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Self rating your own posts?

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I see that some SP's and agencies are self rating their own posts (5 stars of course).....is this allowed? Seems kind of um.....well, what do you think? I suppose it makes people want to view your post, but doesn't it seem sort of fake? Why wouldn't we all give ourselves 5 Stars?

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Guest W***ledi*Time

I think it was in early October that the list was added at the bottom of the page, showing who had rated each thread. Up until then, there was no way of knowing who had rated threads, it was a completely anonymous thing. I'm sure not everyone realizes yet that this info is now public knowledge.


As you say, "Why wouldn't we all give ourselves 5 Stars?" I'd guess mostly because few people (including clients) pay attention to, or are even really aware of the existence of, thread-ratings in the first place. (I myself rarely notice thread-ratings, and I certainly have never based a decision on them).


And now that the names of the raters have recently become public knowledge, it's inevitable that some users will indeed think it looks kind of "fake" (as you say) when they see that anyone has given themselves a "high-five". So rating one's own thread may now have a downside as well an upside.

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If I had to self-rate my threads, I would rate them all as doofusy. Is that an option?

Edited by A***ia Mi******n
Doofus reasons

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I think the pleasures of narcissism are underrated LOL


I've given a good rating to some of the threads I started, like the Bums thread, not so much to acknowledge the quality of my own posts in them (well, maybe a bit...see above :)), but the quality of the thread as a whole, and to thank other contributors.

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Guest W***ledi*Time
If I had to self-rate my threads, I would rate them all as doofusy. Is that an option?


The answer is written in the stars!


I think the pleasures of narcissism are underrated LOL


I've given a good rating to some of the threads I started, like the Bums thread, not so much to acknowledge the quality of my own posts in them (well, maybe a bit...see above :)), but the quality of the thread as a whole, and to thank other contributors.


Ha ha ... Cato, I was referring to the practice of a provider self-rating their own ad-thread, which threads of course consist entirely of their own ad post. (I assumed that's also what Dorinda meant, though I can't speak for her.)


I don't think of a discussion thread as being "owned" by the original poster, especially after other folks have contributed also. That's a different ball of wax!

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I remember wondering one day if I could even self rate my thread so I tried it out and it worked. I was not very impressed by this flaw in the system and think that to rate your own thread is pnly slightly less offensive than to write a shill ad for yourself. I think having the raters names listed is a great idea, makes it more ridiculous-looking for the ladies who self-rate, and also for the ones who have legitimate fans of their threads it will look better on them.


Knowing the ratings are not anonymous can only make people take them more seriously now, perhaps only upon further inspection- though...

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Put it this way......we know who deserves stars....and we can guess who gives then selves stars........


Personally I love it when the ladies make me see stars.....

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Put it this way......we know who deserves stars....and we can guess who gives then selves stars........


Personally I love it when the ladies make me see stars.....

Posted via Mobile Device



And we LOVE making you see stars too!

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Well personally I don't pay much attention to the star rating at all. Other things get my attention. I do not however think that this is a good thing if an SP is rating herself very highly on her posts....and was assuming they couldn't or wouldn't. Simply because it would not be a "true" rating for those that do take it into serious consideration when trying to find what and whom they are looking for.....as far as I am concerned anyways.


Moving forward and this has been brought to light, I agree with WIT that this could actually work against you.

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Dorinda I rated this thread... 5 stars, cause a) You are a five star(5/5-excellent) gorgeous lady :) and b) Cause I felt like it ;)

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The rating I've never used as a guide to anything.

When I see a post I like, I'll give it a nomination or rep points or both

Sometimes, you gotta spread the love, in which case I'll acknowledge the poster either through another post, a pm or a comment in the person's guestbook

And if I have thoughts of my own to contribute, I'll contribute as well

My take on the matter


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