zorobaby 4121 Report post Posted February 2, 2012 i for one always write out a review as soon as i walk in the door so i dont forget to do so later. Even if the apt wasnt the best i write about all the pros i can think of, there were a few times i have not written recos but thats for reasons i do not wish to discuss publicly. I stand firmly behind the concept of if you like her, tell people about her, if you dont like her, tell people about the things you did like and not about the things you didnt like. zoro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bewlayb 7480 Report post Posted February 2, 2012 I stand firmly behind the concept of if you like her, tell people about her, if you dont like her, tell people about the things you did like and not about the things you didnt like. Sorry, I can only meet you half way on this one. I prefer to keep quiet if I did not enjoy myself. That way no one gets disappointed by what I have written. Since this board by design already filters out critical commentary on services, why undermine that goodwill by misrepresenting a negative experience as a positive one? 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BootyLoving 2441 Report post Posted February 2, 2012 Is it universally understood that no news is good news, and good news is great news ... But since we can't post un-positive comments, it's a one way forum where we're left guessing if the SP on average provided a Great experience / OK experience / Substandard experience. Basically even the OK experience comment is taken as a negative recommendation, that's because this forum has turned into a hand out of Participation certificates. If we say that the recent Good recommendation only policy is to weed in good provider, it justifies that anyone who isn't getting a fantastic recommendation is providing sub-par service. Not true, but that is the only reading we can conclude. But, if you provide horrendous and out right con-artist service, there's a warning section for that. In this forum, we only award a great service, or post public alerts - but for the rest of yah - you've only been providing unrecommendable service. UNTRUE? Unfortunately, that's the state of matter with this forum. It use to be great and busy when it was a Canadian Escort Review Board, not a recommendation only board. I know I will get hate mail, but just my early morning opinion. Disclaimer: THE VIEWS PREVIOUSLY EXPRESSED ARE THAT OF MY OWN, AND DOES NOT EXPRESS THE OPINION OF THIS BOARD, OR THE MEMBERS OF THIS BOARD. Additional Comments: Maybe you can try add the review to your own website. It can make sure the new customer and repeat customer still can see you review and easy to find it. I did it, and it works! The thing with posting recommendation on your own website, is that it's not as legitimate as having it been posted by a third party website like CERB. Cerb does a great job of filtering out shills and keeping people honest. That's why it's become a very reliable board. There's nothing preventing you from forging your own recommendation on your own site, so there is a drive to get legitimate recommendation / reviews from place like cerb. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zorobaby 4121 Report post Posted February 2, 2012 Sorry, I can only meet you half way on this one. I prefer to keep quiet if I did not enjoy myself. That way no one gets disappointed by what I have written. Since this board by design already filters out critical commentary on services, why undermine that goodwill by misrepresenting a negative experience as a positive one? Not that I feel I have to deffend my comment or anything, I jusyt think that if overall I felt unsatisfied with the encounter but I found a few aspects of it to be good, why not tell people about the good parts, maybe someone will enjoy her service because of the good points that I post about. That is what I ment with what I said before. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted February 2, 2012 The thing with posting recommendation on your own website, is that it's not as legitimate as having it been posted by a third party website like CERB. Cerb does a great job of filtering out shills and keeping people honest. That's why it's become a very reliable board. There's nothing preventing you from forging your own recommendation on your own site, so there is a drive to get legitimate recommendation / reviews from place like cerb. you can have links to your recos and reviews on your website...that way people know they are legit. I have them from another website already but will put the links from cerb on there as well. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ulixestrojan 3757 Report post Posted February 2, 2012 Honest reviews =good times Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GHT 798 Report post Posted February 2, 2012 Honoustly I enjoy 95% of the encounters I've had. Thank you CERB ladies you are amazing. However my MO is to only write reviews for the most deserving ladies (top 30% or so). I think that everyone understands that because of YMMV that my top choices are different than someone else's. Ladies get their due in this way. If everyone wrote reviews for 95% of the ladies, then reviews would not have much value IMHO. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MNO4 789 Report post Posted February 3, 2012 I know it's not in the spirit of this place but negative reviews could help ALOT. Without them the concept of toftt the team is obviated (what do you do with a bad experience if you can't tell the team) Just saying. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PyroPyotr 1599 Report post Posted February 3, 2012 There are other forum and boards out there that allow such things as negative reviews. I have one in mind already. (I'm sure most hobbyist know of it and simply don't go for lack of activity on said board) If we can get to a certain degree of participation, then we could and will get varied and reliable info. If you guys want to know more just PM me. Sent from my GT-I9000M using Tapatalk Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted February 3, 2012 I know it's not in the spirit of this place but negative reviews could help ALOT. Without them the concept of toftt the team is obviated (what do you do with a bad experience if you can't tell the team) Just saying. The whole point of this board is to be a positive place for everyone to interact. There are plenty of other places that thrive on negativity. It's nice to be able to come to a place and read VALUABLE POSITIVE threads. Real life is far too stressful and to infuse un-needed stress in what is supposed to be fun is ridiculous in my view. YMMV is an important anacronym to learn. You may have a bad experience with JaneDoe and then JohnDoe has a great one. Each person is an individual, each individual is unique and chemistry just doesn't always happen no matter how skilled the lady is. I am pretty certain that CERB will never become like the other sites and I, for one, am quite happy about that; with or without a recommendation! 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted February 3, 2012 I know it's not in the spirit of this place but negative reviews could help ALOT. Without them the concept of toftt the team is obviated (what do you do with a bad experience if you can't tell the team) Just saying. There are other boards where negative reviews allowed, they aren't allowed here. CERB isn't like the other boards, nor does it want to be like the other boards. In this community both the ladies and gentlemen participate together equally, and the ladies are welcome, unlike other boards which seem to be more a boys club. On CERB, it's more a case of we are all opposite sides of the same coin, other boards, IMHO, at least from a few I've visited, it's more an us vs them mentality So IMHO, and probably lots of others here, the place for negative reviews is the other boards, and not on CERB RG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted February 4, 2012 So, to reply to several people... i for one always write out a review as soon as i walk in the door so i dont forget to do so later. My preference is to give myself a day or two to reflect on things and digest the experience. But that's just a personal preference... Even if the apt wasnt the best i write about all the pros i can think of, there were a few times i have not written recos but thats for reasons i do not wish to discuss publicly. I'm afraid I disagree about this; I write recos (or don't) on the balance of the whole encounter. What I will say, however, is that if I decide not to write a reco I'll definitely have some good reason why I didn't that I could submit as justification to some imaginary arbiter of these things (or, more relevantly, to the lady in question, if she were to ask). What I find really difficult to make decisions about are the encounters were nothing was really wrong, but the chemistry just wasn't there. These ones aren't really all that awesome as there's no chemistry, but... that doesn't mean anyone did anything wrong. And so is it fair to withhold a reco under these circumstances? I tend to think not; the fact that I didn't have much chemistry with a particular lady doesn't mean she won't turn out to be the next guy's ATF, and it'd be a shame if he never found her just because nobody had written a reco. Not that I feel I have to defend my comment or anything, I just think that if overall I felt unsatisfied with the encounter but I found a few aspects of it to be good, why not tell people about the good parts, maybe someone will enjoy her service because of the good points that I post about. That is what I meant with what I said before. Because anyone else who goes to see her won't get selected bits of the experience; they'll get the whole thing, just like you did. And so it seems appropriate to base your decision to write a reco - or not - on the entirety of the encounter, rather than cherry-picked bits. If the world's best SP had her incall in a sewer, anyone who reads a reco saying she's the world's best SP will *still* end up visiting the sewer, and they might not like that :) Basically even the OK experience comment is taken as a negative recommendation, that's because this forum has turned into a hand out of Participation certificates. No. A reco is still a reco. There is no obligation to write one if you don't want to. What seems negative here is silence... In this forum, we only award a great service, or post public alerts - but for the rest of yah - you've only been providing unrecommendable service. UNTRUE? To answer your question: Yes. Untrue. There are many reasons why a lady may not have a lot of recos. Younger SPs seem to generate more than older ones; spinners generate more than BBWs. I think both of these have less to do with the quality of service the ladies provide, and more to do with us insecure guys fearing to be judged on who we spend time with. It'd be nice to think we'd all grown out of that, but the traumas we may have suffered at the hands of our 'friends' in our teenage years may be tough to shift... SPs tend to generate more recos when they first appear on the scene. A new and exciting arrival will get a lot of recos as people meet her for the first time; after a while, they'll tend to drop off. If she's getting more satisfied customers coming back then that leaves less room for new ones; and we're all less likely to write a reco for someone when we've previously done so. There are many well-established ladies around here who hardly ever get recos these days; I can tell you, from personal experience, that it's not because they've suddenly become bad at what they do. Finally, bear in mind the simple fact that, all things being equal, someone who sees a few people a day will have more recos that someone who sees a few people per week. To sum up: it's not a level playing field, and shouldn't be treated as such. Honoustly I enjoy 95% of the encounters I've had. Thank you CERB ladies you are amazing. However my MO is to only write reviews for the most deserving ladies (top 30% or so). I think that everyone understands that because of YMMV that my top choices are different than someone else's. Ladies get their due in this way. If everyone wrote reviews for 95% of the ladies, then reviews would not have much value IMHO. I hear what you say... but I don't agree with it. First up, what's your top 30% (or whatever fraction you choose)? Speaking personally, mine changes depending on what mood I'm in; sometimes I want a blonde, sometimes a brunette or a redhead. Today I may want a quickie with the best-looking girl I can find; tomorrow I may prefer a prolonged evening of the best conversation I can get. The point is that the criteria I might use to rate people are hugely inconsistent, and therefore objectively worthless. And that's before you begin to consider that my preferences probably aren't the same as yours. Even if you were completely consistent... why should a lady who provides good service be penalized because someone else was very slightly better? For me, it's not about competition: it's more akin to taking your driving test. If you're good enough, you pass, and it doesn't matter how many or few other people may have passed already this week/month/year. I know it's not in the spirit of this place but negative reviews could help ALOT. Without them the concept of toftt the team is obviated (what do you do with a bad experience if you can't tell the team) Just saying. There are other forum and boards out there that allow such things as negative reviews. If we can get to a certain degree of participation, then we could and will get varied and reliable info. Varied, certainly. I don't know about reliable. I'm no expert on this, but AFAIK other boards have issues with unscrupulous ladies acquiring shill reviews for themselves and equally false bad reviews for their competitors. The whole point of this board is to be a positive place for everyone to interact.<snip> I am pretty certain that CERB will never become like the other sites and I, for one, am quite happy about that; with or without a recommendation! Yep. Absolutely. I'm not going to sit here and make judgements about which style of board is objectively "better". This really comes down to the kind of info you want to see and the kind of environment you want to be in. At the end of the day, multiple boards exist with multiple moderation policies and cultures; we can all vote with our (virtual) feet. And we do. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted February 4, 2012 Not that I feel I have to deffend my comment or anything, I jusyt think that if overall I felt unsatisfied with the encounter but I found a few aspects of it to be good, why not tell people about the good parts, maybe someone will enjoy her service because of the good points that I post about. That is what I ment with what I said before. That's true. If you are examine what it was that you didn't like, it can be a very simple thing that is just your personal preferences. Like 'she talks too much" can simply be that you need more quiet in your sessions. Another guy will be thrilled if you say 'she was very chatty'. It certainly isn't a bad thing to enjoy conversation, and just because it may cause you to not want to go back, if everything else is satisfactory, then it doesn't really factor into interpreting that to be a bad session, or a bad sp. Sometimes the best recommendation simply confirms that the sp is legit. Factoring in that many negative reviews on those other boards have taken it to a whole other level, the extraneous details are not always important provided she has the info in her ad/site. I have actually seen comments like "I was disappointed because she looked like her pics. I thought she would look better than her pics." which appeared to sour the reviewer and tainted the entire review, caused a ruckus when no one could figure out what the heck he was writing a bad review about someone who provided everything on a platter. And that kind of misleading info is often put into reviews where negative comments are permitted. Having a site where the recommendations are postive doesn't limit the choices or mislead anyone. They confirm that the sp is legitimate, meaning that the sp provides what she advertises. Considering 'review' sites, we are often told, were designed just for the purpose, then I cannot see a problem with a site that directs the viewers towards the legit sps. So even leaving the recos to the top 30% does a disservice to the ladies in the 'lower tier', imo. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frosty 1349 Report post Posted February 4, 2012 What percentage of your customers are regular reccomendation board contributors? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Victoria Banks 21899 Report post Posted February 4, 2012 What percentage of your customers are regular reccomendation board contributors? Small.. roughly 5-10% 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LuxeMulvari 65764 Report post Posted February 5, 2012 This is so true, I have a few clients I've seen more times than I can count who have found me on Cerb, who have never written me a review. When asked about it (curiosity....can't help but thinking "am i doing something wrong? I'm confused, we keep visiting, yet no review.....?????), they have replied in various ways to why they haven't written them, saying things like "oh i am not the reviewing type", " i wouldn't know what to say" but yet each and every one of them decided to see me, my reviews, being a major influence on that decision. Gentlemen, if you are going to read and use the reviews to find a lady, why is such a far leap to write one as well? I understand a lot of you are shy, or private, but those who are even the top posters remain anonymous in "real" world, anonymity is the beauty of this place.I couldn't point out those I haven't met personally if they walked up to me face to face in the street lol. Some gentlemen feel like their writing skills aren't up to par. Well,you don't have to be William Shakespeare, and this isn't English class, you aren't being graded on your writing capabilities. I have received pm's, texts and email after the rendezvous saying how pleased they were, all messages were short and sweet, and could have easily been posted in the same exact wording as a review, and they would have been sufficient. if you are really concerned about they way in which you convey your experience, try typing it up on a word document first so you can edit it and review it if you feel like that's what you want to do, it gives you opportunity to chew it over, until you like what you wrote. Then you simply copy and paste it onto here. Finally, I fear some gentlemen do not write reviews because they are fearful their experience doesn't "measure up " to say another reviewer. For example, if a previous review of a lady communicated that the rendezvous was very passionate and wild, and your experience was more sensual and laid back, you may fear being looked at then less than the previous gentleman, or you weren't "as good"; you can't "top" the previous review. Well, as someone stated before, the review isn't about you, or a contest of who had the wildest or "best time" with the lady. It's about letting others know, especially those who are considering seeing us (hence reading the reviews lol) that they are not wasting their time, they will enjoy themselves and get their money's worth!!! I look at it kind of like American Idol, i.e. when you review us its like when you call in to vote for your favourite contestant. By writing a review, you are essentially "voting" for us, showing others that you think we are great and deserve to "win" lol :) By generating business our in "voting" for us, you are keeping us on the "show" because if we aren't earning we don't stay, so therefore you are ensuring we stick around and are available for future visits. I also personally think its it's unfair and disrespectful to the gentlemen (and the spirit of this board in general) who tofft and then take the time out of their busy lives to contribute by writing a review, just to read the reviews and reap the benefits of that information, only to then not contribute in the same way so that some other gentleman can receive the same beneficial information in the same way you did. Its a two way street imho, if your going to use the resource(reading the reviews), it is only fair contribute and replenish it (ie add onto the reviews) so that others may benefit form this wonderful forum, just as you did. Without the recommendations, how can a "recommendation board survive"? JMHO :) 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slurp 7020 Report post Posted February 5, 2012 I am a bit surprised to see this thread so active still. It seems to have spurred quite a discussion about recos and the like which I guess is good. Some of the newer members may not realize how useful recos or harmful lack of recos can be. So they can learn stuff. Or not. I'll chime in with my opinion of what deserves a reco. If you see a reco from me it means I had a wonderful time. Not an average experience, an ABOVE average experience. Yes, YMMV so it's MY opinion of a good time. But over time I have found that my idea usually aligns with a few others. I've been around long enough to have a few things figured out. LOL I saw someone new last week and you'll notice no reco here. I did review on a site that was appropriate for the level of service received. It wasn't a bad experience, just average. IMO, average doesn't warrant a reco so I put the info where it was welcome and appropriate. Others may have felt a reco would be in order. I did not but there is room for debate. As for other boards, it's no secret I frequent all the available forums to get as much info as I can. Being a long term hobbyist Cerb is relatively new compared to some and has a unique position in the industry. Not saying good and bad, just the way it is. Are there downsides here? Of course, nothing is perfect. But if it wasn't a useful place we all wouldn't be here. This is a place for positive recos, and when you don't write about your positive experience it helps no one. I recently got another PM asking me not to share a "gem" that a member has found. While I may not be as wild about her as he is, since I felt it was an average experience I did not reco as I felt it wasn't warranted. But if he and others think she is a gem then his not sharing may mean she won't be around for him to see if she doesn't have enough customers. And if even one person feels she is a gem, that would be a shame. In the end I guess everyone has an opinion on what a reco should be and what warrants one. A spinoff of the YMMV theme. Whatever your idea is, please submit a reco if YOU think it is deserved. To be honest, once you see enough posts from a member you get a sense what they are like and what they like. So you can determine if a reco from that person will have any value for you. But every reco has a value for someone. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ou**or**n Report post Posted February 5, 2012 I will only post a recommendation here if I feel others will have a good experience with the lady and get their money's worth. The experience doesn't have to be awesome - sometimes I have off days as well. However I've been around long enough to tell when a lady is making an honest effort and when a lady isn't. Looking back at the last 10 different ladies I've seen I've reco'd 5 of them here. I too participate in a wide variety of forums and on ones that take reviews instead of just recos I've reviewed almost all of them. I profit immensely from reading other reviews and I believe in giving back. Interestingly enough I've chosen to see many ladies that have gotten reviews with negative components. Sometimes what is ones person's negative is another positive. A guy may write complaining that she was too short, had small boobs and wasn't loud like a PSE. Well I love petite ladies with small boobs who are more real instead of fake moaners so I'll go see her. Those are not allowed here and if there weren't places for guys to post such information I never would of seen the lady at all. I also understand that these can give off a bad 'vibe' and that isn't wanted here. Having different boards allows each to participate where they feel comfortable. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Flash 133 Report post Posted February 12, 2012 Wow. I've just noticed this thread. The quote in Slurp's message comes from a PM I sent him. I understand his point and I feel bad for not having shared my recommendation more widely. I'm a hobbiest who prefers to fly under the radar, for a range of reasons - first and foremost because I'd prefer not to leave an electronic trail of my activities. That said, Slurp's point is well taken. It's worth noting, however, that there's always more than one side to why a person might, or might not leave a review. On one occasion I left a glowing review for an SP and just happened to note that YMMV. She complained and I got a warning from the mod. On another occasion I left a review for someone, only to be berated privately by someone because this person did not agree. In other instances, I've been told by the SP that she did not want reviews. I feel sometimes that posting a rec opens a reviewer or reviewee to unwanted scrutiny. I'm a low key person and would prefer to remain that way. I do understand, though, that if there are no reviews, SPs might move one. This thread has definitely given me a lot to think about, for sure. I'll keep that in mind in the future. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted February 12, 2012 Wow. I've just noticed this thread. The quote in Slurp's message comes from a PM I sent him. I understand his point and I feel bad for not having shared my recommendation more widely. I'm a hobbiest who prefers to fly under the radar, for a range of reasons - first and foremost because I'd prefer not to leave an electronic trail of my activities. That said, Slurp's point is well taken. It's worth noting, however, that there's always more than one side to why a person might, or might not leave a review. On one occasion I left a glowing review for an SP and just happened to note that YMMV. She complained and I got a warning from the mod. On another occasion I left a review for someone, only to be berated privately by someone because this person did not agree. In other instances, I've been told by the SP that she did not want reviews. I feel sometimes that posting a rec opens a reviewer or reviewee to unwanted scrutiny. I'm a low key person and would prefer to remain that way. I do understand, though, that if there are no reviews, SPs might move one. This thread has definitely given me a lot to think about, for sure. I'll keep that in mind in the future. Well a couple comments. First, you no more leave an electronic trail making a recommendation than you do with a post. For that matter just membership on this board technically has the same electronic signature Won't comment about the YMMV situation, don't know details, nor everyone's side to the story As for some ladies not wanting recommendations, that is true. That is why before posting a recommendation, I let the lady see what is going to be written. If she doesn't want a recommendation, I won't post. As for a person berating you, says more about them than you. As long as it's positive and truthful, that's what matters. You are writing about your encounter with the lady, not someone else's encounter with that same lady. RG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Peachka 4334 Report post Posted February 12, 2012 You could also check to see if there is an existing recommendation for the provider. You are not likely going to get in trouble for adding your experience to the thread. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted March 1, 2012 I read something in another thread where someone commented that there didn't seem to be many new recos as of late. This is a prime example as to why they are so important. They are a great source of info about new ladies as well as long term ladies. All it takes is a few minutes of your time and even just a short line or two is effective!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BootyLoving 2441 Report post Posted March 1, 2012 Expect even less of these free and democratic discussion once the Tories online surveilliance bill is push through Let's welcome Canada to the communist brotherhood! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites