livenudecats 4072 Report post Posted November 17, 2008 Any one seen her? Would have tried her at $150 but has increased her rate to $200/hr. Kind of steep to TOFTT when one can see a reliable, proven SP for the same $$. Cheers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ***rgi*****9 Report post Posted November 17, 2008 Call her up and tell her that you were thinking of seeing her when her rates were 150 but now that they are 200 it is a little too steep. Then ask her if she would consider 150. See what happens!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
livenudecats 4072 Report post Posted November 17, 2008 Actually GB you read my mind. When I called her, I commented that I thought her rate was $150.00 and her reply was "It was $150 but now it's $200. I'll see you for $150 but that's my 1/2 hour rate." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted November 18, 2008 Comments like this on cerb will only upset the ladies! If you want them to join in the site and contribute here with you then you need to respect the prices they set. If you find a price too high for your budget then you quietly move on to find someone in your price range. Telling someone that 200.00 is too steep is insulting. The ladies have every right to choose and set rates and you have every right to not call them if you find this price out of your price range... that just leaves the higher priced ladies to a more select number of men (who are willing to pay a premium compared to you). You do not however have the right to insult the ladies here with comments like this so please DO NOT do it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cat 262460 Report post Posted November 18, 2008 The good thing is that Rayne obviously thinks quickly on her feet, and worked around the communications. I agree with Mod, negotiating will only land you in hot water, and if she doesn't hang up on you intially she will have lingering "grrrrrr"s in her throat. The way to turn the growls into purrs is to show up with the $$ and ask for the hour. Bring wine and then just be your sweet self... Catherine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ***rgi*****9 Report post Posted November 18, 2008 Comments like this on cerb will only upset the ladies! If you want them to join in the site and contribute here with you then you need to respect the prices they set. If you find a price too high for your budget then you quietly move on to find someone in your price range. Telling someone that 200.00 is too steep is insulting. The ladies have every right to choose and set rates and you have every right to not call them if you find this price out of your price range... that just leaves the higher priced ladies to a more select number of men (who are willing to pay a premium compared to you). You do not however have the right to insult the ladies here with comments like this so please DO NOT do it. The good thing is that Rayne obviously thinks quickly on her feet, and worked around the communications. I agree with Mod, negotiating will only land you in hot water, and if she doesn't hang up on you intially she will have lingering "grrrrrr"s in her throat. The way to turn the growls into purrs is to show up with the $$ and ask for the hour. Bring wine and then just be your sweet self... Catherine First off I Must and will disagree with both the MOD and Cat. I am a business man in an industry that am told never ever negotiates anything, well that is not the case!!! In fact in my industry I am fortunate enough to negotiate discounts 90% of the time when I am the purchaser. I for one have NEVER been insulted when someone asks for a discount or price break it is part of business. The fact that I may give out discounts maybe 5% of the time is irrevalent, it is all in how I negotiate period. If anyone becomes insulted that they are asked for a discount or that the rate is too high maybe they need to find another career. That is just part of business, if they are asked then the bottom line is as the business person you have a decision to make do you offer the discount or do you hold to your price and let them know that is the price and that is it. Negotiations happen every single day in LIFE not just business, so I see nothing wrong with asking for a discount especially considering that the world is in the grips of a major recession and is in economic turmoil. Businesses should be 100% used to the fact that negotiations will happen how they respond will determine how successful they are. There will always be high end and low end busnisses the difference at the end of the day is how they deal with it. Good Luck and Good Selling Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
livenudecats 4072 Report post Posted November 18, 2008 Discounts, prices..... I apologise if I have offended anyone and in no way intended for this thread to be about fees. My intention was to solicit feedback about this particular SP given that she is relatively new and unreviewed. Yes, I did comment on the price but only in respect to the fact that I didn't feel like TOFFT when I can see a "sure thing" for the same price. Anyway I'll take a pass until there are a few solid reviews posted. Cheers, (BTW, For the record I agree with GB about negotiations and discounts. I too am a small businessman. I am not upset when someone asks for a discount. In most cases, I simply point out that I don't give discounts because I already charge rates/prices that are fair value for what they are receiving. On the other hand, you wouldn't believe the number of times I ask, expecting to be told no and I receive one. At the end of the day, its how business is conducted and if you get offended by it, you shouldn't be in business.