Victoria Banks 21899 Report post Posted October 7, 2011 Tuning in to watch this.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bcguy42 38594 Report post Posted October 7, 2011 Tuning in to watch this.. Dr Phil: "You really are going to spend time telling me you do this for gifts? What, like a blender?" First answer that went through my mind: "But Dr Phil, it's a really GOOD blender - one of those Dijjon blenders!" Second thought: Dr Phil - gotta call sexist on this one. Really? The first gift you think of for a woman is a blender? Not a table saw, not an investment portfolio, not a bar fridge but a blender? Seriously? And not to prejudge (but I will anyway) but I'm gonna guess the good Doc never does get that perjoratively spoken term "prostitute" separated from "escort". His audience won't get it either and will applaud every bundle of wood he throws on the fire where he figuratively burns her at the stake. Let me know how it comes out. Posted via Mobile Device Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scribbles 6031 Report post Posted October 7, 2011 Dr Phil is another finely crafted heap of steaming dung, like all the other Oprah creations. I can't stand his self righteous garbage at the best of times, so I don't expect I would like this episode much more. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted October 7, 2011 BC...I laughed my ass off when he said blender WTF!!!! I need me a pressure washer! Jeeze!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted October 7, 2011 BC...I laughed my ass off when he said blender WTF!!!! I need me a pressure washer! Jeeze!!! I need a new lightweight vacuum cleaner I can haul up and down the stairs without throwing my shoulder out. I am not even going to bother to watch this, because I can pretty well predict, the beginning, middle and end of how this is going to go down. He will shame her and she will promise to get help for her so called problem. Blah, blah, blah. Just the fact that she agreed to go on his show speaks volumes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest W***ledi*Time Report post Posted October 7, 2011 (edited) The lady wants to get out of the escorting business (she's been in it 4 yrs); she says "it is wearing me down"; "I would stop and not look back". But, on the other hand, she is concerned with the financial hit she would take by doing so; she is afraid of losing her home, etc. She has two children to support. She says they are suffering because she is stressed out by her escorting business. She says she uses alcohol to help her get through sessions, because she "doesn't like the majority of it". She says she is looking for a solution to her dilemma. Escort: "I came here to change it." Phil: "I don't think so!" Phil: It's "delusional thinking" that escorting ever makes sense Phil: "You have lost all self esteem" Escort: "I don't believe that" She states that she has dated guys in the normal ways and they treat her like "crap"; she got "nothing from it but heartbreak". Escort: "My clients treat me very well" Phil: "No they don't, they pay you for a service. If they were kind they'd take you away from all this" [You can't make gems of advice like this up; the only way for a client to be kind to an escort is to try to 'rescue' her, apparently] Phil's Solution: Live life with a lower standard of living; there are plenty of women in today's audience with less money, but their self esteem won't allow them to be an escort. Live in a socially-assisted apartment if necessary. It's more important for you and your children for you to have self-esteem and be proud of yourself. Transition to be assisted by two months with Dr Phil's therapist. Edited October 7, 2011 by W***ledi*Time typo - missing e Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted October 7, 2011 (edited) Phil's Solution: Live life with a lower standard of living; there are plenty of women in today's audience with less money, but their self esteem won't allow them to be an escort. Live in a socially-assisted apartment if necessary. It's more important for you and your children for you to have self-esteem and be proud of yourself. Transition to be assisted by two months with Dr Phil's therapist. I'm really glad I don't have Dr. Phil as my therapist. Yikes. I had less self-esteem when I working for wages that progressively got lower and lower as the years have gone by, working as an admin. assistant for employment agencies that gouged the federal government by billing almost twice they pay me (talk about pimps). Over the years, I have had to work with some people who treated me like crap, never showed me or other any appreciation, stuck me with demeaning tasks and blamed me when things went wrong. I was also let go once because I refused to do a task that could have jeopardized my security clearance. Since I had no union protection and the agency didn't care, I had no recourse in that situation. Oh, but I'm supposed to be proud of that because it's better than escorting. According to who? Dr. Phil of the bible belt? Since I have gone from part-time escorting to full-time escorting, I can work part-time hours for full-time pay and not have to put up with all that bullshit. I'd like to see Dr. Phil give up his standard of living to live in public housing, go on assistance or have to rely on food banks or charities to get by. This lady needs to look at why she is burning