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Pathetic bus driver

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Here is another story about it, from the passenger's perspective (the man with autism).


I'm not union bashing, but for them to argue that it isn't conclusive that the driver is the source of the venomn is insulting to people's intelligence. And then, in the same breath, they rage agsint the "invasion of the driver's privacy." Well, you can hardly make that statement if it isn't conclusively the driver, now can you (even though the person in question demands that the victim of his tirade leave when he opens the doors)? And if it is another passenger, are OC Transpo drivers in the habit of allowing passengers to scream profanity at autistic passengers, threaten them with violence and bully them off the bus without doing anything about it? Sad.

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I think both people are at fault for this. The passenger who said he is NOT mentally ill ( only mildly autisitc) should have known that he shouldn't have been yelling into his phone like that even if he was reciting for a play for school especially since the material he was reciting was not appropriate. So he is aware of right and wrong especially when he said he was sorry. I don't know much about autistic people ( and I'm not trying to be ignorant given my lack of knowledge on this) but i did see him give an interview on the news and he seems to be well aware of what is going on.


The bus driver took it to the extreme and should of stopped at the next bus stop and politely but firmly for him to get off the bus and kept his cool. Because since only 55 seconds were recorded on a cell phone, we don't know if the bus driver was provoked which may have led him to say what he said. Howeverm it is still unprofessional and unacceptable. There are pieces missing in this story and only partly recorded.


O.C. Transpo will definitely be sweeping this under the rug. They seem to protect their own. As someone who was yelled at by a bus driver last year in my neighborhood when I was trying to move my car in a snow storm, I see how they think they can get away with it. I had obsceneities yelled at me when he opened the door and told me to move my f*****g car and I told him where to go. I did make a complaint but obviously they are never disciplined so my guess is we won't be hearing anything else about this anytime soon.

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I don't believe being stressed should be any excuse for the driver's actions. It's justification, but not an excuse.

Really, dealing with the public is always stressful. People are stupid. People are frequently assholes. Those last two are not mutually exclusive, rather they are quite regularly a potent combination that would test the resolve of anyone working in a service industry with the public. That's why I took my misanthropic ass and found a job away from the public.


Bus drivers have a stressful job, but blowing up and verbally assaulting a customer, let alone the verbal threats, would get just about anyone in a job serving the public fired. This wasn't a small outburst, it was a full-on rage. Stress may explain why it happened, but it doesn't change that it's entirely unacceptable.


My gripe is the constant union protection. The immediate reaction? "there's no proof it was the *driver* speaking on the tape". Just like the putz driving with his knees and doing paperwork in QC, the unions shelter workers that demonstrably deserve severe reprimand or loss of employment.


Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515a using Tapatalk

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I'm not union bashing, but for them to argue that it isn't conclusive that the driver is the source of the venomn is insulting to people's intelligence. And then, in the same breath, they rage agsint the "invasion of the driver's privacy." Well, you can hardly make that statement if it isn't conclusively the driver, now can you (even though the person in question demands that the victim of his tirade leave when he opens the doors)? And if it is another passenger, are OC Transpo drivers in the habit of allowing passengers to scream profanity at autistic passengers, threaten them with violence and bully them off the bus without doing anything about it? Sad.


I think the union's statement has to be understood. They aren't insulting peoples' intelligence. They will likely be representing this guy in any investigation/disciplinary procedure. They can't be making statements that crucify the driver...a driver who they will have to represent

BTW I'm not defending the driver, but even he is entitled to proper union representation


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I don't buy the whole "Being a bus driver is stressful" excuse. Sure, it's stressful. But OC Transpo in particular has to have one of the worst records for customer service on the part of the drivers that I've ever heard of and experienced. I often go to Montreal and even the drivers there are friendlier than OC Transpo drivers......are you going to tell me that it's more stressful being a driver in Ottawa than in Montreal? Personally I think it's simply a case of very poor management and employee relations on the part of OC transpo. I live on the quebec side and don't drive, so I take a STO bus to Ottawa every day. Once in Ottawa I have to take OC transpo to get to work. So every day I see both sides of the coin. 1) STO is always on time 2) the drivers always greet you with a smile and a "good morning" or at least a "merci" for having shown your pass 3) if you have a question regarding the route or whatever they're more than happy to answer to your questions courteously. Sadly the exact opposite of all 3 scenarios can be said for OC transpo. You're lucky when you get on if the driver doesn't bitch slap you for simply having had the nerve of making him stop.....assuming the bus shows up at all. Their "schedule" seems to be more of a suggestion than an actual schedule. And I don't even dare ask any question of an OC transpo driver, because the reaction as seen in this video isn't too far fetched of what to expect from your typical OC driver.


I couldn't say what it is, but obviously STO is doing something to keep their employees happy that OC Transpo is obviously failing to do. I can't remember ever hearing about a strike....or even talks of a strike, where STO is involved. I think the head honchos at OC need to take a look at what STO is doing right and maybe take a few pointers.

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