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What is the most difficult thing you've ever had to do?

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Well, there's some tough reading here.


I have to say, reading the things people have posted here has made me realize - again - how inordinately lucky I've been up to now. I really can't think what the hardest thing I've ever had to do is, and the big reason for that is that life has never thrown anything really hard at me. I'm profoundly grateful for that.


To everyone who's shared their experiences - thank you. I can't say that I have much of a clue about what you've been through, but I hope that if nothing else, being able to write these things down and share them is cathartic.


+1 well said. I feel the same ... Very, very fortunate. I'm sure those days are coming for me with my parents getting older ... Part of the objective has to be to help protect and guide those around you and those that are younger so they have the character and bravery to deal with these issues when they arise. Setting a good example ... That sort of thing.

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Lived with an abusive alcholic woman for 14 years. She would pound the crap out of me, cheat, steal. I stayed for my son, I was afraid for him. I finally left when he was 10 after catching her smoking crack in the bathroom while he was watching cartoons. I was awarded custody and raised him myself. She's pretty much homeless now, doesn't bother with him at all, was given numerous oportunies but always stood him up. Now, he has a good job, is 18 almost dome school and going to colledge. I'm proud of him and myself, but am dreading the day I get the call that she's dead, then that will replace this story as the hardest thing I've ever had to do, telling him.

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Lived with an abusive alcholic woman for 14 years. She would pound the crap out of me, cheat, steal. I stayed for my son, I was afraid for him. I finally left when he was 10 after catching her smoking crack in the bathroom while he was watching cartoons. I was awarded custody and raised him myself. She's pretty much homeless now, doesn't bother with him at all, was given numerous oportunies but always stood him up. Now, he has a good job, is 18 almost dome school and going to colledge. I'm proud of him and myself, but am dreading the day I get the call that she's dead, then that will replace this story as the hardest thing I've ever had to do, telling him.


Stay strong sir! You are a good, loving father who has clearly done what was right and not what was easy!!! Takes a strong person to stand up and admit they've been abused, I tip my hat off to you.

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