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Do you have an exercise routine you would like to share that helps keep you fit that keeps you feeling your best,any diet secrets we should know that help keep you happy and healthy?I walk ,I find this is good for both body and mind.Being in this industry ,it is important to stay fit and sharp,what do you do?

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Nice discussion CC:)

It depends on the time of year. In the summer I love to kayak, bike, hike, almost anything that will allow me to play in the sun!

This winter I started doing yoga, I really enjoy this! I have 2 girlfriends that come over 2 times a week for yoga, as one of them is an instructor. It really helps for many many different things: lymaphitic drainage, cirrculation, keeps you tonned and flexable, increases endurance, and so meditative for your mind.

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I used to jog in the mornings, which I miss so much. Was so nice to wake up by watching the sun rise over the water, the ducks out playing. But unfortunately, constant bronchitis/pneumonia made me stop doing that a while back and has never stayed away long enough to let me get back at it :(


Now I just make sure to get to the gym at least 4 days a week. Adding some yoga at home once a week most of the time.


I had pneumonia again over the holidays so am just getting back into the swing of things exercise-wise now, and it feels SO nice. It makes you more awake, happy, HORNY, hahah everything!



Honestly, the ONLY way to stay fit is by exercising. It makes me sad to see people who think that a fad/chemical/procedure will keep them slim. It may work, temporarily, but at what cost. Eat well, work out, you'll be fine.


As I always say to people, I eat a lot of cupcakes, and work out a lot, to look the way I do, hahaha!

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I run and train with weights five days a week. I am fairly careful about the food I eat and get most of my carbs from fresh veggies.


As a genreal rule I don't consume any carbs after supper and of course watch that red wine intake!! :icon_smile:

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I'm up most mornings by 5:30-6 at the gym and back by 8:30-9 I eat grapefruits everyday. They are great after a workout not only do they satisfy your thrist they are good for you. I love them I peel a couple and keep them handy to munch on throughout the day.

I always sit down each morning and think "positive" and read a page or two from a book I have called "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne I've read it at least 3 times it's has light compelling stories about life, overcoming obstacles and being positive. Now when I read it it helps deflect any negative energy I may have or encounter and gives me harmony within. Then I say to myself well you may not have a 'profitable' day today so be "productive" and do something other than sitting around watching TV and eating bon bon's and I find things to do.

I don't associate with negitive people. I love to smile and make people smile. :biggrin:

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Guest **cely***r***ne

I visit Katherine! Seriously, that is how I stay in shape! That woman knows how to work me out! *hint hint Kath*


Im lazy...really I do not work out alot, (I need ALOT of motivation and a drill sergeant) but I do eat well. There is always fresh raw foods in my fridge. I do not eat canned or frozen unless I have to.


I only eat red meat 2 -3 times per week...I pretty much live on chicken and fish.

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Yoga is my favourite exercise/mindfulness practice. Anything could be going on in my life, but when I step onto the mat, I can start to focus on my breath and the postures I am going through. I find that by waking up my body and moving in different ways, it helps me move through any mental blocks I'm dealing with. Viewing the world upside down can help with problems of perspective!


And of course a day without backbends is a day wasted.


For cardio, I dance like a madwoman.

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Swimming! Good cardio, and easy on the joints (which is important for those of us who are getting to the stage where the knees start to go...)

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