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted November 18, 2008 First off I Must and will disagree with both the MOD and Cat. I am a business man in an industry that am told never ever negotiates anything, well that is not the case!!! In fact in my industry I am fortunate enough to negotiate discounts 90% of the time when I am the purchaser. I for one have NEVER been insulted when someone asks for a discount or price break it is part of business. The fact that I may give out discounts maybe 5% of the time is irrevalent, it is all in how I negotiate period. If anyone becomes insulted that they are asked for a discount or that the rate is too high maybe they need to find another career. That is just part of business, if they are asked then the bottom line is as the business person you have a decision to make do you offer the discount or do you hold to your price and let them know that is the price and that is it. Negotiations happen every single day in LIFE not just business, so I see nothing wrong with asking for a discount especially considering that the world is in the grips of a major recession and is in economic turmoil. Businesses should be 100% used to the fact that negotiations will happen how they respond will determine how successful they are. There will always be high end and low end busnisses the difference at the end of the day is how they deal with it. Good Luck and Good Selling It's very rude to bargain prices in this business. It is not like any other business. If you complain about ladies prices here or try to bargain prices here you will be asked to leave (and by "asked to leave" I really mean banned from the site). We do not tolerate anyone being rude or disrespectful to the ladies and if you are inconsiderate enough to not see the reasons why bickering prices is rude in this business then you need to find a new hobby as your dealing with human beings at a much more intimate level and not buying a used car. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GBeck 100 Report post Posted November 18, 2008 It's very rude to bargain prices in this business. It is not like any other business. If you complain about ladies prices here or try to bargain prices here you will be asked to leave (and by "asked to leave" I really mean banned from the site). We do not tolerate anyone being rude or disrespectful to the ladies and if you are inconsiderate enough to not see the reasons why bickering prices is rude in this business then you need to find a new hobby as your dealing with human beings at a much more intimate level and not buying a used car. Right on mod! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cat 262460 Report post Posted November 18, 2008 Many of you have read the previous threads about negotiating and pricing stuctures for providers. I have cut and pasted some of this from my previous posts so if it seems repetitive I apologize. Negotiating, what is the impact on a providers sense of self worth? How much does a woman thinks she's worth? Over the years, the one factor in a womans charms that is listed over and over is confidence. For a woman to truly be at home her own skin, she must have a strong sense of self. Everyone will agree that playing with a woman who is happy with herself is so much more fun than an interlude with someone who questions her self worth. But it's important to realize that providers don't wake up one day and think "I'm going to go be an escort" and little girls don't dream of one day growing up to a prostitute. We get started in this because we are in a bad situation and it seems like a solution to a short term problem. Once in, a few take it and make it their own and thrive. Most don't stay long and those that are not suited to it end up with issues far more serious than the original challenges. Substance abuse is rampant because the involvement of selling yourself. Does negotiating help or hinder? It's a no brainer. Why do providers raise their rates? Unlike other businesses, we are sharing the most intimate parts of ourselves with people who have no true vested interest in our wellbeing. How much is taking a risk like that worth? One has to realize the toll this takes on our personal lives. Those of us who commit to genuinely providing for our guests, our personal relationships often take a back seat. I know that with the amount of physical and emotional energy I commit to making my guests satisfied, it can leave very little left over for personal interaction There isn't another business out there like this in that sense. How do you put a price on that? It's hard to do. The difference in considerations between Indies can be attributed to several factors; what their expectations are, what type of investment have they made to this financially and emotionally, and the final which I think is the main factor, is their self esteem. Why are some prices are higher? It is a question that often comes up, usually in the querie "is it made of gold?". I would never speak for others, but I am happy to explain my perspective as a provider. The actual man hours involved in the business end of things is more than most realize. When I have ads up, I spend about 3 hours taking care of administration alone. If I see 3 guests, that is 6 hours with my guests uninterrupted. Then there is the accumulated total of guest preparation which will equal another 1.5 hours. On top of that is the physical grooming required. 4 showers, plus all the little things that make being up close and personal so much fun add another 2 hours. It makes for a 12 - 14 hour day which if all 3 guests arrive makes it worth while. If something comes up and there are cancellations, then the profit ratio goes down. This business has one common element with other businesses, you get back what you put in. But how much does a provider have within her to give to begin with? Usually not a lot, those that do well, do so because their clients build their feeling of inner worth by giving of themselves, not just financially. Lower prices means more traffic, and I know what that kind of traffic can and will do in the long run to a providers spirit. It destroys it and once the spirit is broken a woman becomes vunerable to a host of self destructive behaviors. Besides the substance abuse there is a deep seated self loathing that permeates every pore of a womans body. Clients have no idea of the long term ramifications of this industry on every aspect of a provider, and it's mainly the negative that lingers and is near impossible to eradicate. I have yet to meet a provider that did not struggle with this process at some point. Only those that are involved with providers on a emotionally intimate basis and other providers can truly understand the challenges and struggles being in the business presents. Clients have no clue what it does to our bodies, our minds and our souls. How would you feel if this were your daughter, your girlfriend, your sister or the mother of your children. Would you want clients to negotiate with them for these kinds of services? Are they worth $150 or $200? I look at this much like the career of an athlete. I have a small window of opportunity to maximize my income to provide for the future. We have no benefits, company RRSP contributions, retirement packages, job security, or regular paychecks. Without the investment of time and of ourselves, we will starve. Society shuns us, banks refuse to business with us, buying a home is akin to getting a face to face with the Dalai Lama. Everything learned and earned is done the hard way. We constantly have pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and keep going. There is no recognition or respect of this trade in the "real" world. This is a business that can be empowering, allowing women control of where they want to go in life (as long as no one in the future finds out once they get there!). Often however, the women get involved out of necessity, as a last resort. Some take it and turn it into something positive. But I have seen strong, intellegent women become escorts and it left permanent scars on them. Others, the ones too beaten down and broken are destroyed by it. You don't know what the long term effects are going to be until it is long past the point of no return. How do you put a price on a risk like that? It boils down to respecting a SP's decision. We all have the option of setting what we feel we need to make the risks worth while, and that is different for everyone. It isn't to be taken personally, it's not that we think we're too good to entertain guests who don't have the disposable income to visit with us. It's just that there are only so many days in a girls life, and she has to try to do the best she can with every one of them. If her price is out of line for your budget, do yourself and her a favor and move on to someone in your price range... Catherine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jg24 3708 Report post Posted November 18, 2008 If you want to play like men then pay like men if you want to play like boys go to the Park and Swing I agree with Cat and Mod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted November 18, 2008 If you want to play like men then pay like men if you want to play like boys go to the Park and Swing I agree with Cat and Mod No need for name calling. Some people just need to see all the reasons why it is inappropriate. I would rather teach people why it is rude and inappropriate then to have them continue to do this without realizing that they are doing something very bad. When you pay for a service (as opposed to a tangible item) you really get what you pay for. For instance when I did webdesign 10+ years ago and I quoted for example a project for 2000.00 and recommended that this would be the minimum spent on the project to meet the goals of the client... sometimes the odd bargain client would try to negotiate the price with me. The client would say something like they only had a budget for 1500.00 can I do it for that... I would say "Sure, I can do it for that price but it will not be as nice as that is 500.00 worth of my time that you are not going to get so I would recommend increasing your budget and doing the project at a later date"). They were always shocked by this as they wanted 2000.00 worth of work for 1500.00 and it really doesn't work that way when your dealing with a service. If you bargain with your contractor chances are your going to get crappy work! any service is the same as you are paying for a persons time and that hourly rate is what they personally value there time as. I would expect the ladies to do that same... 150.00 for 30 minutes (quickie) compared to 200.00 for the full hour is only fair and was a good responce. You will probably get one shot if you can get it off in the 30 minutes and not much of the intimacy where if you were willing to pay her 200.00 rate you would be able to enjoy your time better and really get what you pay for. (And leave feeling like you got your money's worth) Don't be cheap with the ladies! If you want a good time and a happy service then you pay what they ask without bickering and if at the end of the service you are happy then you tip them on top of the service! Plain and simple. If you enjoyed your time and would like to see them again in the future then your tip will ensure that you get a booking quickly and you would be on her preferred client list for sure (and she will remember