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New Year's Greetings!

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As we approach New Year, there's much to be thankful for, and much to look forward to. What I have to say here is heartfelt, and sincere.


I want to thank all the women I met this year, every one of them, who gave me pleasure, affection, fun, and indelible memories. All my friends and correspondents on cerb, who've shared their thoughts and experiences with me. I'm glad to have been able to patch up some strained relationships recently. I'm grateful to the members of the social groups I belong to here for their contributions, and to mod for keeping things sane.


In 2012 I hope to meet many more new friends, and to renew acquaintances with some special people. I hope that some of our absent friends return to us, at least socially. And let's resolve to make this board the best it can be.


My good wishes to all for a happy, healthy, and enjoyable 2012.

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I have to say, as an addendum, that I had some of the best and most intense sex of my life, with some of the most outstanding women, in 2011.

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Wishing everyone out there a Happy New Year

A special thanks, or appreciation to all the CERB friends I've made since joining CERB

A special thanks to the lady (she knows who she is) who this past summer celebrated with me my one year anniversary of partaking in this lifestyle

And a special thanks to all the ladies I've seen who made 2011 stand out and be memorable for me. You are all wonderful companions

A special thanks to the ladies I've met and we are more than SP/Client, we are friends.

Finally, thanks to the Mod, Administrators and Town Council for keeping this community on track, even though at times it has to be frustrating. You have my appreciation, and I'm sure all CERBite's appreciation for your hard, unsung work

Again, Happy New Year


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