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Pooner Diaries: Faraway Lady

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If you could see my face right now, you'd see a faraway look in my eyes. You would see a thoughtful grin on my face. For you see, there is a certain woman who is very much on my mind.


We made the most exquisite music together, she and I. She and I sang a two part harmony. But our music was not so much an aria of moans and gasps, but instead a symphony of smiles, of witty repartee. Our minds met, and not just our bodies. Our chemistry went runaway, out of control. It was a rare thing, in this little world of ours.


I would dearly love to be with her again. I want to see her eyes twinkle again at me. I want to have that amused smile of hers beam back at me. I know that given the slightest opportunity, she would very quickly become a habit. It would be easy, I think, to see her again and again beyond times of counting.


I would move heaven and earth to be beside her again. But more importantly, I would have to move myself. For she lives in a city far from me. I would have to fly far and long to be with her again. Oh, it's not impossible. I think it will happen from time to time. But I don't think it will happen as often as we both would like. And that's a terrible shame. I know I won't be spending much time with her. I just live too far away. And I know that the lifeblood of our acquaintance must be the shared moments we would have, the sincere and honest exchanges, the moments of passion. Those paid moments of which I speak, which will become too few and far between.


I wish I could just pick up the phone and just say hello. I wish I could write a long email. Tell her how I'm doing. Ask how she is. But it's just not done. We're not friends. Not really, anyway. She's busy. And I don't want to join the ranks of her needy client list, to be managed at arm's length. And somehow, I suspect that my email would sink without a trace, met with silence.


I know she'll see others. This what she does, after all. And she does it well. It's what she's best at, spinning her seductive web, flashing that brilliant smile. And as a good and conscientious hobbyist, I see others in the name of variety. And in time, that magic we shared will change. It will become faded, washed away in a sea of faces.


We swim against the tides. We paddle futilely against the enormous swell of everyday life. The mundane, tugging at our attention, eroding those special moments that are making me smile. For she has her life, and I have mine.


But still, I remember that final kiss before we parted ways. Our bodies merged as a single liquid entity at our lips, more intimate than anything else we did that day. I close my eyes and touch my lips with my fingertips and I imagine that she was once again before me. As real to me as if she were right there, even though that kiss was many days and many miles ago.


And perhaps for that reason, what we had will yet endure. I'll be with her again. And we'll kiss anew. And we'll start our magic all over again.

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Another amazing tale, well told!

I know the feeling intimately.

Thanks for this.

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Yes, i also can appreciate this, I relish the next RV, the anticipation the planning, and the renewal of meeting again. Thanks Birdboy.

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This is so beautiful. I love it, so much. I always love reading your work. This brought a tear to my eye.

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Why thank you April, that's very flattering. I seem to make a few people cry with my writing, but I'm glad you enjoyed it all the same.

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