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Appreciation Thread...I love CERB!!!!

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Guest h****hedl

Hi everyone,


I have a confession to make: I LOVE CERB! It would be an understatement to say I am not alone on this one!

So many ladies with beautiful curves, shapes and sizes to admire, choose from and interact with. Not to mention countless witty, humourous, informative and thoughtful posts to read. Great recommendations from reliable sources. Hours upon hours of blissful appointments have been spent with some of the finest ladies I have ever laid my eyes on...(all thanks to Cerb!).


I wanted to start a thread that can remind the Cerb moderators and organizers why we love Cerb so much! Not to mention show our appreciation for their sometimes thankless jobs that make our life so much more pleasant and eventful!


I will gladly start: Cerb Albums....not only can I glance through these sexy photos, but I can comment on them - inevitably being read by the goddess I am commenting on! Very gratifying! I also enjoy reading the comments these ladies sometimes reply (via PM or on my profile page). To me, these albums are the equivilent to looking through a Playboy magazine with the legitimate thought of actually meeting these divas rather than just dreaming and fantasizing about them. Having the opportunity to communicate and compliment these ladies is such an under-rated added bonus! Gone are the days where I would pick up a local Sun newspaper (dating myself a bit), and try to choose a lady to match my preferences by her name choice (if listed), her availability times (if listed), and the sound of her voice on the phone - when I would finally build up the guts to call. Because of Cerb, I can easily break the ice well before an encounter using PMs, making it more pleasant and comfortable for both parties; and creating reasonable expectations after glancing over her photos and communicating with said SP. Times are definitely changing for the BETTER...


For this (and countless other reasons), Thank You Cerb!


Please, lets keep this thread going...and give Cerb administration as much positive feedback as possible, added motivation for 2012 - fuel on the fire if you will...it is the least we can do!


If you are a Cerb Administration member, and you feel a little overwhelmed, or you would just like some positive re-enforcement...may you read this thread to remind you of how appreciated you are and how priceless your efforts are to us! Just wanted to give back to the Cerb administration...pointing out the obvious and the little things that may be commonly taken for granted or overlooked, that WE as Cerb members wouldn't like to live without! ;)

If this has been done before I apologize (I never was much of a researcher), but I can't see the harm in a positive reminder to those that deserve it...

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Guest W***ledi*Time

Thanks for the thoughts hb!


It never hurts to take a moment to remind the mods that we appreciate everything that they do to keep the board the special place it is! I'm sure the mods receive plenty of negative feedback from the few, so it's only right that they also hear and know that we, the many, are thankful for what we have, and that we don't take it or them for granted!


More current thoughts from folks about why they like Cerb (Meg's thread):





All the things that I love about Cerb spring from the Cerb philosophy. It of course did not happen by mere chance. Mod wrote most of the original business plan for the site, and it still makes great reading - continuing to be a sound guideline to this day. Some excerpts:




1) Our main goal is to develop a new type of escort discussion site unlike anything currently running.


This is to prove that a positive discussion site without slander, hate or fighting can become successful and build a positive community for the escort industry in Canada. Our goal would be to make the discussion site a safe and friendly place where the ladies would not feel threatened, become slandered, harassed or be afraid to contribute in the discussions with the men and other ladies.


The feedback we receive from many of the ladies indicates that they are often afraid to post on public discussion boards in fear that the competition, a bad volunteer moderator or a bad date would slander them and damage the ladies reputation.


Our goal would be to build a discussion site where the ladies would not feel threatened to respond and contribute. A environment where a positive community can be established the benefits everyone involved (the ladies, the men and us by bringing new advertisers and new traffic to our escort directories).


Over time we feel the guys will appreciate this environment more as well ...


3) Create a community based site where the men and the ladies could openly discuss the industry in a positive way, in public view to show the world that the stereotypes of this industry are wrong. This would be a open public forum to show the people outside of this industry as well that the media is only portraying the negative elements of this industry...



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The Mods have quite a bit of work, and must feel at times like they are unappreciated. In fact they are the unsung heroes of this board. If it wasn't for their effort (and the Town Council's) this would be JAEB (just another escort board LOL)

The ladies and gents can meet here, in a safe environment and discuss matters. Here is where we are IMHO opposite sides of the same coin, not an us versus them.

