of my daily existence, for accepting this once-upon-a-time lurker into your ranks with open arms (and sometimes open legs and open mouths!) ......sorry...I had to get a little bit of dirty talking in.....this is me after all :p Ladies I want to thank you all for being your beautiful wonderful selves and for gracefully putting up with my crude, pervo ways....and guys, thank you for gracefully putting up with my random ass grabs!


I don't think I'll ever leave CERB by choice.....I've tried, I can't do it lol. The lifestyle I can quit. I've done it before. But CERB was impossible to leave. When that magical fairy tale woman finally comes along and sweeps me off my feet then that'll be it for me and the hobby. But you can all bet your asses if that day ever comes that I'll still be checking in here from time to time. CERB's stuck with me for the long haul whether it likes it or not!


After all.....facebook doesn't have Boobie/Fripple threads... :D


Additional Comments:

p.s.......would it be presumptuous of me to now change my handle to "Castle Elite" ? It does have a certain ring to it, no? ;)

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