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What is the first sign of Christmas?

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As I look out from my place in downtown Ottawa, there is snow on the ground, and in the building across the way not one but two places have fully lit Christmas trees in their windows.


It may be too early for the snow to stay, but today was one the first days that Christmas felt "real" this year. Normally I would say around this time that the neighbourhoods start becoming more festive, a few families become the Griswalds....


So what does it for you.... what is your first sign of Christmas for the better??



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Well does selling Christmas trees in the summer count as a sign LOL (said tongue in cheek)




or Christmas in July sales




The post on CERB dated October 1, 2010 about the Christmas Social


You see family that you remembered why you don't like visits with them




RG :-)

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trying to find a radio station that does not have christmas music playing..........bah...humbug......

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I find when the stores get there decorations up. The odd Christmas song here and there. Then of course when the ground first becomes covered with a blanket of a snow. Most importantly the people. You can always tell when the Christmas cheer has hit them. I love the holidays. There is know better time of the year.

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For me it has to be those first few snowflakes coming down, and yesterday we had far more than a few flakes so it really feels Christmasy already.


I may be the Scrooge of Hallowe'en, but I just love Christmas, the feeling, the lights, renewing connections even with those annual Christmas cards, the planning and anticipating family visitors from afar. And now I make my own Christmas cookies! :)


'Tis the season.

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I have always bee a great fan of the Christmas holiday. I think it a form of nostalgia from the family times growing up as a kid.


The decorations in the stores and Christmas muzak are not the start of "real Christmas" for me, rather that time when I settle into trying to get a gift for my now scattered clan. I really know it's Christmas when I sit down and watch the Alec Guinness version of Dicken's Christmas Carol!


(You know you're old when......)



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The first sign of christmas is when the charities start calling for donations,when people become "nicer" and the cities sparkle with christmas decorations.We got our first big snowfall last night, it makes everything look like a winter wonderland and christmas like.My favorite sign that christmas is near is when you start to see all the old classic christmas movies on tv,my favorite is "It's a wonderful life",I love that movie,and watch it every year and enjoy it like it was the first time I saw it.I wish all a very happy christmas , give to the needy if you can.May you all prosper,but remember we should be good to one another all year round!!

Edited by cr**tyc***es

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I live very close to a shopping mall, so when I see that the parking lot is completely full on a weekday or on a weekend, before the mall even opens ;) ...also, when walking through the mall, all of the Xmas decor is displayed & of course the Xmas music playing through out :)

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For me it has to be those first few snowflakes coming down, and yesterday we had far more than a few flakes so it really feels Christmasy already.


I may be the Scrooge of Hallowe'en, but I just love Christmas, the feeling, the lights, renewing connections even with those annual Christmas cards, the planning and anticipating family visitors from afar. And now I make my own Christmas cookies! :)


'Tis the season.


I'd like to try one of those cookies! Perhaps a cookie exchange? :icon_smile:

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I have often found that the first harbinger are the shelves which contain the baking goods in grocery stores. The flour, sugar, spices and other ingredients increase in volume and begin to disappear just as quickly.


Katherine, like your idea of a cookie exchange.

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One thing I do, religiously, is watch this (have the dvd) one night, but always in December before Christmas

It has to be the one with Alastair Sim...best Scrooge ever

So when I pull out Scrooge (that's coming out wrong LOL) it is for me one of my Christmas rituals





RG :-)

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For me certainly starts with the snow on the ground. Then starting up the wood burning fireplace as well as the smell in the neighbourhood. Watching Christmas lights getting turned on a little more house by house. (Mine this weekend going up). Then the Christmas Tree. And EggNog in the fridge. Oh...guess I'm past the first sign. Hehe

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