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We can and should avoid them ...

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I am talking about accidents. I recently got some news about someone relatively close being involved in a bad and unfortunate accident that had terrible consequences and it got me thinking a lot on how most of us are not careful enough to avoid something like that happening to us and I know you'll be thinking 'If accidents are unplanned how does this woman think they can be avoided?' Well, they can and the answer is in one word : prevention.


So I will post a couple of links that I will invite you to check out whenever you have the opportunity and bookmark them as things mentioned there get easily forgotten and can save our lives. But before I post them I will ask you to please do not take anything for granted and do not make a common mistake most of us make often ... Thinking 'That would never happen to me.'

Take care of yourselves and your beloved ones and those who have children please do not go thinking your kid would never touch that or do that because that is one main cause of accidents.


So here are the links one is more focused to kids safety but they are both good, thanks to those who read my complete post ... Be safe :)







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Condolences on your friend as well, Isabella. And thanks for the links becuase in the end, something does happen to each and every one of us along the way, we jusr never see it coming and are rarely prepared.

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Be very careful today and tomorrow as the roads and sidewalks get very slippery, if driving remember no rush getting anywhere is worth being involved in an accident and leave space in between cars. If you walk be careful too, watch your step and wear proper shoes/boots is very icy out there.

Do your best to stay safe :)


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Be very careful today and tomorrow as the roads and sidewalks get very slippery, if driving remember no rush getting anywhere is worth being involved in an accident and leave space in between cars. If you walk be careful too, watch your step and wear proper shoes/boots is very icy out there.


Do your best to stay safe :)






Oops my post comment got cut off so I will post it again here:

"Thanks for the advice. We can never remind ourselves and those around us too much about the dangers we face just living our day to day lives. Sorry to hear about your friend."

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