you). Kindness goes a LONG WAY in this business. If your rude, bargain prices, insult the ladies, etc... you will quickly find yourself on a list of undesirable clients. Most of the ladies respond very well to money so the formula for good service is easy to figure out! The ladies are not in this business because they want to make you happy and you don't need me to tell you that! Luckily some of the ladies enjoy the business and time they spend with clients (especially the generous clients) but let's face it... they have no intention of spending time with you for free. You both have something the other person wants (your money her time and service) and the quality of the service is really going to increase if you reach into those pockets a little deeper. This is just common sense right? I am sure the ladies don't want to spell it out for you as it makes them look bad but you all know the truth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted November 18, 2008 A example of that happened to me, I was to have 1 hour booking, (but "failure to communicate" the agency and SP on the check out time from her hotel). I was able only to see her for a half-hour as she needed to check out. Was I pissed off, not really...shit like this happens in our daily routines. Well she provided the fullest ,most genuine 30 minute service I have had. I asked her whats the damage, she stated 140, I gave her 200 bills, 60 tip, why you ask...1- she was honest about the half hour rate 2- She provided fantastic full service for the 30 minutes, and I was able to get my 1 shot on goal. Will I see her again- YUP, will she welcome again with open arms- YUP... cause that is what this business is about- dealing with human feelings, emotional feelings, sexuality,the ladies need and should be treated with the upmost respect not bartered with. My 2 cents worth or should I say 200 dollars for 30 minutes. I would expect the ladies to do that same... 150.00 for 30 minutes (quickie) compared to 200.00 for the full hour is only fair and was a good responce. You will probably get one shot if you can get it off in the 30 minutes and not much of the intimacy where if you were willing to pay her 200.00 rate you would be able to enjoy your time better and really get what you pay for. (And leave feeling like you got your money's worth) Don't be cheap with the ladies! If you want a good time and a happy service then you pay what they ask without bickering and if at the end of the service you are happy then you tip them on top of the service! Plain and simple. If you enjoyed your time and would like to see them again in the future then your tip will ensure that you get a booking quickly and you would be on her preferred client list for sure (and she will remember you) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YOGI 100 Report post Posted November 18, 2008 WOW! What fantastic insight! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ***rgi*****9 Report post Posted November 18, 2008 In my post I was in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM being disrespectful, rude or ignorant in any comment I made. This has been taken way out of proportion. The bottom line is this anyone can ask for a discount, the decision to actually give the discount is the person who is the seller. Mod your reply for the webdesign from years ago is a prime example, of a seller explaining to the buyer the reason why they would want to pay the full price. As previously stated negotiations happen everyday in LIFE not just in business regardless of what service is being provided. (personal, intimate or otherwise) As an active pooner I have had no issue whatsoever in paying my fair share and have even dropped a grand at one time. What everyone needs to remember this is LIFE and negotiations happen everyday. I believe that most of the ladies I have seen or written reviews on will say that I am a generous individual. I have absolutely no issue what so ever paying a premium price plus a tip for great service. This works both ways as if the SP feels comfortable and you as the pooner feel confortable then everything will work out for everyone. If someone has a problem with someone asking for a discount then they can say sorry no discount please see someone else, just as similarly if someone asks for a discount and are told no then they need to make the decision if they will still proceed. Every situation in life is different, where this whole thing started from is a rather new SP, who raised there prices pretty much off the bat, and someone commenting they were not to sure that they would want to pay the new fee to TOFTT. SP's need to make there decisions on there prices and pooners need to make there own decisions on how much they are willing to spend. I have posted numerous reviews on here in the last year and will continue to do so. If someone feels I have stepped out of line so be it, that is the option they have. But regardless of how you want to split the hair this is life and negotiations happen. I am not being disrespectful to anyone, I am not playing with emotions or anyones confidence. Again I apologize if someone has been offended, it was not meant to be. Maybe it's time this thread was just closed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted November 19, 2008 We are trying to help you here but I guess some people just don't get it. I will close the thread however I must warn you to keep these opinions to yourself in the future or find another board that lets you post these types of comments. If you post anything complaining about a ladies price on cerb in the future your post will be deleted and I will ask you to leave the site. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites