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Just over 250 years ago Robert Burns was born this day in 1759.


Many celebrations of his life and work have already taken place around the world and will continue through this following weekend.

In celebrating his life with Burn's Suppers much is made of the drinking of scotch and his love of the ladies, which is true enough.


If you have a chance though, have a go at some of his poems and songs that live on today with their humour, stance for social justice and insight into the plight of the everyday person. Oh, and many a tribute to the loves of his life, the ladies.


Here is a link to a site with many of his works, side by each with English translation:




Some favourites are:

To a Mouse



John Barleycorn



My Peggy's Face



and lastly, Address to a Haggis


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Guest thi****

A celebration of the Bards birthday is not complete without the skirl of the pipes, the address to the haggis, a taste of the haggis and a wee dram of the Scottish nectar

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Guest W***ledi*Time

My Highland Lassie, O (1786)


Nae gentle dames, tho' e'er sae fair,

Shall ever be my muse's care:

Their titles a' arc empty show;

Gie me my Highland lassie, O.



Within the glen sae bushy, O,

Aboon the plain sae rashy, O,

I set me down wi' right guid will,

To sing my Highland lassie, O.


O were yon hills and vallies mine,

Yon palace and yon gardens fine!

The world then the love should know

I bear my Highland Lassie, O.

Within the glen &c.


But fickle fortune frowns on me,

And I maun cross the raging sea!

But while my crimson currents flow,

I'll love my Highland lassie, O.

Within the glen &c.


Altho' thro' foreign climes I range,

I know her heart will never change,

For her bosom burns with honour's glow,

My faithful Highland lassie, O.

Within the glen &c.


For her I'll dare the billow's roar,

For her I'll trace a distant shore,

That Indian wealth may lustre throw

Around my Highland lassie, O.

Within the glen &c.


She has my heart, she has my hand,

By secret troth and honour's band!

Till the mortal stroke shall lay me low,

I'm thine, my Highland lassie, O.

Within the glen &c.


Farewell the glen sae bushy, O!

Farewell the plain sae rashy, O!

To other lands I now must go,

To sing my Highland lassie, O.

Within the glen &c.



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Thanks arejayell! This completely skipped my mind this year. To the scotch cupboard!

I missed it too! Never mind... making up for it now. Alas, poor abused scotch cupboard...

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