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How do you spend your snow day? I love the romance of a winter storm. It allows us to slow down and enjoy our homes, friends and comfort food. Of course best of all, gives you a good reason to stay under the covers with a lover!

Turn up the tunes, get the kettle on for hot chocolate and watch as the snow blankets us. This is the first winter that I truly have enjoyed. Perhaps it is because of the lovely home I have made for myself? The great friends I have here on cerb that keep me entertained? Whatever reason, I am enjoying this winter:)

I know for some winter blues can hit hard, if you are....then I hope we can share tip's on how to keep the blues away. I for one tan one time a week, also take vit D drops. I try to find creative ways to spend my energy. Either physical energy or the excess of mental energy. I like to paint, helps me to spend some mental energy...or sing. Do you snowmobile? ski? skate? I think it is important to try to find activities to get you outside during winter months. Indoors can feel stagnant after awile.

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Guest **cely***r***ne

I really wish we had more snow this year where I am :(


Like you Sophia, I enjoy the romance of winter. I love watching the snowflakes fall ever go gently from the night sky, cuddled up in many blankets with a fire, and a hot drink. No better way to warm up on a cold winters eve than with someone under the blankets ;) ;)


On the active side, I am still a big kid at heart I like to build snow forts and have snowball fights, build snowmen and go sledding :)

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I like winter storms when I am not working..... Sledding is a blast after a heavy dump of fresh snow. I like to sled to the fishing shack with a couple buddys, fire up the wood stove and fish and sip on a drink and the storm doesn't matter. Very peaceful. If a storm hits on a weekend the local rink is usually very busy with both adults and kids skating and playing shinny.


However I would give all of that up if I could crawl under the covers with Penelope and Sophia :) :) Sounds cozy.

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I spend those days at home, refusing to get out of my nice, warm flannel leopard-print pajamas. Then I make all of the animals (I live with three cats and two big dogs) curl up on the couch with me, because they make wonderful space heaters, and then I spend the day eating popcorn, watching movies, and snuggling my family of animals. Best days ever.

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They(snow days) are the perfect time to stay in my comfy bed order in junk food and watch a good movie.I also love to go walking in the midst of a heavy snow fall ,everything looks so pretty ,it's just a nice feeling.

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Bah, humbug. My job has me outside all day, every day, so winter is not my favorite season. Give me the heat and sunshine to get back out on my motorbike and my blood pressure will go back to normal.

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Bah, humbug. My job has me outside all day, every day, so winter is not my favorite season. Give me the heat and sunshine to get back out on my motorbike and my blood pressure will go back to normal.


Ahh sounds like you need a sun destination!! Ever take time off in winter? I could never work outside in winter...brrrrr... I am a sun loving creature, lol. In fact heading south 1 week in Feb:)

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Have a great trip and wish I could join you. but we'd never return, lol. I used to go south and will again, but business keeps me fairly tied down. I also like the heat and Florida used to be mt favorite destination....not the touristy Florida, but the off the beaten path Florida. There's a lot to be said for sun, sand, and palm trees.

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I looove snow. Go outside. Throw it at people. Build stuff. Slide down hills. Do all three at once. Awesome.


Having said that, I really hate this freezing-rain-crappy-slush-horribleness we have at the moment. I really, really hate it when it's *inside* my shoes....

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I want a snow day! The little bit of snow we've had so far this winter hasn't felt like anything "real" to me. I love Vancouver, but I do miss Ontario snowy winters.


IF we had a good dump of snow, I will go somewhere with the dog. She's insane about snow. There's nothing more fun that watching her run around and play in it. She's convinced there are important Things underneath the snow, and that They Need to be Tracked! She turns into a furry nose-blade snow plough. And then if you throw a snowball, she chases it with incredible energy, even though she doesn't ever bring them back.


After playing in the snow, I'd come home throw something into the slow cooker for dinner and then curl up with a good book, a pot of Earl Grey, the dog and the cats.

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Guest jake_cdn

I love to spend my snow days in the South watching it on TV. I revel in snowstorms when it is 28c outside.


...but if I do get caught here when there is a snowday I love to spend it at the cottage with the TV off ... in front of the huge picture window over looking the lake with a hot drink in my hand (coffee, tea, hot buttered rum etc.) with a blazing fire beside me. The only problem with this is that I eventually have to leave the cottage for something and the reality of winter returns.

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If it's a day with a serious winter storm, I'll just throw on some pajama pants and a jumper, put on an entire pot of coffee and spend the day watching movies. Can't beat spending the day relaxing on the sofa watching movies in bad weather! :)

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