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when someone tests positive for an STD/STI do you think they actually make the effort to inform their sexual partners? or do you think they let fear/shame get in the way of doing the right thing?


Of course I am not implying that anyone here has ever been is this situation.



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If you test postive and do not wish to disclose your status to your partners yourself, the testing centre (eg. sexual health centre here in Ottawa) can notify your partners of possible exposure, without disclosing your name.

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The Ottawa Health Department will follow up with anyone who has tested positive for an STI/STD and they will contact your partners. I don't even think they are allowed under privacy laws to tell them who you are.

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so the follow on question would be :


do you think the person would disclose all their sexual partners to the health department? or would the fear/shame be so pervasive they would subconsciously convince themselves that the system cannot guarantee their anonymity .



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so the follow on question would be :


do you think the person would disclose all their sexual partners to the health department? or would the fear/shame be so pervasive they would subconsciously convince themselves that the system cannot guarantee their anonymity .




That depends on the person and their ethics. I hate to say it, but the majority of people in general (not limited to hobbyiests or sex workers) wold probably not.


I cannot speak for sex workers or hobbyiests because no one in this population has ever confided in me whether they have ever tested positive for anything.


In the civilian population, I know of a few, and I doubt they would have given up the names, knowing their situations.


I don't rely on waiting for someone else to tell me whether I've tested positive for anything. I am proactive and get tested regularly but if I was informed by another that I should get tested, I would not be offended, but rather relieved that they were honest enough to give me a heads up.

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Most jurisdictions mandate reporting of STI's - the list varies slightly by Province or Territory - to the Medical officer of Health. The responsibility in law is that of the treating care provider, but labs involved in testing have to report positives.


Contact tracers are then used to attempt to locate potentially exposed individuals. As has been mentioned, the "source" may not be identified in all/any case when folk are contacted.



Edited by Code Blue

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To me, ethically speaking, I would let ladies know if I contracted a STD/STI, it's the right thing to do

With that having been said, I'm responsible for my own sexual health and testing, and I don't assume a lady will contact me informing me I may have contracted a STD/STI


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If you test postive and do not wish to disclose your status to your partners yourself, the testing centre (eg. sexual health centre here in Ottawa) can notify your partners of possible exposure, without disclosing your name.


In the case of the hobby, or random hook ups at bars etc., wouldn't it be a bit more difficult to track people down?

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In the case of the hobby, or random hook ups at bars etc., wouldn't it be a bit more difficult to track people down?


Well for me, I see your point about the random hook ups in bars...last time I did the bar thing, I don't think STI/STD had even been invented LOL...god I feel old

But, at least for me, not only do I know and remember (and some were memorable too) all the ladies I've seen since embarking on this lifestyle, I know (usually via email) how to contact them. And I would email them if I tested positive for an STI/STD


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In the case of the hobby, or random hook ups at bars etc., wouldn't it be a bit more difficult to track people down?

Generally you would have some method of reaching them, especially in the hobby - although to echo Angela, folks should be taking responsibility for their own health and getting themselves tested, especially with multiple partners. In the end, you are only certain of your own status.

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I would hope they would do the right thing and tell their partners,if someone I were sleeping with were to test positive then I should be told,and would do the same,just my opinion!

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I would for sure tell them. I think protecting ourselves is key to any healthy relationship. I also think that it is your own choice to disclose your personal information to a sexual partner and you are always sleeping together at your own risk as long as you are doing everything you can to prevent transmitting the sti/std

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Guest Ou**or**n

Interesting discussion. As with RG if I was diagnosed with an STD I would inform all the ladies I have had encounters with. However some ladies can leave the biz quite quickly and cancel their CERB accounts and emails and thus leave no means to contact them.


Also what about agency girls - should the agency be contacted and if so would they make an effort to contact the lady?

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Also what about agency girls - should the agency be contacted and if so would they make an effort to contact the lady?


That would be the right thing to do but this is the business of sex and it's our own responsibility to make sure we stay safe and std free, get regular check up's and such and not rely on someone "hopefully" telling you.

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Interesting discussion. As with RG if I was diagnosed with an STD I would inform all the ladies I have had encounters with. However some ladies can leave the biz quite quickly and cancel their CERB accounts and emails and thus leave no means to contact them.


Also what about agency girls - should the agency be contacted and if so would they make an effort to contact the lady?


The Health Department cannot discuss anyone's health issues with anyone except the person who has tested positive. They can't even reveal their identity to any prospective partners whose names are given to them for follow up. To do otherwise is an invasion of privacy. So they wouldn't be able to call up an agency owner and say "hey LadyX's name was given to us as someone who might have given/contracted an STI/STD."


It is also my understanding that the prospective partners are also under no obligation to get tested, they are merely informed that they should be tested.

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when someone tests positive for an STD/STI do you think they actually make the effort to inform their sexual partners? or do you think they let fear/shame get in the way of doing the right thing?


Of course I am not implying that anyone here has ever been is this situation.




I would hope that someone would tell me. Not being honest and then being intimate with me is in my view, not really much different than if that person were driving me somewhere while almost completely sloshed behind the wheel but at least in that case, I can see that they are in no condition to drive and put a stop to it before anything happens.


Maybe we need more community support for people with these diseases and hopefully that will make people more open about it and not feel so shamed.

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Gave you a nomination there Dixon, because someone not informing his/her partner(s) is not necessarily a case of lack of concern/caring, but a case of shame. A person may feel embarrassed/ashamed over something where no malice intended in the first place. I personally, ethically, would let my partners know if I contracted an STI/STD. But I have to say, because of stigma, or perceived stigma, I can't say not reporting is unethical.

The only, 100 percent foolproof way to avoid any and all STI/STD's is to have no sexual partners. Even in a so called monogamous relationship, you take your partner's word on his/her sexual past, and anyone with a sexual history, well your knowledge of your own sexual history is based largely on the word of your sexual partner(s). He/she can say they have never fooled around, but they could be lying about it too.

With that said, while it's everyone's personal choice on to disclose or not to disclose to their partners, you alone are responsible for your own sexual health, including getting tested. Don't leave it in the hands of your partner(s) to tell you

A morning rambling


Edited by r__m__g_uy

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Interesting discussion. As with RG if I was diagnosed with an STD I would inform all the ladies I have had encounters with. However some ladies can leave the biz quite quickly and cancel their CERB accounts and emails and thus leave no means to contact them.


Also what about agency girls - should the agency be contacted and if so would they make an effort to contact the lady?


I can only speak about us, but if we had a lady or public health nurse informed us we would act on it immediately.


First the lady would have to have proof of treatment if it was something that was treatable, but if it was something like herpes that was not curable we would not be able to work with the lady further.


In our experience, the only ladies in the past that have contracted an std/sti actually got it from their personal relationships not their work relationships. For the most part, ladies are more likely to engage in higher risk activies (bbfs) with a boyfriend than a client that protection is used.


In both of those instances, we terminated our agreement with the ladies involved.

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First the lady would have to have proof of treatment if it was something that was treatable, but if it was something like herpes that was not curable we would not be able to work with the lady further.



You do know Jason that if anyone has ever had a cold sore, they have "herpes" (oral herpes, or herpes simplex one). This can be transmitted from the mouth to the genitals but it's still type one (not genital type) and this is the most common type of herpes that lots of folks don't even realize they have. They think they have a pimple or they scratched themselves and it clears up in a few days, sometimes not to return for years.


As for genital herpes, that is another matter.

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