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Are the rates that SP's charge a socail issue?

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In another thread several members have started to debate the general rates of the ladies. As this thread mentions a specific SP and the discussion is in no way about her just sparked by her specific price. I thought it appropriate to start a new thread not about her, but about service and access to service in general.


I think the point is that as far as inequalities go I am in agreement there is some inequality around the world, however do you think that everyone who wants an expensive car should be able to just get one? should the elusive restaurants in town that work very hard at building an ambiance and great food start pricing like McDonald's and is McDonald's not out of the reach of some of the poor, maybe food cars gas escorts etc... should all be just free. I don't feel badly for the guy that only has $800 a month to spend on SP's ($200/week) and I certainly don't care if the extra $100 is out of his budget?? This is a crazy extrapolation of social design, some guys can only afford $100/month, and in this town that is possible. Where do we draw the line?


If this is the case than perhaps we need to include SP's in OHIP as a basic health need? Then everyone can get some. As we can imagine this is not a necessity it is a luxury, food banks and soup kitchens exist because food is a necessity. They have taken the social responsibility of the shoulders of enterprising Restaurateurs. Like wise institutions like the church and government funded social systems have put people in place to help the unloved feel loved. SP's are not social workers, they are a luxury. I am all for liberal social programs to help the poor get on there feet, however to bring this political discussion into the price that the ladies charge is ridiculous.

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Dummpy, it's a hot topic.



There are lots of choices in the world, at all different price ranges. The higher the price, the higher the assumption that the goods are better...but that's not always the case. If price is your issue, you have to shop around.


As I get older, I shop around less and less and I'm just happy when I find what I'm looking for without hassle. Convenience and service becomes more valuable to me than squeezing every ounce out of each penny I have. My time is more valuable now.

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No the rates that SPs charge is NOT a social issue. It is entirely up to them to decide on their gift donations based obviously (as many said already) on market conditions and demand.

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I posted this elsewhere but i feel it's more appropriate in this thread.


No one is forcing anyone to go see anyone, there are also great gals who provide services for a lower fees. No one is being denied anything either, if you want something bad enough, you'll find a way to achieve the goal. It's human nature.


I understand the fear that if one sp raises her fees then others will follow, but that's not necessarily the case, what does happen is diversity is created in the market place and competition allows for an open market place.


Understand too that by increasing the fee, the sp doesn't have to see as many clients to earn the same or more. Given the personal nature of the service provided would you rather spend time with some one who sees only a few clients a day or one who's servcing clients every hour 10-12 hours a day, and don't kid yourself if you don't think the latter doesn't happen. It does, and quite frequently with touring ladies. Wouldn't wou prefer to work less and make more ? So why should these ladies be any different ?


It's all about options, just like anything else in life, you can drive a Hyundai, a Lexus or a BMW. You can eat at Swiss Chalet , Baton Rouge, The Chateau Laurier or Hy's. You can buy name brand pop or store brand generic, and the list goes on. In the end the market will dictate the rate, some providers will provide a high end service to a certain clientele, while others will provide options that are more within reach of other clients.


While sometimes prices do go up in a bad economy there's also a good opportunity for prices to go down if the market can't bear the cost, because it's fine to say you charge 300 an hour but if not enough people are booking at that rate and a provider finds the time to start taking up needle point and crosswords waiting for the phone to ring they will adjust their rates accordingly.

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Are the rates that SP's charge a socail issue?


I don't think it is. Like anything, it takes time for people to accomodate change. Some accept it on the fly, others dwell on it a bit longer.


Ultimately, it is up to the SP to determine their prices. Afterall, they are the one providing services.


If the said price for services is out of reach, then fortunately here in Ottawa there are numerous other choices that provide equivalent or superior services. Shop around!

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I'm a huge capitalist, but some of the laws of supply and demand don't seem to work like they used to. Supply and demand pretty much assumes rationale thinking and a class society, the later meaning that each level of social group sticks within their own set of like wants. When a more affluent person wants to say "mix it up" with the supply and demands of a lower group, then prices of the lower group demands will not decrease as there is a new demand. What actually happens is each social or economic group has to decrease their standards for the same price.


Case in point - Club Monaco. When this retail store first came out, they made it clear that they did not want to sell competitively. They wanted to sell fewer items but at a larger markup. We are seeing this now everywhere as there is becoming a lesser "middle class" with disposable income.


I do agree with all of you. I don't think Dummmpy is wrong with identifying names as the names are not real and simply identify (sounds bad but....) a supply of product or services.


Don't mean to upset anyone. This is a topic of economics, not people.

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Dummpy, it's a hot topic, but I just want to say that you started by saying it's not a topic about specific ladies, but then you mention two specific ladies in your comments. I think you should remove those two names from your comments.


There are lots of choices in the world, at all different price ranges. The higher the price, the higher the assumption that the goods are better...but that's not always the case. If price is your issue, you have to shop around.


As I get older, I shop around less and less and I'm just happy when I find what I'm looking for without hassle. Convenience and service becomes more valuable to me than squeezing every ounce out of each penny I have. My time is more valuable now.


I have removed the names as I do not want to put these ladies in a bad light I had intended there name dropping to be a promotional offering and to show them in a good light with all things said. However clearly some may not take this a compliment and I have removed the names as this was not my intention. Steve I felt as you did that it was more like a brand and that it would be good to mention, however if one person takes it the wrong way than it must be changed in honor of the ladies. Thanks for pointing out a different perspective all.

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2 more cents worth.


We are really become a society, for the most part, of doing as little as possible for the most amount of money. There are sooooo many well educated people in their 20's and 30's who have a huge sense of income entitlement but have little realization of what it often takes to earn the big bucks. It seems like, and perhaps rightfully so, work is not a career, but a place to go to do as little as possible. A career is not a job, but a part of the balance of life.


The future is interesting for sure!!

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2 more cents worth.


We are really become a society, for the most part, of doing as little as possible for the most amount of money. There are sooooo many well educated people in their 20's and 30's who have a huge sense of income entitlement but have little realization of what it often takes to earn the big bucks. It seems like, and perhaps rightfully so, work is not a career, but a place to go to do as little as possible. A career is not a job, but a part of the balance of life.


The future is interesting for sure!!


Well we can probably sustain one more generation with the inherit wealth that our forefathers have accumulated before markets that actually produce at a fare rate catch up and surpass us. Markets like China and south Asia have a huge work ethic and massive economic clout, we can sit back on our laurels and cry about what we deserve but with in this century there is going to be a shake up far greater than we can imagine. No one makes anything unless someone produces a service or product that is required, with out this production or real value add we are doomed

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Interesting thread D, interesting topic as well. Currently I think that some SPs are cashing in on their "fame", which is fairenough IMHO, you will notice something interesting however, which is mentioned here, albeit not specifically, the sps that have beem along longer have usually stabilized their rates at what they find "acceptable" and their cleint base revolves around that base. What I have noticed is that the newer sp's are usually the ones plyaing with their fees, IMHO they are just fiddling with the rate/revenu/client requirement ratios to find their "best fit", once they reach it, they will likely stay there for quite some time, providing no general changes occur around them.


This hobby is just that hobby, in fact a bit of a luxury. So like gambling, fast cars and world hopping, you use what's availble for your hobby, and maybe you see fewer ladies but want more quality/consitancy, or the reverse.


In the end, as a luxury, both provider and client must realise that in the event funds are needed for non-luxury items, these expense would be first to be cut, thus, if your price is high, and times are tight, well, you (the sp) might also need to curb on "luxuries", and hopefully not neccesisties..


My 2 cents.

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Guest Ou**or**n

The world-wide sex industry in general is fascinating to study and debate. When it comes down to rates it all eventually boils down to basic economics 101 - the laws of supply and demand and where those two infamous curves meet in any given set of conditions.


Here, moral and cultural norms have kept both supply and demand fairly low (relative to other places in the world). However, the basic level of wealth in Canada still gives sex workers a level of income several times higher than working in other industries (this holds true even in Asia - a $10 a night girl even after paying her pimps and other fees still earns several times more per year than workers outside the sex industry).


The term 'overcharge' is itself quite funny. Sex work is not the funnest job in the world so each SP (or MP) offers the types of service at the rates they feel they need in order to keep doing the work. If these rates are higher than the overall market, they will either accept the lower levels of business, lower their rates, or retire. Very, very few work in the sex industry for more than a few years.


I personally prefer to see some SP's begin start charging higher rates. If they are 'my type' and offer the services I want, then a move to higher prices usually means they are settling down to staying in the business for a couple of years. They realize they like the business enough to give a high level of service but also recognize that in order to keep doing the job well long term, that they need to start seeing fewer clients each day. This means higher rates.


There is no question that others begin charging higher rates out of greed. This happens when the SP's combination of attitude, looks and services exceeds the general market. I hate it when I encounter these which is why do my research and read boards like this and others.


Cheers all.

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Over the years I have found there is little to absolutely no correlation to the quality of the experience with the price that is paid. It is way to dependent on the persons involved. Higher prices will usually get a more attractive SP, but not always. Looks can be subjective. Service improves, somewhat with the price but often times chemistry has more of an influence than price. Attitude has no correlation whatsoever.


For myself, and I doubt I am alone in this, seeing a SP is wholly dependent on opportunity. When the opportunity presents itself, I check my jeans to see how much cash I have. The likelihood of having $200 uncommitted funds is greater than $300 of uncommitted funds. I have never quibbled on the price in Canada and willingly pay the posted rate, after all, it is my choice to partake or not. I have also been to places where negotiation was foreplay, I thoroughly enjoy myself in that type of environment, I usually don't get the price down too much as I try to get extras thrown in. (And getting ficha fawked the whole time)


In the end, the market will set the price. As long as Ottawa remains fairly conservative and intolerant, the number of providers will be low and the price will be higher. Places like Montreal and Victoria have way more providers and a correspondingly lower price.

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Over the years I have found there is little to absolutely no correlation to the quality of the experience with the price that is paid. It is way to dependent on the persons involved. Higher prices will usually get a more attractive SP, but not always. Looks can be subjective. Service improves, somewhat with the price but often times chemistry has more of an influence than price. Attitude has no correlation whatsoever.


For myself, and I doubt I am alone in this, seeing a SP is wholly dependent on opportunity. When the opportunity presents itself, I check my jeans to see how much cash I have. The likelihood of having $200 uncommitted funds is greater than $300 of uncommitted funds. I have never quibbled on the price in Canada and willingly pay the posted rate, after all, it is my choice to partake or not. I have also been to places where negotiation was foreplay, I thoroughly enjoy myself in that type of environment, I usually don't get the price down too much as I try to get extras thrown in. (And getting ficha fawked the whole time)


In the end, the market will set the price. As long as Ottawa remains fairly conservative and intolerant, the number of providers will be low and the price will be higher. Places like Montreal and Victoria have way more providers and a correspondingly lower price.


If I may, I have seen quite a few higher end SP's locally and touring, and be quite honest when you have a very special time with with ladies like Dreamgirl, Paige,Ava,Kelly1234,Monique Matheson,Mia(regardless of new/old rate)Sydney Lacroix,Lily Lombard,Amy,Kelly Simonsen 4 touring ladies and that is just a small sample from me, that I had hands on and other parts of my body that felt the extreme pleasure experience with these ladies.


I can honestly say they are all very attractive and knock out 10's, so looks are not subjective.Take a look at their profiles/ads etc.Yes price also influences additional time and I have had great chemistry over the normal hour with these ladies.


You are correct the market will set the price.Montreal and Victoria though have a lower price simply based on population, and demand.


My comment for the thread.

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Guest m***2

This is indeed a very interesting subject and I got to agree with Capitalman that there is a lot to be said for time and convenience. That is priority with me and I miss out on some of the best due to the convenience factor. In regards to the price an SP charges it is clear to me that typically the more I pay the better the experience. That being said I had some great experiences or better at a lower or lets say average rate. Sometimes we come across a hidden gem and for me thats what its all about. For me it doesn't matter if a see an average priced SP or a high priced SP in the end I will probably spend the same as I will spend the money any which way.


On another note I dont want to state the obvious however when I hear a price lower than normal it usually scares me off. On the flip side of that there is an SP that I will not name that was as far as I am concerned running a scam. She had extremely high price (which I thought translated into :razz:) however boy did i get a surprise as I was in and out within minutes. I almost wanted to call the cops ;-)

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This is indeed a very interesting subject and I got to agree with Capitalman that there is a lot to be said for time and convenience. That is priority with me and I miss out on some of the best due to the convenience factor...


I think the price issue as been well discussed here and on the other thread aboutt his subject. I just thought this was an interesting comment because I am also in this type of situation. There are SPs I don't or rarely see not based on price but time and convenience. It is very hard for me to get off work during the day so often I see SPs who can entertain in the evening or on weekends. When I see an SP during the day I must paln well in advance as I need to do it over lunch hour and that is a popular tiem for booking. Of course not all SPs can book far in advance. Therefore time and convenience is far more important to me than price. Of course as has been mentioned chemistry is also very important.

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I think the ladies set the rate for the sessions based on different factors. Location, market, the service options they provide, competition and market exposure.


Thanks to resources like CERB, there are mechanisms for advertising and marketing. Very helpful in allowing clients to select legitimate providers in terms of services, cost, availability. Just my two cents.

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I like competition. This is an easy market to get into but has some high personal costs - personal psyche, personal safety, personal health etc. As women become more established it is normal to want to recoup some of those costs - same in any business.


There are people in my business that charge 20% of what I do - I am still really busy. Why? Because I deliver more than I promise, I have 20+ years of experience, and contacts that lower the cost of transactions for the clients that buy my services. If they don't pay for it they don't get it. When someone says "you are too expensive" I respond that I am not the guy for you but here are a few others - good luck. Over 50% come back and hire me anyway.


So - if you can't afford a rate - make more money or buy something else. There is no gun to your head.

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Guest *ard**Ga*

If my memory serves me well, a few years ago one member from another board came up with a totally socialist idea - to get Johns unionized as an answer to volatility in the SP provider marketplace.


I have questioned this motion and had a good laugh.


Both parties can go on strike and gues who will give up the positions?

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