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When a Pet Dies... A Tribute to Mine

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My 15 year old cat Alex passed away early this morning after dying in his sleep. He seemed fine yesterday morning eating with his brother who is from the same litter. I questioned whether or not to put him down yesterday and by having these concerns, I think subconsiously I knew he was ready to die.


He was a kind and gentle cat and in some ways he had similar characterisitcs to his owner. Always there when you needed him but never put up with any crap like when he became confrontational with a Siberian Husky when walking by my property. He always used to run out of the house and climb the tree and once saw this dog sniffing around leisurely walking on the edge of my lawn. He chased him right down the street as the poor owner who was pregnant was trying to regain control of her dog while my cat was fighting him. He was the alpha male of my household and he was stubborn.


As a young cat, he was hit by car and survived with a crushed lung and broken leg. As a result he walked with a limp and had arthritis which is what ultimately slowed him down for good as he progressed in age. When they say cats have nine lives, he would be that cat. He once rode to work under the hood of my neighbor's car unscathed when he could have been severely injured or killed.


He took a turn for the worst last night in the early evening and looked like he had given up. He was basically limp with a blank stare and had shallow breathing. As I held him in my arms sobbing uncontrollably, I knew his time was up. I took him to my bed, wrapped in a blanket and he slept there beside me. I woke up in the middle of the night and he was gone.


He led a good life and had been with me since I lived at home as a teenager. He came from a litter of 4 by the family cat. He had been with me when I had my first apartment, when I went to school, got married and had my first baby, my first home and when I moved to my second home. He was there through some rough moments in my life and always offered unconditional love. And he loved my hair as he would always sit beside me on the arm of my sofa when I'd get home and snuggle into me. He was always there.


As I sit here writing this, although I cannot help but be sad, I also have to think that he did have a good life and that this should be celebrated. He was a special cat as all of our pets are to us and he will forever be remembered. He was a part of my family and won't apologize to those who just think he was a cat or some animal who is now dead and to just get over it. I'm glad he passed the way he did at home in familiar surroundings and with those who cared about him.



R.I.P. Alex. You will be missed.




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I am so sorry for your loss Nicki. I can't imagine what it must feel like. I know how much you adored your feline family, so I know he was very loved!

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Sorry for your loss Nikki, I know what your feeling today and I hope that your doing ok. You were able to spend the last hours of his life with him next to you, and with love.

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Those who have never had the pleasure of the love of a pet cannot begin to understand your sorrow. My heart is heavy and I extend my support and well wishes to you! Enjoy remembering what he has given you!

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Sorry to hear about your loss. Sounds like you had a good life together, and that you loved your Alex very much.

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This is my favorite poem, it's sad it will make you cry but it will also make you smile.


- The Rainbow Bridge-

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.


When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.

There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.


All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.


They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.


You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.


Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... /

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So sorry to hear about Alex's passing. Although I only met him recently, you're right, he was a good cat and I remember he liked to sit close to you, so I believe he felt you were special too.


Hugs to you my friend. I hope your other two cats will bring you some comfort in these difficult days.

Edited by Mature Angela
fix typo

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My heart goes out to you.......but to pass in his sleep with you is the best way to go.....comfortable and loved to the last.....

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I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. When we share our lives and our homes with animal friends, we get to know them and their personalities, and we're there for each other in ways that others who have never had a pet couldn't understand. It looks like Alex had a good owner in you. I hope you find the comfort you need right now.

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As a guy with a cat whose is about the same age as yours was (personality too it seems), I can really empathize with your situation. My heart goes out out you Nicki and am so sorry for your loss.

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Guest k***na

Nicki, Im really sorry to hear about your loss of Alex. Im sure he fought his arthritis to stay with you for this long. He passed away peacefully in his sleep next to you, which makes this a beautiful life story. I have never had a pet(except for goldfish),so I cant imagine going through this. A pet is there to comfort you, love you, protect you, and is pretty much another family member which Im sure Alex was to you. I am so sorry for your loss


Hugs n Kisses Nicki xoxo


RIP Alex,

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I am so sorry for what you are going through. It is nothing less than the loss of a family member, one who provided you with unconditional love and affection.

My condolences to you

Take care


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Alex sounds like a wonderful friend and companion. I'm very sorry for your loss, Nicki. And I'm glad for both of you that he died so peacefully, right where he wanted to be--beside you.

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I'm so, so sorry to hear about the loss of your little companion. I know how hard that experience is -- it's full-on honest-to-god grief. Good for you for writing about it here. Big hugs.


I'm a huge lover of dogs, and I've lost two in my time... in my case, by having them put down.


The first one was a dog I brought home from the Humane Society, a little broken-down stiff-limbed little middle-aged dog who had been in a puppy mill all her life. They weren't even going to put her up for adoption she was so sickly, but I discovered her at the groomer's where she'd been cleaned up after her rescue, and took her home. She had a few good years, with probably the most love and care she'd ever had, before her past caught up with her and her health failed. I thought I was ready for the experience of putting her down, having watched her decline, and knowing it was the right decision... but no, it was much, much more wrenching and sorrowful than I had prepared myself for. Lots and lots of whole-body sobbing.


The second time was a dog given to me by a relative, who found her "too mischievous". I got her at age 6, and she lived with me for seven years. Finally she started to fail too -- heart problems -- and while I was able to treat her symptoms and keep her happy for almost a year, things eventually got worse. I made the hard decision, but once again her health was so poor that it was clear it was time, for her own sake. I was a bit more braced this time, and got through the injections and her death with moderate sorrow. But then... I'd arranged to have her cremated, and so I returned to the vet's a week later to collect her ashes. While waiting at the desk for the little box, I found myself looking over at the waiting area where people were sitting patiently with their pets, where my dog and I had waited together so many times over the preceding year during her illness. Felt it coming... and just managed to claim the little box and get out to my car before I totally lost it. Grief for all the years we'd had, and that were now over.


I tell you all this not to intrude on your grief with tales of my own... but just to say I really do understand, and feel for you.


I waited many years before getting another pet. I have two dogs now, both three (I got them at 8 weeks old from the same litter -- brother and sister!). They're in great shape and I love every hour I get to spend with them. And knowing how the end goes, and that it's inevitable, really does make me value this time I have with them that much more. I hope that, down the road, you can find a new little companion too.

Edited by MightyPen
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I hope you find comfort in knowing so many people are thinking of you in your time of grief .Remember you gave your cat a great life,love and the best care and he is no longer in pain,but at peace. When I had to put my little dog down I got another one within the month,and although we all have different ways of coping with our grief,that is what helped me get through mine,loving another fur baby,my thoughts are with you.

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Oh I am so sorry for your terrible grief right now. I have three cats and can't even think very long about the terrible reality of losing one.


The loss of a pet can be the same as a person especially if you are single and have no family.


Regardless, soon I hope your sadness will slowly get less and you can think about the wonderful times you shared together.


Love to you.

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I am so sorry for your loss. Our pets are family to us, never easy when we lose them. There are those who won't understand how heart-breaking it can be to lose a pet. As sad as it is to lose our loved companions I feel even sadder for those who have never had the chance to feel love for and from our amazing animals. You are truly lucky to have had such a great run with Alex, I am sure he lived a much better life than most cats and though I never met Alex, I know you and know that having such a sweet, loving and smart woman like you in his life made his life meaningful and he'd felt loved throughout his life with you and yours.


I offer my sincerest condolences and hope that you get past this terrible loss and eventually look back remembering only the best memories of Alex...


Big hugs sweetie!


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Thank-you everybody and I have taken great comfort in your condolences and thoughtful comments. It means alot. It's been a rough week with my cat passing and I have come to grips with it. I had him cremated and his ashes will be back with me this coming week. Thanks again for your support. :)

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