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Pathetic bus driver

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A friend of mine is a bus driver here in Halifax and he can't even tell loud people on the bus to be quiet. He has to call a Superisor in and they can do that.

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Bus drivers are very stressed, being the number #1 most stressful job and highest suicide rate. This video reflects how the City is at fault for not properly training their drivers to deal with unruly people.

In the video, I never saw him put his hands on the man, just yelling at him. He definitely needs some anger management, course on how to deal with people. Fired, no, you can't get fired for yelling at someone if you are in a union.

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Bus drivers are very stressed, being the number #1 most stressful job and highest suicide rate.


Julia, would you mind providing a reference link?


For some reason I have a very difficult time seeing how a bus driver can be the #1 most stressful job

with the highest suicide rate. I've watched and listened to many documentaries on the subject and the ones

that keep coming up are air traffic controllers and train conductors amongst many others.

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I thought the highest suicide rates was for dentists?


but after a quick google, it says "white male physicians" (http://www.apa.org/monitor/jan01/suicide.aspx) but that is an old article.


aside from suicide bombers (haha, bad joke)


But, I think that is totally out-of-line - obviously the driver isn't happy and cannot deal with his work stress appropriately. Probably best to find a different job, or get some counseling, or just take a vacation.


If you can't deal with the public, then maybe you shouldn't.

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I thought the highest suicide rates was for dentists?


but after a quick google, it says "white male physicians" (http://www.apa.org/monitor/jan01/suicide.aspx) but that is an old article.


aside from suicide bombers (haha, bad joke)


But, I think that is totally out-of-line - obviously the driver isn't happy and cannot deal with his work stress appropriately. Probably best to find a different job, or get some counseling, or just take a vacation.


If you can't deal with the public, then maybe you shouldn't.


I always heard it was dentists because they are in the business of causing pain and translators because they work in isolation.


Not to justify this bus driver's conduct, but just some food for thought.


I have a friend who used to be bus driver for Calgary transit and these are just some of the things she endured on the job:


Being cursed at was part of the job

Having to deal with unruly people she had to ask to get off the bus

Spit on

Pissed on


Threatened with physical harm and sexual assualt

Vomited on

Someone even came at her with a pen and tried to stab her, but another passenger subdued the guy


Most of the time she said it was a result of mentally ill people or people arguing with others, being loud or obnoxious and often getting upset because the bus was late (she said it transit's bad planning of bus schedules), bus rerouted, people wanting the bus to stop at where it wasn't safe, etc.


No word of a lie. So due to the stress, she transferred to the unit that monitor the cameras and emergency response system for the train stations. She eventually had to quit that too because of the high number of people she witnessed being shoved or jumping in front of trains, homeless people urinating and defecating and junkies shooting up/smoking on the platforms.


Ottawa is tame compared to Calgary, it seems.


Not to defend the bus driver, but he may have just reached his stress level and had an outburst. I would be pitying him more than censoring him at this point that he probably needs some counselling.

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This video reflects how the City is at fault for not properly training their drivers to deal with unruly people.


i don't think in this instance that the passenger was being unruly. Since the passenger is mentally disabled and was talking to himself on his phone. I'm not sure how he's bothering the driver. As long as the driver is not being bothered by someone talking to them and such, i don't see why the driver would need to speak like this. Actually, the driver shouldn't be talking like this to a passenger at any time.


I mean you're a bus driver and you deal with people, so they should expect all kinds of people and should be properly trained. Even if not trained, there is no excuse for this, common sense...IMHO.

Edited by conquistador

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These drivers have the resources to deal with this he could have called the OC Transpo want to be cops stopped the bus and ask the passenger to get off.


There is no excuse for yelling the way he di I don't care who the hell you are I get screamed at from Customers all the time. I have to put forth a smile would I like to say something sure would but I have to deal with it the best way I can.


Will me cursing out a customer help may help my frustration but won't help the situtiation.


I don't care if this guy is in a Union he should never drive a bus again he has issues and sure glad it was not my kid he was yelling at

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I've spent the majority of my adult life working with the public, and yes, it can be very challenging to say the least. There are times that you just want to rush to the closest bar to cope. And bus drivers have to put up with a lot, there's no denying that. I myself have always made sure to treat them with the respect people deserve and have offered words of encouragement after they've had to deal with some stupidity. But . . .


There is no excuse for this man's behaviour. To say that this conduct is a result of dealing with the public is lazy because then you discount the professinalism and dignity of the the people who haven't resorted to this kind of juvenile behaviour. I've been in situations where people have threatened violence against me and, while standing up for myself, never went this nuts. What about all the drivers who are ratinonal and sane? What does that say about them when we condone this kind of behaviour?


If you read the article, the kid he threatens is mentally challenged, so he doesn't know any better. And if the driver really had reached his tolerance threshold, wouldn't he have been better off losing it on one of the teenage or adolescent gangster types who probably did push him that far? But no, this driver, tough, brave man that he is, loses his temper and threatens a hanicapped kid who runs out the back door with a look of pure terror tattooed on his face. This driver is a coward and a bully and the union will make sure not a single thing happens to him.


Additional Comments:

I've spent the majority of my adult life working with the public, and yes, it can be very challenging to say the least. There are times that you just want to rush to the closest bar to cope. And bus drivers have to put up with a lot, there's no denying that. I myself have always made sure to treat them with the respect people deserve and have offered words of encouragement after they've had to deal with some stupidity. But . . .


There is no excuse for this man's behaviour. To say that this conduct is a result of dealing with the public is lazy because then you discount the professinalism and dignity of the the people who haven't resorted to this kind of juvenile behaviour. I've been in situations where people have threatened violence against me and, while standing up for myself, never went this nuts. What about all the drivers who are ratinonal and sane? What does that say about them when we condone this kind of behaviour?