out. She mentioned her clients treat her good. Not knowing her full story or the details behind it, I would hesitate to comment on what she needs to do, but it sound like time management issue may play into this. I believe I have more self-esteem now that I did when I was doing office work and being unrewarded and unappreciated for my efforts. Edited October 8, 2011 by Mature Angela 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Megan'sTouch 23875 Report post Posted October 7, 2011 It's "delusional thinking" that escorting ever makes sense How paternalistic! Yes women are just delusional and they need a man to tell them like it is. No they don't [treat you well], they pay you for a service. If they were kind they'd take you away from all this" Right because women are just victims that need a man to rescue them. Dr. Phil, you are incredibly paternalistic to suggest that you know what's best for women who are sex workers, negating their experiences. To suggests that decisions about women's bodies, sexualities, and lives are best "left to others" is incredibly sexist! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted October 8, 2011 [You can't make gems of advice like this up; the only way for a client to be kind to an escort is to try to 'rescue' her, apparently] So, all escorts just need a White Knight to come and rescue them? I fear Dr Phil has overlooked some of the difficulties with this. To illustrate the point, allow me to tell you the sad story of the one time I attempted such a rescue of a damsel in distress. I began with the best of noble and heroic intentions: my armor freshly polished and shining in the morning sun, my worthy steed newly shod and fitted for battle by my loyal squire. And so I sallied forth that bright morning, and arrived promptly at the damsel's incall. Have I mentioned that her incall was at the top of a large condo block? It was. Bear this in mind. So, I arrived, a little sweaty from the ride, but not to worry: all good damsels in distress have a shower at their incall, don't they? Getting in the door (complete with steed) was a struggle, but one which was eventually accomplished. And then I encountered my first insurmountable problem... have you ever tried to get a horse in an elevator? No? Take it from me, it's not worth trying. So, my noble steed had to be abandoned in the lobby that I might proceed with my quest. A pity, but no great obstacle to a knight of any repute, surely? And so I encountered my second insurmountable problem... my lance was too long to fit in the elevator! Disaster! What was I to do? Clearly there was only one way forward... the stairs! No matter that my damsel in distress lived many floors above! Have you ever tried climbing many flights of stairs in full plate armor? I tried. Believe me, gentle reader, I tried. But I'm not as young as I used to be, nor am I particularly in shape, and it's really hard work lugging all that metal around. I made it to the fifteenth floor. But there my endurance reached its limit; I was forced to confront the horrible fact that I had failed, and that my damsel would remain distressed for the foreseeable future. And so I clanked my way sorrowfully down the staircase, swore at the stupid horse for crapping in the lobby, and went for a beer Sorry, Dr Phil. I did my best. I wasn't up to it. But if there's anyone out there who needs a rescue and happens to live on the ground floor, give me a shout :) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest K***e D****ls Report post Posted October 8, 2011 Why is it always the negative stories that everyone focuses on? Yes, there are women in the industry who don't enjoy it; do it out of necessity; have been victimized; who have to drink or take drugs to get through each session, and it's incredibly unfortunate. On the other hand, there are women who get involved in the business for the right reasons (right for them) and use it as a tool to speedtrack them financially from point A to point B; who are very smart with their money and investments, aren't being pimped or victimized, don't take drugs, and actually (gasp) enjoy the lifestyle. Why are these women never showcased? As soon as I read that about this episode: :icon_rolleyes: What good was going to come of this episode? He'll be his typical condescending self with a bad case of verbal diarrhea, and of course, she will be a victim. No thanks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jazzitup 5652 Report post Posted October 8, 2011 There was a part where he says that it is not always pleasant for her when she sees a client. How I wish that she then spoke to the women in the audience and asked the women if they have ever had an unpleasant sexual episode with their husbands. I am sure you would have seen a lot of hands go up. You hear about married guys only getting a blow job on their birthdays or their wives thinking once I married him I shouldn't have to give blow jobs anymore. These guys are frustrated and turn to the SPs to keep themselves sane. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest s******ecan**** Report post Posted October 8, 2011 I can't help but think how differently this subject would have been handled by Phil Donahue in his prime. Both sides of the issue would have been fairly explored, an intelligent provocative discussion highlighting the complexities we all understand so well as participants in the industry. Today in the US corporatism dominates, you will never see a Dr. Phil or any of his ilk prepared to take any stance that opposses the status quo thinking. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted October 11, 2011 Dr. Phil is a twit and let's not forget how he once tried to seduce a patient of his, how he skipped town after he owned a fitness club that went no where and last but not least how his son married a playboy model. Yes, he is definitely the high moral individual that we should all look up to. NOT!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parker 19761 Report post Posted October 11, 2011 Dr. Phil is a moron, granted... but this woman actively sought out his advice on how to not be an escort as she didn't like the work... just the "gifts." You don't go on Dr. Phil and cry about your life because you're proud of what you do and full of self esteem. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Code Blue 3585 Report post Posted October 11, 2011 These shows are geared to advertising and that in turn is geared to the demographic that the show attracts. It's designed to deliver what the viewers expect, a self righteous view of the World According to Middle America. It is one more reason why I watch VERY little TV any more! CB 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icebreaker 3938 Report post Posted October 11, 2011 I've never personally been a Dr. Phil fan for the reason the previous posters have mentioned he is far too condescending to his guests. He simply goes for the easy TV ratings. I'd also be curious to know what percentage of his guests need real therapy after being on his show (from what I've seen it's usually an hour of him talking down to his guests - but maybe I haven't seen enough of his shows. By the way has anyone ever checked this man's papers to see if he is a real medical doctor? Posted via Mobile Device 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Butterfly Kisses 2301 Report post Posted October 12, 2011 I have met two young ladies in the past who I got close to and realized they were not happy with the escort and MP scene. In both cases I did my best to help them get out of the business. We still keep in touch to this day and both are married with children and doing their own thing, one a stay at home mom with three children the other expecting her second soon. I try my best to interact with ladies who enjoy this business and have total respect for each and everyone I meet. If anyone is in this business and hates what they are doing, I wish you the all the best and hope you will find support from friends and family to help you in your situation. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted October 12, 2011 By the way has anyone ever checked this man's papers to see if he is a real medical doctor?Posted via Mobile Device He has a Ph.D in clinical psychology but isn't a medical doctor. Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists The Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists determined on October 21, 1988, that McGraw had hired a former patient for "part-time temporary employment".[13] Specifically the Board cited "a possible failure to provide proper separation between termination of therapy and the initiation of employment"[14] and issued a letter of reprimand and imposed administrative penalties.[15] The Board also investigated claims made by the patient of inappropriate contact initiated by McGraw, but the "Findings of Fact" document issued by the Board on October 21, 1988, at the end of its investigation, includes no reference to any physical contact of any kind. It specifically identified "the therapeutic and business relationships" as constituting McGraw's sole issue with the Board.[15] McGraw fulfilled all terms of the Board's requirements, and the Board closed its complaint file in June, 1990.[16] In 1990, McGraw joined lawyer Gary Dobbs in co-founding Courtroom Sciences Inc. (CSI), a trial consulting firm through which McGraw later came into contact with Oprah Winfrey.[17] Eventually, CSI became a profitable enterprise, advising Fortune 500 companies and injured plaintiffs alike in achieving settlements. McGraw is no longer an officer or director of the company.[17] After starting CSI, McGraw ceased the practice of psychology. He maintained his license current and in good standing until he elected to retire it 15 years later in 2006.[18] Appearing on the Today Show in January 2008, McGraw said that he has made it "very clear" that his current work does not involve the practice of psychology. He also said that he had "retired from psychology".[19] According to the Today Show, the California Board of Psychology determined in 2002 that he did not require a license because his show involves "entertainment" rather than psychology.[19] Magraw's license is currently listed by the Texas State Board of Psychology as "retired" and he holds no other active licenses to practice in any other state. According to Texas State Law, McGraw could still be open to a charge of practicing without a license in Texas, since his show is broadcast in that state. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted October 12, 2011 Excuse but who exactly is Dr.Phil? ;) Sorry but I just don't watch those sort of crappy TV shows, I have better things to do with my time. :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites