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Hallowe'en anyone?

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For some reason, I still enjoy the cheap thrills of the night. I really liked taking my kid around the neighborhood and seeing the great costumes. All the goodies were pretty good too.


Here's a neat website for those who like a little history:



This year, we're planning to set up a fog machine & cool lights outside to add a little mood. I'm still debating if I should get a costume or something.... MMMMWWWAAAAHHHHAAAHHAAAAA!


Yes I know, I'm pretty lame - what have you got in mind?


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Smurfette! :)




Already have the blue latex body paint! It's going to be "Smurfy"! My DREAM come true....Me and all those Male Smurfs?!?!?! C'Mon!! Mmmmmmm!

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Guest K***e D****ls

Ooooh, I love Halloween! This year I have 3 costumes: Greek Goddess, Viking, and Jasmine from "Aladdin".


I've said this before on other boards and on my twitter: The naughty nurse/ naughty cop/ Playboy bunny has been done over and over and over- let's move past those costumes this year. I love seeing girls in original sexy costumes, something that took a little thought and creativity.

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I went on a bit of a spree at adult fun superstore and got these two costumes:





a bunch of the girls and I are dressing up on Friday at the Playmate....the geisha outfit is actually pretty short on me so i think a cute pair of red panties peeking through will do the trick hehe

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Smurfette! :)




Already have the blue latex body paint! It's going to be "Smurfy"! My DREAM come true....Me and all those Male Smurfs?!?!?! C'Mon!! Mmmmmmm!

I'd Smurf that

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Alas, I am not able to afford to do anything for Hallowe'en this year. :P I was going to be a cow (I was going to get second hand white clothes and dye patches, then wear a cowbell and horns with black shoes) but that's fallen through. My friend was going to be my cowgirl, too!


I wish I lived closer to where kids like to go. I remember the first year I moved out of my parents', I bought Hallowe'en candy and sat on the front doorstep waiting for kids. Now we live in the back of the building, so no one ever stops at our door. :(


I am however looking forward to post Hallowe'en shopping. Cheap colored tights, yes, please!

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Ooooh, I love Halloween! This year I have 3 costumes: Greek Goddess, Viking, and Jasmine from "Aladdin".


I've said this before on other boards and on my twitter: The naughty nurse/ naughty cop/ Playboy bunny has been done over and over and over- let's move past those costumes this year. I love seeing girls in original sexy costumes, something that took a little thought and creativity.


Hmm, I just took a liking to a viking.

Feel free to pillage my village any time! ;)



I'm not sure what the heck i'm gonna do this year. It's either video games and handing out candy with my best bud out in suburbia at his place, or check out one of the halloween concerts at one of the local venues. Either way I have no idea what i'll go dressed as.

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oh man...i also got this really cute cartoon plush hat that is basically a shark with its mouth around the wearer's head and it's tail sticking in the air...I'm gonna wear a Pink t-shirt that says "shark bait" and smear some fake blood on myself......this will be the costume I wear on my silly costume night. Can't wait!!

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I can't keep it in, this is such a huge rant of mine every Hallowe'en. Also, Annessa, this is not directed at you personally!


It's just if I see one more person dressing up as a "culture" I'm going to flip out. Halloween is all about cultural appropriation and it kind of grosses me out.



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I get it....and I've had the convo with many ppl this week alone about how both my costumes were apparently offensive and was shown the same ad above.


we got into the conversation of "what made it ok then?". example: if I was not Thai and was Japonese and had an authentic costume as opposed to the less expensive one would it then be ok to be dressed as a Geisha? If i was native would it be ok to dress like a native american if i was dressed as a certain type of Native (ie. Cree, Chipawan etc)? It was a very good and educational conversation on both ends as stated by the lady who posted it.


The native costume I had on me didnt look like the picture because I did the seams tight as not to show skin and had some great authentic jewlery that a friend lent me to top the costume off...i didn't braid my hair or run around with an axe. and it certainly didnt come down as low on me as it did on her! (I think the gal is like 5'5" or something! oy!)


Yup the geisha costume i wore at the strip-club...and probably would be deemed as being in poor taste in that sense. So I wont argue or defend that. but i wore it out tonight with a full long skirt in a tastefull way...but does it matter my intent?


In the same sense though, if a child dresses up as Mulan or Pocahontas are we to tell them that they are contributing to racist portrayals? (by the way i said my costume the night of the native ordeal was pocahontas....cuz i couldnt find an adult sized one...and thought the one in the pic would do...my bf was john Smith that night) I understand teaching the kids about systematically oppressed races but I also think that we as a society are far past getting our knickers in a twist over dressing up for halloween. Imitation also has proved to sometimes (when in proper taste) been the best form of flattery.


If i saw someone in a Thai sarong and headpiece on halloween I'd think that was pretty neat. But if they were systematically oppressed like african americans or Natives or any other race it shouldnt mean that the person wearing the costume is making fun of that race or is knowlingly contributing to a racist act.


sometimes its just as simple as someone was extremely unoriginal (which I'll gladly admit) and was on a shopping spree at a store and the costume looked good on them ;-)


and I totally see your point Berlin ...and completely see what you're saying, I'm just stating mine


sidenote: I was pocohontas another year and a drunk blonde gal loved my costume and asked me if I was native (which i get a lot). when I said no she tore me a new one and said my costume offended her because she was 1/8 native......she was dressed as a "slit-throat dead hooker" (her words not mine).....dont get me started on which was less appropriate.


sorry for the rant but Its halloween, lets all try to have fun.

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Guest ***nsut***jr

sometimes its just as simple as someone was extremely unoriginal (which I'll gladly admit) and was on a shopping spree at a store and the costume looked good on them ;-)




Have a great time.

I'm sure you will look hot.


Happy Halloween.



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I used to think this was all politically correct crap until I had a kid come to my door dressed as an orthodox jew. He had the black outfit, curls, and worst of all, a big nose. It hit home hard and I began to realize that some costumes are indeed culturally insensitive. It's hard to realize this when you're part of the majority culture. I don't think people are trying to be offensive in any way, and I tend to bristle at any form of social engineering (imposed political correct policies) but I have to say that I am more sensitive to this issue now.

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I thought I would share with you what I have planned for my Halloween night.

I am first having a Ham dinner with all the fix'en, fallowed by handing out treats, then after kids stop, we are doing guided meditaion session, hynosis, and tarot card readings( erotic deck, heheh) I am looking forward to this:))

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