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your worst and most favorite christmas gift?

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Best gift- because it was a brand new vehicle at that time! And a perfect color for Christmas. lol. Okay, maybe not your regular xmas gift but nonetheless someone received something nice in return.








Worst gift- a Chia Pet. It was a last minute kind present. It wasn't the present iself but more about the person who gave it to me.

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My favourite gift: A stereo/record player when I was 11 years old which I begged my parents for (I put in a lot of babysitting of my siblings for that baby!)





My worst gift: a can of "bag balm" which a picture of a cow's udder on it, because my boyfriend at the time said it was the best thing to soften dry skin.



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Least Favorite: When I was 11, I saved my money to buy my brother hockey gloves... I was pretty shocked when I received a book about karate... We still joke to this day that it is the worst gift ever...


and my favourite, id have to say my first guitar. Took me years before I started playing it, but it kept looking at me with a touch me look on its strings begging me to be played. It really influenced my love for music, and I have a great hobby today because of it...

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The best Christmas Gift?? The first Christmas when my kids were old enough to appreciate the gifts that they were getting. I know it sounds cliche, but seeing the absolute joy in their eyes when "Santa" came and delivered their presents was worth more than anything I ever received.


The worst? Pants. From my paternal grandmother. I was 3. What frickin' kid gets excited about getting pants??? She seemed shocked that the boys (there were three of us at the time) were so ungrateful for the effort she made in getting us all grey flannel church pants. I wanted a GI Joe. Instead, pants.

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Best gift: A "Words best uncle" keychain.


Worst gift: There were several and it's hard to pick the worst-of-the-worst - they all came from my grandparents.

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Worst Christmas, well it wasn't about presents, it was the year mom and dad split up...actually around November. Christmas very bleek that year, no amount of presents were going to make it good

Best Christmas and Christmas present, eight years ago. In the fall we were told my nephew, a premie, just born, had six months to live. Well the family will be having Christmas, and my nephew is going to be there, and it's his eighth Christmas...love it when the doctors are wrong, and at least we found out before his first Christmas


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Best gift: A "Words best uncle" keychain.


Worst gift: There were several and it's hard to pick the worst-of-the-worst - they all came from my grandparents.

I got generic name brand deodorant and aim toothpaste for my birthday one year from grandma... good intentions... but... haha

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worst gift ever


2 years ago i've receive some grandma type panties from my grandma. Like full blown things that cover your butt and is meant to be a chastity belt.


best gift?


my pony. seriously. My horse was my christmas gift.

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Best present ever (I also get them every year) cool socks!

I have a super serious sock addiction like 3 drawers full....

Worst present, a perfume set from my sister that we are both super allergic to and she knew this before hand. (I blame it

on her pregnancy hormones at the time)

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