Claire Heavens 51771 Report post Posted February 5, 2012 Oh BitterSweet Valentine's day. ;) What have your past experiences been on this day? Over the top given or recieved expressions of love and romance? or was it an unrecognized ordinary day?'s that time again...Cupids arrow is in the air! ANY plans this year? Pleeease Tell Me ;) ha! Muah! XoXoXo Cupid is on my body all of the time ;) over my heart in fact ;) ROAR! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loopie 15358 Report post Posted February 5, 2012 Same thing I do every year: wait until the day after Valentine's Day and buy up as much discounted chocolate as I can eat. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malika Fantasy 144625 Report post Posted February 5, 2012 Same thing I do every year: wait until the day after Valentine's Day and buy up as much discounted chocolate as I can eat. bahahaha same. Probably hide under a rock since I can't be with someone. Or get tattooed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted February 5, 2012 Well there are 364 days of the year for those of us that are happily single So Valentine's Day, nothing special to me, but for those happily in a relationship/marriage, well I hope they have a Happy Valentine's Day and enjoy the one day set aside each year for them :-) RG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *on***e2 Report post Posted February 5, 2012 You tell us your best valentines day you ever had. Do wear red on that day? Eat chocolates Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Claire Heavens 51771 Report post Posted February 5, 2012 Ever hear of the mans Valentines day? Steak and Blowjob day. haha. hmm- I thought that was called Wednesday. or Friday. or as RG said the other '364 days of the year' hehe ;) just kidding......Nobody can be that in love! ;) Awww. Okay- well here is my honest-to-badness opinion on V-day...... I Admit I definitely like the Idea of all the Heart Shaped Packages and even some of the Gag Worthy Romanticism - But overall I think that Valentines Day is More Recognized by Sexxxy Singles on the Prowl- Or very Newly Aquainted Couples...... I'm just sayin'- I think that Vagina Worshipping Day- oops- wrong V....Valentines Day is ALL about the chase. Ohhh Baby....I say "chase on" ;) XoXoXo 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted February 6, 2012 Call be a miserable bastard if you like, but Valentine's Day really annoys the hell out of me. If I choose to be romantic, or just tell someone how much I love them, I'll do that; I resent being expected to save these things up for a particular day. And I can't shake the feeling that the real point of it is so that Hallmark can sell you pink things with hearts on, and have something to put on their shelves between Christmas and Easter. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
castle 38816 Report post Posted February 6, 2012 My dream woman is one who happily celebrates and eagerly looks forward to "Steak And A Blowjob Day". The instant I meet such a lady....I WILL marry her! Mark my words! ;) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cato 160314 Report post Posted February 6, 2012 I love Valentine's Day, partly because it falls on my birthday (well almost-just a day off--it's the warm-up), partly because it gives me an excuse to express sloppy sentiments to women like Em and not be too embarrassed about it. :) What could be better??? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VexingVixen 2519 Report post Posted February 6, 2012 When I was younger, I loved it. The smushy romance, love, and the idea of perfect love... .. now? It smacks of consumerist BS, and I wait until the next day to get the chocolates I like on sale. If I love you, you will know all year round, and Valentines isn't the day I'll tell you. Moreover, I don't need diamonds, dying flowers and chocolate to know that you love me! For years my ex-hubs and I called it Singles Awareness Day b/c it's the only day of the year that you are PAINFULLY aware if you are the least bit lonely! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daniel17 3616 Report post Posted February 6, 2012 I can see both sides of the coin for Valentines Day. For the people into all the mushy, smoooshy, tooooossshy, stuff, I can understand why they love it. All the power to them. Nothing wrong with that. I just am not a huge fan of it bc.... It makes most (not all) of the single people feel like crap because they don't have anybody. And it's a day that is a reminder that they are alone (which isn't wrong). Then all day long it's just thrown in their face with people getting flowers, bears, chocolates, etc. Then for the people who are just starting relationships. It can put tremendous amount of pressure on them to live up to crazy unattainable expectations on a day, when instead they should be just be enjoying the best time of a relationship, "the honeymoon stage", when they should be all around each other 24/7, kissing each other every second, texting, calling, whatever floats your boat, basically just enjoying the this is fucking awesome stage. But anyways, yeah for this Valentines Day, I'll be single, as I just got out of a relationship a couple weeks ago. You won't see me being sad tho, lol. My friend Kate, also just got out of a relationship, so we'll be celebrating Valentines Day together, no, not at Juniper, Beckta, Vittoria Trattoria, but we'll be getting our drank on at the Manx drinking apricot beers (which are amazing), and eating some amazing apps from there. The point of the last paragraph, is just that don't do something on V-Day, because it's V-Day, just do something that makes you happy. Whether that's drinking at a tiny bar in Ottawa (like lame ass me), or watching the hockey game, using crayons in a colouring book, dancing to LMFAO, or whatever makes your frown upside down, just do you, and that is what is important. I don't know, just in my opinion, not saying it's right, just my opinion, Valentines Day is just a day that never lives up to the hype (much like New Year's Eve). I find the best days are the ones that aren't planned, and just kinda spontaneously combust to awesome-sauce. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frenchbrute 1090 Report post Posted February 6, 2012 I guess for myself their is somewhat of a mix of emotions with this holiday. As a few have mentioned here alreday, it is unfortunately a constant reminder to those that are not currently in relationships and places a focus on that ellement of your life if you happen to be single. I came from a home and family where every holiday was greatly celebrated, where dad brought my flowers, cards, chocolate, jewellery, etc... and were mom left dad notes attached to his ironed shirts and his lunches wen he got up in the morning. Seeing this for years, it isn't a surprise that I enjoy doing the same types of things for the women that are in my life. I like getting flowers(pick them yourself), find a special gift, perfume, clothing, etc... The last few Valentine's have been rather unfortunate as last Valentines Day I had bought flowers and made arrangements a week early for once. I had picked up some romantic music. I bought the groceries to make dinner at home, cleaned the apartment and decorated get an e-mail saying that she wanted to break-up!..yeah that kind of blew the day! For future Valentine's Days I would say...make sure ther eis no "break-up" e-mail in your ibox before shelling out 500$!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest S**a*Q Report post Posted February 6, 2012 Vday falls in between two trips for me. I get back from Tbay on the 13th and head out again on another jaunt the 15th... I suppose I'll be unpacking, doing laundry then repacking. Maybe dinner with a friend? Probably not though, mostly just parading around my new apt in my underwear, cause that's how I roll. :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Claire Heavens 51771 Report post Posted February 6, 2012 I guess for myself their is somewhat of a mix of emotions with this holiday. As a few have mentioned here alreday, it is unfortunately a constant reminder to those that are not currently in relationships and places a focus on that ellement of your life if you happen to be single. I came from a home and family where every holiday was greatly celebrated, where dad brought my flowers, cards, chocolate, jewellery, etc... and were mom left dad notes attached to his ironed shirts and his lunches wen he got up in the morning. Seeing this for years, it isn't a surprise that I enjoy doing the same types of things for the women that are in my life. I like getting flowers(pick them yourself), find a special gift, perfume, clothing, etc... The last few Valentine's have been rather unfortunate as last Valentines Day I had bought flowers and made arrangements a week early for once. I had picked up some romantic music. I bought the groceries to make dinner at home, cleaned the apartment and decorated get an e-mail saying that she wanted to break-up!..yeah that kind of blew the day! For future Valentine's Days I would say...make sure ther eis no "break-up" e-mail in your ibox before shelling out 500$!!! OUCH. I feel your pain FrenchBrute :( I too- have a one time experience of a Valentines day break up. Some People are just Brainless. And Heartless. Everything happens for a reason. And we all Kiss Karma eventually ;) But Dont be bitter with Valentines day- be bitter with Miss Insensitive!! XoXoXo 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jordynk 2682 Report post Posted February 6, 2012 Hmm Valentines day.. I always loved this day, cinnamon heart candies, chocolates..romance in the air.. Although I never really celebrated the day with a bf, I have always had a good day! This year if I'm not working I may go to Tremblant and rent a chalet for me n some friends... Hot tub, wine, in a very gorgeous place :-) I have been dying to get out there this year and Vday sounds like a perfectly good time to go :-) hehe` I wish every one a happy and great Vday! xoxo 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Claire Heavens 51771 Report post Posted February 6, 2012 So I have now typed out THREE very long messages to post in here.....and lost them ALL. GRRRR. Now I am bitter!!! Valentines day can go to Hell. Haha. Just Kidding! ish. Okay Well I am just gonna get to the point then........Eventually......When I find it. I have just realized- Clearly not