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I am new to this board but I have been a hobbyist for 6 years now.Recently I have had a hard time contacting a lot of SP's. I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem?I must add that I am more of a "short notice"guy.My job doesn't really allow me to pre book,because I cannot guarantee I will keep the appointment and I don't want to waste any SP's time or keep a fellow hobbyist who can pre book from getting an appointment.I have usually gotten by,by keeping regulars that I knew could accommodate me,unfortunately the regular I had for the last 2 years left town and it has been a real struggle trying to find a new one.I have only been able to get a hold of 2 out of 6 SP's in the last 2 months and the 2 I've seen were a good time but not what I'm looking for.I must also add that my free time to see someone is usually at night 9pm or later.Not sure if this is what causes the problem,but I have called earlier to try and at least speak to them with the same result.I personally think it's my time and schedule that causes the problem.I just wanted to see if anyone else who may be similar to me has the same trouble.



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It's not just you supertrucker. I've had the same problem. I do know that once you get you're foot in the door and a lady gets to know you, she is more apt to return you're call. I guess there are a few time wasters and flakes out there that ladies have to deal with, and are apprehensive about taking on new clients. What most ladies fail to realize is that ,as in the business world, you may get 10 to 20 tire kickers before you find 1 good repeat client.

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Yeah I think the guys who don't keep appointments or call and waste these lovely ladies time are just as much a problem for hobbyist as they are for the SP's.I also think that a lot of SP's if they have a choice between seeing a regular or seeing someone new they will see the regular.Which absolutely makes sense.They know what they can expect with the regular and it makes them feel safer.I know the regulars that I have seen would pass on new clients to come see me.I guess I'll have to keep trying until I find someone.

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I kinda had the same problem in the beginning, but in reverse. I live in smalltown Ontario and need to travel to the big city (cities actually) to see ladies. So I plan ahead. And even though single, I do get some of my weekends committed for me by family (elderly mother, brother) So I need to plan a few months in advance, to get a free weekend (family told it's off limits LOL), book a hotel etc.

In the beginning ladies thought I was one of those email wasters just contacting them and booking appointments to waste their time. But as I got established, well it's worked out

My advice, same as Julia's, stick to CERB, get a board reputation, and find a lady to see.

Good luck and Happy New Year :-)


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What you may want to try is, knowing that you usually don't know when you have free time until the last minute and given that you're only available to play at night time, send an SP of your choosing an email...


Let her know your situation and she may agree to screen you with her screening process.... if you pass, that way when you contact her for an appointment, if she is available, then she will agree to meet you.


Doing the screening in this way may save you the hassle of not finding anyone at the last minute.


I'm not sure if all the ladies would be ok with this process but some may and ask them politely.

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Short notice appointments tend to be harder to make an encounter happen.


I tend to only book on the short term, as I know that I will be able to meet the provider at the scheduled time that we have set up.


I do not like to book in advance because I do not want to waste the providers time by having to cancel an appointment, nor do I want to be blacklisted as a no-show or a chronic canceller.


I have only ever had to cancel one encounter and I was enroute to see the provider when I got a family emergency call. I immediately called the provider and told her of my predicament. It is best to communicate with the provider in the event that you do have to cancel an appointment, be straight up with her.

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Short notice is a trickey one to pull off at times. Sometimes I could be out for lunch with my mother...or perhaps my house is not ready or at least up to my standards for company, etc....


I do take short notice, if the timing is right. It may be easier for you to get to know someone through chatting and post often, then the lady may be more at ease to see you just fresh from a shower and her regular day wear, natural with hair in a ponytail, lol.

But For me, I really want my first meeting with you to be proper and does take more prep time. I am often told," ohh you dont have to do all that for me"....but I feel more comfortable when everyting is perfect for our first date. Usually after we have gotten closer, then I dont mind to invite you over a la natural look for a quick nooner.

Also keep your eyes on the times we post that we are avail, so like for me if you call at 10pm, chances are you will not get a booking that night. As I usually will only go till 9pm. The shout box is a great tool to see if she is ready and able.


hang in there, and certainly try to form connections VIA post, chats, and PM...Best of luck to ya:)

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I appreciate the feedback.Like I said in my original post I always had regulars.One I seen for 2 1/2 years and the other for 2 years.I seen many others during and in between.I am just looking for another regular that can accommodate my schedule.I can tell you it has not been easy.And it gets frustrating when you can't get a hold of anybody or they don't even return your call when you leave a message.But like I said I'll keep trying and see how it goes.Again thanks for the feedback.

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Since you have regulars have you considered asking them to recommend someone to you.


Usually if they pass the word on your behalf or you name drop (with their permission of course) it would smooth things alot.

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