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What would you do when one of your favourite SPs has not been heard from for some time, and you are anxious?

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What would you do when one of your favourite SPs has not been heard from for some time, and you are anxious?


I would assume she is off having a blast someplace warm and sandy and become a little jealous.


I would then contact one of my other favourites and have the anxious issues dealt with post haste.


The jealous issue, I would just have to live with that.

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Depends. Anxious in what sense? Anxious as in you need sex or anxious as in you're worried? If you just need sex I agree, bite the bullett and see another SP whom you feel you'll have a good time with. But worried is a different case. Not much you can do about that. I don't like to feed the stereotype that escorting is dangerous but I'd be lying if I said I didn't do my fare share of worrrying about the ladies. If they're taking time off or retiring a brief message is always appreciated. Not necessarily to me directly but even just a brief post here on cerb.

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What would you do when one of your favourite SPs has not been heard from for some time, and you are anxious?


get a good supply of kleenex and masturbate!!!!!


i mean that is what i do.............

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I'm with RG...see someone else. There are lots of wonderful SP's out there, don't sit at home and wait, get out there and have some fun mate!!!

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What would you do when one of your favourite SPs has not been heard from for some time, and you are anxious?


Gumby, lol avatar


It is always a nice pleasure to here from a fave SP, unless you have recent update from the SP, it would be best to move on to another provider.

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I will send a message in hopes she will see I am concerned and respond, even if it is a just a quick note. If you are in regular conversation or contact, then a lack of communication does spread concern with me.


Just me.

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It is a fine balance between being concerned/caring for someone and imposing on their private time/life. But I certainly can understand where you are coming from. I assume you've had good and active communications and know the methods she prefers (email, PM, phone). It is fair to simply ask 'how are you doing?' Another suggestion which you must be very careful with is a shared acquaintance. If you know of someone who is still active you can in a VERY RESPECTFUL way ask her friend. But you have to respect whatever view the friend takes...and likely can be to tell you nothing. Finally, I find ladies do just move on and often can be without good-byes. All you can do is hope they are well, remember the great times you had and move on.


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I will send a message in hopes she will see I am concerned and respond, even if it is a just a quick note. If you are in regular conversation or contact, then a lack of communication does spread concern with me.


Just me.


When some ladies aren't available, or don't want to be "found" so to speak, it may seem like something is wrong when in face they haven't actually dropped off the face of the earth, they've just moved on so to speak.


Please don't take it personally if you don't get a response from her. Everyone deals with their business life differently. Some choose to announce retirements, while others, just stop all communication. No ads, no response to emails, phone calls, etc.


I hope for your sake, she does get in touch with you but you seem like a caring guy. I know, I would appreciate hearing from someone, if it was me.


But don't stay anxious about it - as suggested, move on, mate!

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Just a slightly different view ... these ladies can very easily drop off the scene for many weeks of months and then come back. Unless you sense something unusual in her communications or behavior right before she stopped responding, there's an extremely strong liklihood that the lady in questions just needs space right now. This can be a bit of a shock is you are used to regular communication and suddenly that stops.


Guy to guy, one thing to ask yourself just to make sure: are you asking because of a legitimate concern about her safety, or are you asking out of a sense of control or entitlement to a response? Its an important "reality check" question to regularly think about when you are engaged in hobbying.


As to what to do, probably the best thing to do is to contact other members you believe to be her friends (respectfully, as suggested here) or post a "has anyone seen" message in the related area-specific portion of cerb.

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I know what newboy is talking about, and am curious myself, but I agree with your point, KF. Nicely said.

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Remember that things can happen unexpectedly. She may have had a health problem, or something may have happened to a family member or someone she loves. Sometimes it's very difficult to explain or describe things over and over again, especially if you keep your work and your private life separate. Much as condolences are helpful at times, there are also times when reading them is too painful.


Send a note or a message, by all means, if you want to. But then move on. This is a no-strings-attached arrangement, after all.

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Its nice to be concerned. I take it from this that you see that she has stopped all advertising, removed presence from whatever she could control, and in addition stopped responding to phone, email, etc?


If that's the case, she has either stopped working or stopped working here under that name, possibly moved to a new place and doesn't want any attention or connection to something happening here. All of those things are signals to stop attempts to contact or attempts to gather more info.


It would be great if someone did make an announcement, but in this biz the last thing an sp wants to do is to say she's retiring then come back 3 months later, and/or the usual responses to the announcement from some guys is "she'll be back in 3 months".



note: In the event that all of her ads are current and up to date, but she is not replying to you alone, stop trying. She has not figured out how to get you to stop, but she doesn't want to see you specifically.

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