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New Year's Resolutions

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Dieting - New Year Resolutions


2007: I will get my weight down below 180 pounds.

2008: I will follow my new diet religiously until I get below 200 pounds.

2009: I will develop a realistic attitude about my weight.

2010: I will work out 3 days a week.

2011: I will try to drive past a gym at least once a week.

2012: Awww screw it !

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I don't know about new year's resolutions, but I have some resolutions that I've been working on for a while now (and expect to be working on indefinitely).


I want to stop feeding my perfectionism and learn to accept my best efforts as worthy,


I want to sit down and write more, even if I don't think it's any good (see above),


I want to learn the full lyrics to some of the songs I sing in the shower, to improve my singing experience,


I want to boogie boogie boogie. :D

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Continue to re-build my relationships with son and all those I love.


Do everything I can to protect those who cannot protect themselves.


Make people around me more aware of what is really happening in this world.


Take more time for myself.


Have another child, don't know how or with who, but I love kids and really want another. Since I'll be turning 41 this year, I don't want to be throwing out my back picking up a baby!!! Tick, Tock!!!!

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Guest S**a*Q

Resolutions are too easy to leave behind. I would rather strive for certain goals. 2012 will be my year. Here's what's in store...


I quit smoking, well I didn't smoke before hardly ever, just when I drank. (Being sent for chest xrays makes you realize what's important)


I also cut down drinking and replaced it with writing. Now I can only drink after 5000 words. Which is either a short story or a chapter in my novel.


Toughest goal ever: Retrain my thumb to have a lesser relationship with the space bar. Aka: LEARNING NOT TO PUT 2 SPACES AFTER A PERIOD... In writing for submissions, this is called a "glory hole" and is apparently not a good thing. WTF do they teach us that in school then??? ARGH!!!


I'm going to get published in 2012. *(Not the novel but the short stories... Novel's next year in 2013... or this year by some small miracle.)


I'm designing, prototyping, patenting and marketing a sex toy. (I know eh? No idea what I'm doing but if anyone can do all this, it's me...)


I'm moving out on my own in February *(Independence for me and more time for you guys!!!)


I'm building my own empire, slowly, with my other business that I started last year.


I will pay off my bills and fix my credit.


I will get a car.


I will utilise the gym in my new building and get to where I wanna be this summer, leaving the bad knee of 2011 behind.


That is all, it may seem like a lot, but it's not for me and my scary energy levels.

I've helped everyone else in the past, now I focus on "Me".

(I still want to be famous, but that's not in the cards for this year.)

Maybe next year :D

Hehehe Just watch me. :P

Edited by S**a*Q

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First and formost and about time,learn to ignore ignorant rude troublemaking people and NOT let them affect me personally,I FINALLY realize they have the problem.

Secondly appreciate all the things I have ie: friends,my health,a sense of self,intelligence,A direction!

Thirdly live every day to the fullest and with others in mind do what I want and don't care what anyone thinks!!!

but most importantly love my dog more,if thats possible!!

oh and of course eat more and have much more sex!!!!! I think that about covers it,happy new year

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-use the gym in my building

-learn how to work a spreadsheet (please don't laugh at my ineptitude!)

-be more social

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I actually try to stay away from resolutions, to avoid disappointing myself lol.


It is fun tho to reflect on the past year and find any way to improve on the coming year, great for personal growth and change.

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fortunateone user_offline.gif



I completely agree with your post , as me myself i do like to make resolutions either so i do not disappointment myself . But I do like to reflect on my past year and see the changes that i can make , and see if there is any areas that i need to improve on :) . Happy New Year's :)

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It seem more and more likely that I will be moving to Toronto in May or June for one year...but don't worry guys I'll come back to Ottawa at least once each 4-6 weeks!


why? Because I can. And I am young only once. and I want to live a lot. Laugh more. Have more intensity...


I also want to have a "summer" love...even if I am not in a relationship or in love...I want to do like teenagers do in movies...the cheesy and stupid stuffs.


I am going to be happier that I have ever been

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For my new year resolution I have decided to spend less on SP, and masturbate more. LOL


Additionally, (not really a resolution), but I would love to meet a significant other lady who is just as beautiful, intellegent, openminded, and loving as some of the SPs I have seen over the last year.


Where are you, and how do I meet you?

Edited by newboy

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One of my new year's resolutions in 2010 was to learn to read French. My resolution last year was to improve my French reading skills -- and I think that went well! Three of my resolutions this year are 1) to continue improving my French reading skills; 2) to develop some basic French writing skills; and 3) to learn to hear French. Towards the last, I purchased an episode of Mirador off iTunes over the holidays, and I will work with it until I can figure out what they're saying. (I'm already able to pick up some... Only trouble is, they don't speak on there like my neighbours speak. My French neighbours all seem much more animated and lively in their speaking. And waaaaayyyy faster.)


And I will carry forward my resolution from last year to continue paring down our physical possessions. When Fred and I first married, everything we owned fit in his van and my little car. I doubt we'll ever achieve that again, but I'd at least like to get it down to the point where we could move over the course of a few hours with just a small moving van.


And I really need to get new pics and videos. I think my hair is finally stabilizing. :-/

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For me 2012 will be a year in which I vow to gain a new and perhaps clearer perspective on things and life in general. This year will be the year in which I pay more attention to all aspects of my life and stop "taking my off of the ball" sort of speak. Not every little issue that pops up is the end of the world and I vow to keep things in perspective and not let my plate get too full with lesser issues that morph into larger issues than they need be. This year is the year I take a step back and look at life as the big picture...not the individual brush stroke.


Yes, it's time that I start looking at the glass as half full as opposed to half empty and not get overwhelmed...at least that is what I am trying to accomplish!

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-use the gym in my building


You think not using the gym in your building is bad? I don't even use the gym that's in my apartment! lol...I have a weight bench....a stationary bike....free weights....all of which have been collecting dust for several months now. Not to mention the FULL gym that IS in my building too. And the gym at my work. I really have no excuses.


So 2012 for me is the year to get my fat ass into shape. I'm sick and tired of looking in the mirror every day and seeing this guy every day (minus the stupid hair and sideburns of course):



Mark my words....come springtime....once it gets warm enough for me to take my shirt off in public again......I'm hoping to see THIS guy in the mirror instead! (minus the stupid hair and sideburns of course):



Now whether or not I'll actually look like this is neither here nor there....but I'm hoping to at least be able to SEE this in the mirror....if it's mostly in my imagination...well, I'm ok with that :p

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