quickly enough..... that um, I dont think I should have posted a thread regarding LOVE on a Sexxxy ESCORT Site......My Brainless moment. I blame Wal-mart. HAHA. I went in there. I was Brainwashed with endless aisles of two-toned -glittery- eye catching crap. I went in there. I saw RED. I saw PINK. I saw Teddybears, and regret-filled-cheap engagement rings. hahaha. VOMIT. I Think it's kinda Funny or at least interesting anyway- that so many people LOVE to HATE (Bitter)Sweet Saint Valentines DAY. The blame put on the Hallmarkism of it all. Will you fall victim to Cupids Contagious C.... Let me get this right...... C-O-.... oh yeah, COMMERCIALISM.....? this Over-Sensationalized-Seemingly Mandatory- Mushy- Slight possibilty of Coerced Premature Confessions of love...... Seriously? All that from a $5 cheesy card, and Waxy shit tasting chocolate (Con)sealed in a Heart shaped Box? I think the Defiance used against giving into the stupidity love leaks is Deeper than the Candy Dish, ya kno? ;) If ya take a closer look.....ALL Holidays are Drowning in Commercialism. When it comes to Christmas- that holiday is milked for all its worth. Valentines day is supposed to be a slightly religious, and a obviously romantic rip...I mean holiday. Christmas is Religious, traditional, and Magical- ( ya thats right- SANTA knows everything!) So.....Is it really the Walmartism behind it all? Or.....Do you have a grudge on my Guy, Cupid? ;) ANYWAY. Happy V Day ;) However, and IF ever, you'll decide to Celebrate! Whether you're SINGLE OR STUCK, or YA STAYED OR STRAYED...... YOU must CUM and PLAY ON! Muah! XoXoXo Roar! 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted February 6, 2012 Since I don't have an SO, I don't have any plans, but I am certainly willing to be someone's Valentine. Any takers? 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cato 160314 Report post Posted February 6, 2012 I agree that all these events are over-commercialised, but I still think you can have fun with them, if you approach them in the right spirit. These old religious festivals (going back to Roman times and beyond), used to have a special meaning, to let people break away from the pain of daily life for a bit, and to recognise that there are higher and more important things, like love, devotion, community, friendship. They can still be a good reminder of these values, if we don't either get swept away by the consumerism, or else let it turn us off completely to the deeper meaning. So I intend to celebrate Valentine's Day, the old festival of love and fertility, anyway, as I do every year, in tribute to the Romans, who invented it, and to my friends. And I'll be wishing my special cerb women a Happy Valentine's! 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theliquor (Lost but not fo 50595 Report post Posted February 6, 2012 pick me, pick me!!!!!!!! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katherine of Halifax 113933 Report post Posted February 6, 2012 Since getting roses is my absolute favourite gift to receive I love this day. I am guaranteed to recieve those, chocolates, dinner out and many other good things. Love Valentine's day!! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrrnice2 157005 Report post Posted February 6, 2012 Interesting thread! Valentines day was always a special day because it provided the excuse, not that one should ever NEED an excuse, but it was an incentive to get dressed up, to book a reservation at a fine dining restaurant, to spend 3-4 hours away from the kids and to relax and talk over a leisurely meal. A couple can easily get "too busy" and get out of that habit so often it would get us back into making that sort of an evening a more regular affair. I always liked Valentines Day. :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old Dog 179138 Report post Posted February 6, 2012 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest S***dst*** Report post Posted February 7, 2012 No offense to anyone who doesn't share my view on this particular holiday but I think it's a load of crap. You shouldn't need a special day to tell someone you love, that you love them. If you love them, you tell them anyday. If you want to buy them a gift, you buy them a gift. You don't need a special day to do/remind you to do these things; or atleast you shouldn't. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
castle 38816 Report post Posted February 7, 2012 Seeing heart shaped donuts at Tim Hortons just pissed me off.. Posted via Mobile Device Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted February 7, 2012 No offense to anyone who doesn't share my view on this particular holiday but I think it's a load of crap. You shouldn't need a special day to tell someone you love, that you love them. If you love them, you tell them anyday. If you want to buy them a gift, you buy them a gift. You don't need a special day to do/remind you to do these things; or atleast you shouldn't. I agree. It's been Valentine's Day everyday for me for the last few months. Notice me smiling for no reason here.. One day is not enough. :) What one person feels on Valentine's day, I am lucky to feel that way everyday. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites