Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 Some would think that after being in this biz for a few years that you would get used to some people's ignorance to what a Escort is... a good respectable escort/Courtesan .... While in chat this evening and having fun with the gentlemen a "guest" popped in asking where the hookers were.... i was highly insulted and my feelings were hurt immensely....i stayed for a few moments longer only for "guest " to then ask... "so how does this work? Do you get to see the girls before paying for them?" {not maybe in those exact words but close} a few gents present quickly responded to him but I'm sure they were as shocked as i was...Guest then says "f@#$ you all"...very nice comment from an unwelcomed guest... I know we have a lot of people that read our threads and are not members but please please read the rules first....ask questions in a polite manner and be respectful to everyone... we are her for our own pleasure as well as yours. kisses, Emma A Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
getiton76 100 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 You mean the hookers aren't here? Well, last time I use the internet. But all kidding aside, that's not a very appropriate thing for someone to ask completely out of the blue like that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pantypolice911 100 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 Emma is right. I was in the chat and equally disgusted by the behavior. I think some people have no idea what this is about and don't want to take the time to learn. It is truly insulting to the great people I have come to know through cerb. Maybe chat needs to be restricted to members only to avoid these problems. Just my two cents... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 I second that Panypolice and thanks for standing up for us... kisses, Emma A Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AmberWyld 311 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 I agree 100% with what Emma said. We aren’t heartless object or some kind of toy that you take out, use and abuse, then toss aside. We have feelings and care about what we do, and hopefully most of us do it well and with respect and total discretion for all concerned. As Emma said, we do this for our own pleasures as well as yours. And if we should be in the company of somebody as rude as ’that guest in chat’ was about our profession, then his/her experience will likely suffer, and so will our time together. And I wouldn't want that. I love having a good time. So if you want the best experience… treat us with just as much respect as you would want f yourself. Our skin is the same thickness as your own, and some remarks do hurt the feelings… Kisses for you Emma (XOXOX) Hope that made you feel better? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 Thanks Amber... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AmberWyld 311 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 Your welcome babydoll! XXOX Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalman 3861 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 Apparently the chat is linked to Escorts-Canada or somewhere and Guests come in from there. They don't know where they're going, just some chat room. We have some chat moderators (of which I am one) and if I had been there, I would have booted the guy right away....unfortunately it sounds like a chat mod was not in the chatroom at the time. Maybe we just need a few more chat mods? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cat 262460 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 I am so sorry that happened to everyone in the chat. It is the reason I don't participate in the chat rooms. I will not discuss anything off the cuff with those who are not identified. It's probably the paranoid within me and I realize that. I surround myself with people who understand who I am and what I do because I know first hand what damage the ignorant can do without realizing they are doing it. I have found the most amazing people here on CERB and I again give thanks that I took the chance and became a part of a community that shows everyone the same level of respect. I don't expect the world to change but I like to think we all change a little for the better by being here. Emma, tomorrow I will give you a big hug and we'll celebrate life. One more sleep! Catherine Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cat 262460 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 Apparently the chat is linked to Escorts-Canada or somewhere and Guests come in from there. They don't know where they're going, just some chat room. We have some chat moderators (of which I am one) and if I had been there, I would have booted the guy right away....unfortunately it sounds like a chat mod was not in the chatroom at the time. Maybe we just need a few more chat mods? Sounds like a good idea, and maybe they should have to become member to enter the conversation. Otherwise they can just lurk the way they do on the board. Catherine Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
E.D. man 691 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 People like that make me sick.! we all have feelings clients and SP's. There are bad and good in all representives of this field. Such as some pics not matching the looks of an SP, but that is rare and most sp's and clients are good here.:twisted: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
captain 160 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 On my message board I used to run, we had 225,000 members, and 100,000 unique hits daily..... and to avoid not only the prying eyes, the ignorant, and naive, but also to cut back bandwidth useage especially during peak hours (not an issue on CERB yet, but potentially it could be a problem if you had 1500 people online at the same time) we installed a special hack forVB. This allowed us to choose what forums were visible to "non registered users" they could see the topics, but could not view the threads..... could not read, or search, or do anything on the board, without registering... As a non registered user, the only forum they could "view" and read was the forum rules... in fact, there was another hack, that put mssages on the top of every single screen sayign "Welcome to our board, why not register to get full free access to our forums... being a member lets you do.... this, this, this blah blah, etc..." Once registered, that message was replaced with "welcome to the board, come to our newbie area, and say hello.... we don't bite, introduce yourself" etc... it really encouraged newbies to post, plus after they made a post, the annoying message was gone from top of the screen! :) this would solve issues Mod posted in another thread today, this site clearly gets great traffic, but the traffic can do almost anything a non member wants to here, except search, and send PM's. We were all newbies once.... forcing them to read the rules, and etiquette, and FAQ sections as a non member, and only allowing full view of the forums, will increase new member sign up, and certainly relieve some of the ignorance in the world... Anyway, I'm sorry for the way this douchebag spoke, EmmaA. Certainly there are many misguided souls out there, and all you can do is to either ignore, or educate the stupid asshats! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 Unfortunately... Anyone can log into the chat as a guest or whatever name they want... If I make it members only it draws less traffic but still anyone could just as easily register a new name here using a hotmail account and be in the chat as a registered user in a few minutes... unfortunately we have no way to stop them... but... If any of the LADIES would like to use that chat and not worry about this just PM me and I will give you MODERATOR privileges in the chat so you can kick and ban these idiots if they bother you or anyone else in the chat when you visit It's a community and we can all work together to keep the bad people out. I am all for that!! Emma, Cat and any of the other ladies please don't hesitate to ask me for this! I am not able to monitor the chat 24 hours. The chat is for all of you. So the men can get to know the ladies and so the ladies can use it as a marketing tool and a nice social tool as well. You do not need a webcam to a mic to use the chat room (but if you do that is just a bonus). AND .... WE DO NOT ALLOW NUDITY IN THE PUBLIC CHAT ROOMS ON CAM... if someone is in a private room that is fine but if any of the guys are caught asking for a lady to show nudity they are first warned to not do this ... then they are banned if they continue. No matter what the idiots like this guy (maybe even a kid) will find this site and will be assholes just cause it makes them feel like they are being a bad ass. The best thing we can do it boot them when they come in.. eventually they will go away as it's no fun when they can't be assholes. Ladies... If you want moderator access just PM me your password that you log into cerb with. I can not view your passwords as they are encrypted (even to me) but in order to set up the moderator privileges in chat I need to enter your user name and password for your cerb login into the software that runs the chat room. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 I am so sorry that happened to everyone in the chat. It is the reason I don't participate in the chat rooms. I will not discuss anything off the cuff with those who are not identified. It's probably the paranoid within me and I realize that. I surround myself with people who understand who I am and what I do because I know first hand what damage the ignorant can do without realizing they are doing it. I have found the most amazing people here on CERB and I again give thanks that I took the chance and became a part of a community that shows everyone the same level of respect. I don't expect the world to change but I like to think we all change a little for the better by being here. Emma, tomorrow I will give you a big hug and we'll celebrate life. One more sleep! Catherine yes Catherine i agree with the you on meeting the most amazing people here..i too give thanks as i was unsure at first as well. To many people like to talk the talk without the understatement of what we do. I find the majority of Cerbians are wonderful understanding people and i consider this a safe place to come. More people should be like us and open and non judgemental towards others. Life is to short to sit and dwell we must have fun...and the fun begins very soon... big kisses and hugs, Emma A Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 thanks mod, make sure however that a new moderator has more then a just a few comments..hehe kisses, Emma A Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leyley 108 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 That is an excellent idea. I peek in the chat room occasionally but only for a few minutes since I have seen a few guests, mostly men I guess, using language that even in the military we didn't use so I'm no prude. I was not insulted by it but very disgusted. Our chat room is a very nice place to go to for relaxed social meetings. We have the sweetest ladies there most of the time.Yes, control is needed. I nominate Emmaalexandra and Catherine for moderators. leyley Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
esoterica 624 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 Hey... i nominate all of us with > 100 posts as moderators. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 at least that many.... Hey... i nominate all of us with > 100 posts as moderators. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest i***k*** Report post Posted November 20, 2008 Emma, Sorry you had to deal with that type of ignorance. The ladies here are lovely and deserve nothing but the upmost respect and lots of regular loving! :) Posted via Mobile Device Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 yes we do.... i know the comment wasn't meant for me directly but still it was rude kisses, Emma A Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spud271 47779 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 Emma is very right. I was also in chat last night when this happend and was very ticked off. It was very offensive and rude. It was unfortunate that there was not a moderator in chat at that moment. I'm sure everyone who was on felt very offended by this guest. Emma is right. I was in the chat and equally disgusted by the behavior. I think some people have no idea what this is about and don't want to take the time to learn. It is truly insulting to the great people I have come to know through cerb. Maybe chat needs to be restricted to members only to avoid these problems. Just my two cents... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A***** A***** 510 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 Wow, totally amazes me at the gall of some people going off like that (in chat) Sorry you all had to see hear that! People are people no matter what they do We all have days where words can hurt more than sticks! Hugs to everyone that was/is affected:-? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hunter08 182 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 guest should not be allowed in thier they just come in to be nosey or run thier mouth off at the ladies and i don't think that the ladies need that:twisted: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted November 20, 2008 Hey... i nominate all of us with > 100 posts as moderators. It's not that easy, the software does not support a mod like this. I actually have to log into chat, open a settings window and manually add the moderators (username and the password they log into cerb with) so if any guys with 100+ posts that would like to become a chat moderator PM me your password you use to log into CERB and I will review your account and most likely give you access to the MOD abilities in chat. We do need to work together as a community. Any of the ladies who wish to use the chatroom can have moderator access - just PM me your password. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seymour 3970 Report post Posted November 21, 2008 It is unfortunate this occurred. Sounds like mod has some techniques to mitigate in the future. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites