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Why do we only have one earth day per year? Does this make sense to you? One day to turn down the lights and plant a shrub?


If it were up to me, I would have earth days all the time. We live on a beautiful planet that I would like to see stay beautiful and do my part in reducing my carbon footprint. What about you?



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I totally though this was going to be about the show Planet Earth. And then I was going to rave about the deep sea episode and this dude:


The Vampire Squid from Hell:



But yes, there should be more appreciation for the earth. I mean come on, it birthed the vampire squid from hell. How can you not think that is the coolest thing ever?

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"Humans need the Planet, but the Planet doesn't need them." Every day should be Earth day. No Earth, no people. Unhappy Earth, no people. Seems to mean the choice is pretty clear about who we should be respecting. I'm not a member of Greenpeace or a follower of Al Gore, but logically we should be respecting the reason for our existence. You hear people speaking of the wrath of God and Raptures and so forth, but do any of us really have any interest in seeing a PO'ed Mother Earth?

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Does it really matter? Isn't the world ending this year?


Is it ending, or just starting a new "cycle" ?


Additional Comments:

I totally though this was going to be about the show Planet Earth. And then I was going to rave about the deep sea episode and this dude:


The Vampire Squid from Hell:



Planet earth is a great show, along with the Vampire Squid from hell

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I must admit to being wryly amused by all this 'saving the earth' stuff. The planet doesn't need saving. It was here long before us, and it'll be there long after we're just fossils (if we leave enough to fossilize). The real question is how long *we* will manage to survive before we screw the planet up to the point where we end up in a Malthusian population crash, and how many other species we'll manage to obliterate along the way...

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It sadens me to think of the number of species man kind has caused to become extinct because of our misuse of this planet.Some of us do our part ,being"green" others just carry on as if this planet will last forever and alot of times it's people with children,just boggles my mind.I would think with all we know now more would be "greener",after all eveything from a bug to a bear has a right to be here and live it's life,not just humans,imagine having to exist in a glass,concrete,or stainless:frown: steele enviroment!!!Yes I'm a tree hugger!!!

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I must admit to being wryly amused by all this 'saving the earth' stuff. The planet doesn't need saving. It was here long before us, and it'll be there long after we're just fossils (if we leave enough to fossilize). The real question is how long *we* will manage to survive before we screw the planet up to the point where we end up in a Malthusian population crash, and how many other species we'll manage to obliterate along the way...


I have an odd point of view about this "earth survival thing". You see, as we continuously deplete the earth of it's fossil fuels..I believe that we are leaving pockets of air under the earth's surface and therefore the decompression of the subterranean caverns that can cause massive shifts..Earthquakes, Tsunamis and such. maybe even collapse on itself. It may be a long shot, but that's what I believe to be happening and to be true. We are ruining the earth.

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Guest M*****ss****e

My grade 7 science teacher had an interesting theory. He didn't spout religious beliefs, or believe in evolution. His belief was that humans are simply a parasite and Earth the host. He got many stern phone calls from parents I'm sure lol, but it makes one wonder.


PS: Billybob - that made me giggle :D

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Humanity has hurt it's home with abuse and negligence, I agree. I firmly believe that she will go on spinning long after we are dust in the wind.


I plant gardens, I drink tap water, and I do the best I can with my resources to make my footprint as small as possible.


If you don't take care of the things you have, they won't exist anymore!

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