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A short while back a thread appeared entitled "Why Can Boys Do it, but We Can't." http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=66730 The thread sort of went in various directions, but one post caught my eye, referring to the way that things 'used to be', with regards to ads.


The intimation seemed to be that at present most women do not put a lot of creativity into their ads because of whatever that change was that had been made in a previous time.


However, I do see a number of women who obviously put extra time, extra effort, extra thought, humour, intelligence and so many other things in their ads, so that their ads do distinguish themselves from others. As well, their ads over time do vary and differ from each other and change significantly over time.


A couple of examples that come to mind very quickly are ads from women such as ____, _______, as well as others.


I also see women who post regularly for whom I have virtually never seen an ad posted, and I am presuming that it is their posts and contributions to forums that bring attention and interest?


I am curious then from SP's and hobbyists alike, what role the ad plays for you.


Note: I removed those two names as discretion is the better part of valour and I shall wait until I have their permission.

Edited by mrrnice2

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Guest **cely***r***ne

For me, my ads allow the readers to delve into my personality a little. I write from my imagination with comparison to how I like to treat my guests, how I provide the fantasy.


The advertisements I write are personal as they reflect on who we are as people as well as providers. Because of that I think the role our ads play is a very important one, as I think they are what catches your eye and attracts you to us.

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My ads are the reflection on how I feel when I post them. Some days I wake up in a funny/playful mood, sometimes a bit creative, others just post something simple.

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Guest S**a*Q

I do the cut and paste thing now, because you can't comment on peoples ads. I used to put more thought into it, but now it's just info... I miss having people say "good job" or whatever on it...

Edited by S**a*Q

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For me the advertisements are a way to get to know me, to see who I am beyond just a photo. I will say that since the changes to the advertisement section were made I don't post nearly as often or as many ads but that is generally because my ads follow a theme and relate to the one before them, as I can't post a in one thread it often results in my ads seeming somewhat random or disjointed.

Though I didn't mind clients commenting on ads it too also resulted in my posting less, when I have 4-5 comments on a single ad by time you reach my next post the sequence no longer makes sense as the ad itself has become a discussion and not in the direction I was going. I don't mind the discussion in theory but I don't have time to write a different ad for each board every day and responding to comments/inquiries in an ad thread as it is very time consuming.

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For me the advertisements are a way to get to know me, to see who I am beyond just a photo. I will say that since the changes to the advertisement section were made I don't post nearly as often or as many ads but that is generally because my ads follow a theme and relate to the one before them, as I can't post a in one thread it often results in my ads seeming somewhat random or disjointed.

Though I didn't mind clients commenting on ads it too also resulted in my posting less, when I have 4-5 comments on a single ad by time you reach my next post the sequence no longer makes sense as the ad itself has become a discussion and not in the direction I was going. I don't mind the discussion in theory but I don't have time to write a different ad for each board every day and responding to comments/inquiries in an ad thread as it is very time consuming.


I agree, the discussions were time consuming. I too like to have a theme in my ads and being able to post on a single thread would make help people see my intended meaning. Starting a new thread for every ad defeats the purpose of sequential ads and makes it harder to come up with creative ads that make sense. It's a challenge that I will have to figure out now that I have resumed advertising again.


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My availability doesn't change much, I look the same, offer GFE, blah, blah. So instead of boring others with my hours, cell phone and website, I like to try and give the readers something a little different from the usual. I'm glad I started doing it, as it's even been garnering me some nominations!


I'm just trying to set myself apart in a sea of possibilities... :)

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Guest K***e D****ls

I switch up my subject lines a lot and generally tie them in with whatever photo I'm using in the ad that particular time. The actual body of the post is simple. Quickie intro, rates, contact and the link to my website where all my detailed information is, like bio and reviews.

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