If you read the article, the kid he threatens is mentally challenged, so he doesn't know any better. And if the driver really had reached his tolerance threshold, wouldn't he have been better off losing it on one of the teenage or adolescent gangster types who probably did push him that far? But no, this driver, tough, brave man that he is, loses his temper and threatens a hanicapped kid who runs out the back door with a look of pure terror tattooed on his face. This driver is a coward and a bully and the union will make sure not a single thing happens to him.

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I'm not commenting on this video in particular, but in general I feel that people who have to deal with the public are forced to deal with assholes and idiots very often and it's very hard to keep your cool. There are so many idiots who ride busses and make the experience worse for everyone else I wish there were more bus drivers who had the power to do something about it.

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Maveric We do deal with people and have to adapt your prfesinalism based on the situtiation in front of you but this act was not very professinal

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No, his behaviour was not very professional. But I think this guy was stressed out and over-reacted perhaps.

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It can be hard, extremely hard to deal with what we call in my line of work, high needs individuals, whether mentally challenged, or someone acting like a

jerk. The only person I saw from the video needing removal was the bus driver. Not only has he lowered himself down from professional driver to jerk, so much so he's the one person on the bus who really needs to be removed. He now has worked himself into a rage so much so that he'd likely be susceptible to road rage. And he's dumb to boot, in this day and age everyone carries cell phones (with cameras/videos) and he doesn't think his conduct will be recorded

Sorry but no sympathy here for the driver, I work in a job dealing with worse than that every day, and if I acted like that, I would have been gone a long time ago


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No, his behaviour was not very professional. But I think this guy was stressed out and over-reacted perhaps.


I think this is a more realistic way of looking at it. Totally over reacted. I don't think he should get fired.

Last time I had checked they had the most stressful job and suicide rate(around the time of the shootings), guess things do change from when we do school projects in high school, but who cares, stressful or not, we all get stressed and need to keep a level head.

Maybe his girlfriend dumped him or a relative died or house was broken into, whatever pushed his buttons, people take it out on other people and I'm glad that these days there is proof and we have the hand held technology to capture it all. I'm glad no one is standing for this crap anymore and I'm glad that this is getting media coverage.

I hope it will make people think twice about treating people like this, not just bus drivers. One in particular Teachers!!

Thanks for sharing this article, a great example of "we're not going to take it anymore".

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This bus driver should be fired no questions asked this is so unacceptable as someone who works in public transportation if one of my drivers did this he would be gone


Unions... protecting incompetent government workers everywhere.


His punishment will probably being sent to some retreat to recover from being over stressed - at the taxpayers expense of course.


Just try pulling this kind of crap at a real job.

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I think this is a more realistic way of looking at it. Totally over reacted. I don't think he should get fired.

Last time I had checked they had the most stressful job and suicide rate(around the time of the shootings), guess things do change from when we do school projects in high school, but who cares, stressful or not, we all get stressed and need to keep a level head.

Maybe his girlfriend dumped him or a relative died or house was broken into, whatever pushed his buttons, people take it out on other people and I'm glad that these days there is proof and we have the hand held technology to capture it all. I'm glad no one is standing for this crap anymore and I'm glad that this is getting media coverage.

I hope it will make people think twice about treating people like this, not just bus drivers. One in particular Teachers!!

Thanks for sharing this article, a great example of "we're not going to take it anymore".


That may well be Julia, but my biggest point of anger wasn't so much his behaviour (which was agreeably appalling) but that he flipped out and threatened violence against a possibly mentally handicapped child. A kid who had no possibility to stand up for himself or understand what was going on. This kid was defenseless and that's who he decided to go off on. The price for that sort of behaviour should easily be his job.

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That may well be Julia, but my biggest point of anger wasn't so much his behaviour (which was agreeably appalling) but that he flipped out and threatened violence against a possibly mentally handicapped child. A kid who had no possibility to stand up for himself or understand what was going on. This kid was defenseless and that's who he decided to go off on. The price for that sort of behaviour should easily be his job.


Looks to me like the bus driver is a little emotionally handicap. Forgot his chill pillz

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Just saw it on the news and they even asked a bunch of people what they thought with obviously all saying there should be serious consequences for these actions. But apparently such information (if driver had any repercussions) can not be made public as is protected by the union.


Don't they realize the consequences this could have in a mentally ill/deficient person? He could have reacted differently, like hurt himself or the driver or even any other passenger. Hopefully he is ok now :(


I also don't understand how the driver apparently being familiar to the passenger changes anything.

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I also don't understand how the driver apparently being familiar to the passenger changes anything.


I certainly don't want to know how he treats his friends then if this is how he treats people he is " familiar" with. ouch!

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I'm not taking anyone side here but the person who started to record this probably only started after the bus driver got mad. What happened before the taping we have no proof of, I get stuck with strange people sometime here at work and it takes everything from me not to blow up at them. How does one release himself from all that stress?


Do not judge the matter until you know all the facts.

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NJ I believe there are situations (and IMO this is one of them) where knowing all the facts is not necessary. The reason why I say this is because the passenger is a mentally challenged person as for the driver, he is a person with the mental faculties to understand that so his behavior/reaction from my point of view is unacceptable. However I am starting to think this guy ( the driver) has some issues too so perhaps that is the part of the story we don't know.



I'm not taking anyone side here but the person who started to record this probably only started after the bus driver got mad. What happened before the taping we have no proof of, I get stuck with strange people sometime here at work and it takes everything from me not to blow up at them. How does one release himself from all that stress?


Do not judge the matter until you know all the facts.

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