Good thread.

And again, thanks to the Mod for CERB

And thanks to WIT for posting the business plan

Some quick ramblings


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Guest *D E**a

A place where sexuality is open and enjoyed!

Love the fact that CERB is moderated.

Love the wonderful encounters due to this place.

I really appreciate all the hard work they do for this site.

Here's a big THANK YOU from me to you :D

CERB rocks! :makeout:

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Cerb is an experience, a hobby and fetish at once

The people are wonderful. The atmosphere is grand.

I've met wonderful, caring sweet clients from here that appreciated what I have to offer them.

For the one's I haven't met..I've never had strangers be so nice to me.

Thank you!

P.S I notice the pages load faster, thanks !!

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I like that even though the board is heavily Ottawa-based, most are friendly and welcoming to those all over the map. An awesome sense of comaradrie within the nation. :)

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Thank you Wit. After privately chastising the op (heehee all in fun) I am so pleased that we are all embracing the virtues of cerb!

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Guest L**gh M****e

What a great thread! Although I'm fairly new to Cerb, I do spend countless hours browsing, educating myself, and simply just enjoying how well thought out and organized this site really is! Two thumbs up for all Administrators/Mods but also to the cerbies that make this site such a welcoming and warm environment to visit! It has become one of my most favorite websites! Happy New Year and let all be safe this season!

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I for one have always been a supporter of the mods and the work they do.....outstanding!!

That is why I love cerb........

Then there are the members of this board who are a blast......the ones who enjoy posting fun and informative items in threads....

I really admire the people who do not take offense to a little humor now and then......

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Thanks, I am happy you wrote this! I often wonder if MOD and TC knows how much they are appreciated for their countless hours, even perhaps sleepless nights they have had to go threw to make this the best site ever!



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Kudo's to the Mod, his staff, and the council for a job amazingly well done !


I think what they do becomes lost on us sometimes in everyday life here on Cerb. There are only 7721 active members from all walks of life, 68,000 threads and 279,000 posts to date that have to be moderated. Pics to approve, attitudes to adjust, websites to maintain and program, laws rules and regulations to uphold.....etc...etc...etc.... A big big job and they are doing a damn fine job !! IMO



I bet this is what the guy in his chair in his office in Barrie, Ontario is thinking some days ;)



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To MOD, the Administrators and Town Council, thank you. CERB has added so much to so many, ladies and gentlemen alike, in a safe, mature forum. I would not have had the opportunity to meet some incredible people without CERB, and whiile we may not always agree with some of the decisions or other opinions, I hope I speak for the sensible majority when I say that everyone here is better off becuase of this board. So a sincere thanks to everyone involved in its creation and continued maintenance.

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I just got my "nominated for members choice" sticker on my profile. Thanks to everyone on Cerb and to MOD for making my day. : )


It's the small things that make my time here rewarding.

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I love Cerb because every single time that I log on I don't know exactly what direction it will be heading. There are continually new topics being broached and old topics brought back but with new slants and opinions. The variety of opinion is one of the things that makes this so appealing. My mind and thinking have been challenged on a regular basis and that has to be good for anyone.

There are however the things that one can depend upon.

I know that there will be creative ads from beautiful and amazing women.

I know that there will be new recommendations made every day.

I know that if I stop into the chat area someone will say hello.

I know that there will be a continual supply of new jokes and good humour.

I know that I can stay current on legal matters and current opinion on news from across the country.

I know that there will be tips and suggestions about protocol and better ways of doing things.

I know that over a period of time I get nice little PM's and notes in my guest book.

I know that I can pick and choose on what I will read, and what I will comment on.

I know that I am meeting amazing people who share this community and whose varied presences make it change and grow every day.

I know that even though the socials are not directly Cerb sponsored, that they have been incredibly fun ways to put faces to names.

I know that the Mod and Council are on top of things and that they are doing yeoman service to keep this site what it is and from going the way of the other *erb boards that I have heard about and will stay away from.

What I don't know is what happened to the Fat Bastards? (http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=63808) Did the Mod feel that Cerb was threatened and buy them out?

Yup, I love Cerb. Thank you to all members for what they do.

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